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# Photoboof Configuration File
# Use caution when editing manually.
### The delay in seconds before the first picture is taken after the
### start button is pressed. During this time the intro message
### (msg_start.jpg) will be visible:
initial_delay = 2
### An added delay in seconds before each picture is taken
picture_delay_before = 2.5
### An added delay in seconds after each picture is taken
picture_delay_after = 3
### A delay in seconds after everything has finished, before Photoboof
### will allow the next pictures to be taken. Useful for slowing the
### crowd down.
ending_delay = 4
### Lets you specify a skin for all the graphics. See the Skins section
### in the manual for more info.
skin = default
### What layout would you like to use? This is best set through the GUI.
layout = double strip
### Want to make a second layout? If so, this is the name of the layout as
### it appears in Photoboof's layout list in Preferences --> Layout.
### Or "none" to not produce a secondary layout.
secondary_layout = none
### If you're printing the secondary layout, how many prints?
secondary_layout_prints = 0
### Sending the secondary layout to the primary or secondary printer?
### (This isn't working yet, email me if you need it).
secondary_layout_printer = primary
### If set to yes, Photoboof puts the individual pictures and layouts in
### c:\photoboof7\events\[DATE]\pics and c:\photoboof7\events\[DATE]\strips,
### where [DATE] is the current date.
store_pics_by_date = no
### Is your camera mounted horizontally or vertically? If vertically,
### is your monitor rotated or not? Options are "horizontal", "vertical"
### (camera rotated and monitor rotated too), or vertical2 (camera rotated,
### monitor unrotated).
orientation = horizontal
### This is the color mode. Current options are "b&w", "color", "sepia",
### "painting" or "sketch". Possibly more options avaialble now, see GUI.
color_mode = color
### If you're using sepia or sketch or painting mode, you can adjust the
### amount of effect with the parameters below:
sepia_parameter = 80
sketch_parameter = 10
painting_parameter = 10
### This controls the algorhythm that Photoboof uses to resize pictures.
### Setting it to "fast" will be a much faster resizing on slower computer
### such as netbooks. Setting it to "high" will be a bit slower but higher
### quality. Note that this only applies to graphics shown on the screen,
### not to printed graphics.
picture_resize_quality_screen = fast
### Same as above, but for images that will be printed. In other words,
### for images in the printed layouts.
picture_resize_quality_printed = high
### Make a 2x2 grid of each session and put it in c:\photoboof7\strips2?
### (Useful for post-event webpages). Note that you could get more control
### over this by using a secondary layout.
force_grid_creation = no
### Would you like to make a strip even if that's not your primary layout?
### For example, if you're making grids of the pictures, do you want strips
### to be created as well? (Also useful for post-event webpages)
force_strip_creation = no
### If you're using force strip creation, this is the background color
### of the strip. You can use most color names, or hex values by
strip_background_color = black
### Should Photoboof remember its window position? (yes or no)
remember_window_position = no
### Want to put copies of the pics and strips somewhere else? For
### example you could use this to automatically archive the event
### to a thumbdrive for the client, or for a 3rd party slideshow
### application. Full local path, or network path, or "no" if
### disabled.
### And you can have multiple paths if you want, separated
### by commas. For example, to copy every strip to f:\strips, the
### line would read "copy_strips = f:\strips". To copy every strip
### to f:\strips and g:\strips, the line would read "copy_strips =
### f:\strips, g:\strips"
copy_strips = no
copy_pics = no
### Do not edit, keeps track of Photoboof version for upgrades
photoboof_version = 7.5096
### Number of seconds to display the instructions before video
### recording
video_instructions_duration = 3
### Length of video in seconds. For now, not longer than 30 seconds.
video_length = 10
### Number of seconds to show video_finished.jpg after video is done
### recording. Currently this is shown while video is transferring from
### the camera, and will remain on the screen until the transfer is done.
video_ending_duration = 6
### want to keep video_warning_background visible for a moment before
### starting the countdown? Set to "0" if not, or the number of seconds.
video_warning_preroll = 2
### An offset that lets you move the video countdown up/down and left/right.
### For example, to move it up to pixels, set the video_countdown_offset_y = -10.
video_countdown_offset_x = 0
video_countdown_offset_y = 50
### Since the Canon driver takes a moment to enable video on the camera,
### which causes a flicker in the live preview, you can optionally keep
### video enabled. Only do this if you're using your booth as a dedicated
### video booth.
keep_video_enabled = no
### Show the restart buttons while recording video?
show_restart_buttons = no
### If you're showing the restart buttons, this is the offset from the countdown
### for the restart button
videostart_offset_x = -240
videostart_offset_y = 0
### If you're showing the restart buttons, this is the offset from the countdown
### for the stop button
videostop_offset_x = 240
videostop_offset_y = 0
### The DSLR doesn't refocus while recording video. Setting this to "yes" will
### perform an auto focus at the start of the video.
auto_focus_video = yes
### Here you can choose to use Photoboof's built-in printing engine, or Irfanview.
### Options are "photoboof" or "irfanview". Highly recommended to use photoboof.
printing_engine = photoboof
### Other printer values (these are best set through the gui)
printOrientation = Portrait
printScale = fit
leftMargin = 0
rightMargin = 0
topMargin = 0
