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Last active March 6, 2019 18:51
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import Foundation
infix operator <>: AdditionPrecedence
public protocol Semigroup {
func combine(with other: Self) -> Self
static func <> (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension Semigroup {
public static func <> (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
return lhs.combine(with: rhs)
extension Numeric where Self: Semigroup {
public func combine(with other: Self) -> Self {
return self + other
extension Int: Semigroup { }
extension Array: Semigroup {
public func combine(with other: Array) -> Array {
return self + other
extension String: Semigroup {
public func combine(with other: String) -> String {
return self + other
extension Bool: Semigroup {
public func combine(with other: Bool) -> Bool {
return self && other
public func concat<S: Semigroup>(_ values: [S], initial: S) -> S {
return values.reduce(initial, <>)
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