// ==UserScript== |
// @name Polyratings (Student Center) |
// @namespace http://github.com/Chris2fourlaw |
// @version 0.1.4 |
// @description List ratings for instructors in Student Center |
// @author Chris Lawson |
// @match *://cmsweb.pscs.calpoly.edu/* |
// @icon https://polyratings.org/favicon.ico |
// @downloadURL https://gist.github.com/Chris2fourlaw/fc93524caab046b35d99e1e0be3a3b0a/raw/polyratings_sc.user.js |
// @updateURL https://gist.github.com/Chris2fourlaw/fc93524caab046b35d99e1e0be3a3b0a/raw/polyratings_sc.user.js |
// @grant GM_getValue |
// @grant GM_setValue |
// @grant GM_addStyle |
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand |
// @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js |
// @require https://raw.github.com/odyniec/MonkeyConfig/master/monkeyconfig.js |
// ==/UserScript== |
// Menu Config |
const cfg = new MonkeyConfig({ |
title: "Polyratings (Student Center) Configuration", |
menuCommand: true, |
params: { |
colors: { |
type: "checkbox", |
default: true, |
}, |
}, |
}); |
// DOM observer |
const observeDOM = (() => { |
const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; |
return (obj, callback) => { |
if (!obj || obj.nodeType !== 1) return; |
if (MutationObserver) { |
// define a new observer |
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(callback); |
// have the observer observe foo for changes in children |
mutationObserver.observe(obj, { childList: true, subtree: true }); |
return mutationObserver; |
} |
// browser support fallback |
if (window.addEventListener) { |
obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false); |
obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false); |
} |
}; |
})(); |
// Get all professors from API |
function getAllProfs() { |
return fetch('https://api-prod.polyratings.org/professors') |
.then((res) => res.json()) |
.then((data) => data); |
} |
// Find intersecting |
function intersectingDbEntities(arrays) { |
if (arrays.length === 1) { |
return { |
intersect: arrays[0], |
nonIntersect: [], |
}; |
} |
const idToEntity = arrays.flat().reduce((acc, curr) => { |
acc[curr.id] = curr; |
return acc; |
}, {}); |
const idArrays = arrays.map((arr) => arr.map((x) => x.id)); |
let intersectionSet = new Set(idArrays[0]); |
idArrays.slice(1).forEach((array) => { |
const compareSet = new Set(array); |
intersectionSet = new Set([...intersectionSet].filter((x) => compareSet.has(x))); |
}); |
const nonIntersect = arrays.flat().filter((x) => !intersectionSet.has(x.id)); |
return { |
intersect: Array.from(intersectionSet).map((id) => idToEntity[id]), |
nonIntersect, |
}; |
} |
// Search API response for professor |
function searchForProf(profName) { |
const tokens = profName.toLowerCase().split(' '); |
let tokenMatches; |
// If style is F. Last |
if (tokens[0][1] === '.') { |
tokenMatches = tokens.map((token) => |
profList.filter((prof) => |
`${prof.firstName[0]}. ${prof.lastName}`.toLowerCase().includes(token), |
), |
); |
} else { |
tokenMatches = tokens.map((token) => |
profList.filter((prof) => |
`${prof.lastName}, ${prof.firstName}`.toLowerCase().includes(token), |
), |
); |
} |
const { intersect } = intersectingDbEntities(tokenMatches); |
return intersect[0]; |
} |
// Get professor rating from API |
function getProfRating(profName) { |
const rating = searchForProf(profName)?.overallRating; |
if (rating) { |
return rating.toLocaleString('en', { useGrouping: false, minimumFractionDigits: 1 }); |
} |
return ""; |
} |
// Get row color |
function getRowColor(rating) { |
if (rating > 3.0) { |
return '#D9EAD3'; |
} |
if (rating > 2.5) { |
return '#FFF2CC'; |
} |
if (rating > 1.75) { |
return '#FDE5CD'; |
} |
return '#F4CCCC'; |
} |
// Update the tables |
function modifyTables() { |
// Schedule table & Shopping cart |
$( |
'table[id^="STDNT_ENRL_"], table[id^="SSR_REGFORM_"], table[id^="CLASS_MTG_"], table[id^="SSR_CLSRCH_"]', |
).each((i, table) => { |
let innerTable; |
let instructorCol; |
innerTable = $(table).find('table')[0]; |
innerTable = innerTable ? innerTable : table // If there is no inner table, try the outer one |
// Create header |
const headers = $(innerTable).find('th'); |
const polyRatingHeader = $(innerTable).find('th[abbr="PolyRating"]'); |
headers.each((j, th) => { |
if (th.abbr === 'Instructor' && polyRatingHeader.length === 0) { |
instructorCol = j; |
const alignment = th.align ? th.align : 'left'; |
$(th).after( |
`<th scope="col" abbr="PolyRating" width="80" align="${alignment}" class="PSLEVEL1GRIDCOLUMNHDR"> |
<a tabindex="291" class="PSLEVEL1GRIDCOLUMNHDR" href="https://polyratings.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> |
Polyrating |
</a> |
</th>`, |
); |
} |
}); |
// Populate ratings data |
$(innerTable) |
.find('tr') |
.each((j, tr) => { |
const cells = $(tr).find('td'); |
const instructorCell = cells[instructorCol]; |
const polyRatingCol = $(tr).find('td[abbr="PolyRatingCell"]'); |
if (instructorCell && polyRatingCol.length === 0) { |
const prof = searchForProf(instructorCell.innerText); |
const ratingText = prof ? `${prof?.overallRating} / 4.0 (${prof?.numEvals})` : '<a href="https://polyratings.org/new-teacher" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Add</a>'; |
$(instructorCell).after( |
`<td class="PSLEVEL1GRIDODDROW" abbr="PolyRatingCell"> |
<a href="https://polyratings.org/professor/${prof?.id}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> |
${ratingText} |
</a> |
</td>`, |
); |
// Add row colors if enabled |
if (prof && cfg.get('colors')) { |
$(tr) |
.find('td') |
.each((k, cell) => |
$(cell).css('background-color', getRowColor(prof?.overallRating)), |
); |
// These attributes change the bg color |
$(tr).removeAttr('onclick'); |
$(tr).removeAttr('onmouseout'); |
$(tr).removeAttr('onmouseover'); |
} |
} |
}); |
}); |
} |
// Globalize the full professor list |
const profList = await getAllProfs(); |
// Main function |
$(document).ready(() => { |
modifyTables(); |
}); |
document.body.childNodes.forEach((node) => { |
observeDOM(node, () => { |
modifyTables(); |
}); |
}); |
This is clean. Nice job!