bottomMargin = 0
hStretch = 0
vStretch = 0
center_print = yes
enable_printing = yes
primary_printer = MITSUBISHI CP70D Series(USB)
secondary_printer = None
secondary_printer_mode = reprinter
number_of_prints = 1
### Monitor printer? Options are "yes", "no", "medium". Setting "yes" means
### printer status will be checked both before printing and 40 seconds
### afterwards. Setting "medium" means it'll only be checked before printing.
### Setting "no" means printer status isn't queried. You can also use 0, 1, 2.
### This is useful if you're executing commands when the printer goes down.
monitor_printer = no
### What camera contorller are you using? Best set through GUI.
camera_controller = photoboof_dslr
### Do you want to launch the camera controller automatically
### if it isn't running? Definitely keep this as yes.
launch_controller = yes
greenscreen_enabled = no
# options are random or static
greenscreen_mode = random
# path to greenscreen images folder
greenscreen_folder = default
# path to greenscreen static image
greenscreen_image = none
foreground_enabled = no
# options are random or static
foreground_mode = random
# path to greenscreen images folder
foreground_folder = ""
# path to greenscreen static image
foreground_image = none
# The viewer is what people inside the booth see. Displaying it isn't
# mandatory, but highly recommended.
### This will launch The Viewer automatically when Photoboof starts.
### Once you get things configured you'll probably want to set this to yes.
launch_viewer_automatically = yes
### The monitor used when launching the viewer automatically.
### For example, if you're showing the viewer on monitor 2, this would be 2.
### It's *highly* recommended to use a second monitor, so you can let people
### inside the booth see monitor 2, while you see status messages on monitor 1.
viewer_monitor = 2
### The x and y position of the Ready graphic in the Viewer. Remember,
### x is the horizontal position, y is the vertical. Options are a number
### or the word "center" (without the quotes) to center it.
ready_pos_x = center
ready_pos_y = center
### Show the intro message before the live camera preview?
show_intro_message = yes
### Insert a delay before starting the countdown but after telling the camera
### to take the picture? Note that you can also adjust
### the "picture_delay_before" above to add a delay before telling the camera to take
### the picture, which is often necessary with DSLRs and webcams since they take
### pictures so quickly.
countdown_pre_delay = 0
### This is how long countodwn-0.png ("say cheese") will be displayed.
### Setting this to 0 will make it so this graphic doesn't appear.
countdown_post_delay = 1
### The position of the countdown.
### Options are a number or "center" (without the quotes) if you'd like it centered.
### Note that you can also set the Y value to "auto" to place the countdown graphic
### immediately below the live preview. If you set the y position to "center", the
### live preview won't be visible during the countdown.
countdown_pos_x = center
countdown_pos_y = auto
### If you just need to fine-tune the position of the countdown, you can use
### these adjustments. Negatives are fine.
countdown_offset_x = 0
countdown_offset_y = 0
### If in money mode (see below), the x and y position of the credits
### graphic. You can use "center" for credits_x if you'd like.
credits_x = center
credits_y = 700
### This is a margin around the viewer. Useful if your viewer monitor is partially
### covered by a frame or bezel.
viewer_margin = 0
### This is the x and y position of msg_start.jpg, which appears
### when someone presses the start button but before the first picture
### is taken. This is usually instructions, like "the photobooth will now
### take 4 pictures". You can set the duration of this message with
### initial_delay above.
starting_msg_pos_x = center
starting_msg_pos_y = center
### This is the x and y position of finished_msg.jpg, which appears
### after all 4 photos have been taken. This is usually something like
### "your printouts will be ready in about a minute". You set the delay
### before this appears and its duration in the two parameters after these.
ending_msg_pos_x = center
ending_msg_pos_y = 200
### This is a delay in seconds after the 4 picture grid appears, and before
### whatever instructions you put in finished_msg.jpg appear.
delay_before_ending_msg = 1
### This is a delay in seconds after finished_msg.jpg appear. In other words,
### this is how many seconds that message stays visible.
delay_after_ending_msg = 4
### Setting this to yes makes it so the pictures disappear when the ready graphic appears.
### Useful if you don't want the next group of people to see the previous group's pictures.
### If you want the pics to stay longer, add a delay using ending_delay above.
blank_on_ready = no
### Do you want the viewer to be always-on-top? In other words, should it be the topmost window?
### Note that changing this setting requires restarting Photoboof.
always_on_top = no
### Want to put a "picture frame" behind each picture when its being reviewed?
### If so, Photoboof will use the file picture_frame.png, which you should
### put in your skins directory. This is useful if you're not showing the
### picture fullscreen to dress it up a bit.
picture_shown_in_frame = no
### Should this picture frame appear in the fullsize pics in the slideshow?
picture_shown_in_frame_in_slideshow = no
### By default the picture frame is a background, meaning the pictures are
### pasted on top of the image. If you set this to "mask" then the pictures
### are laid out and the mask is pasted on top. Useful for rounded edges.
### The mask file would be a transparent PNG image with holes for the pictures.
picture_frame_style = background
### When reviewing each picture after its taken, how large should it be?
### For fullscreen, specify "maximum", or you can use some pixel number if
### you'd like to specify the length of the longest edge. For example if
### you want the picture to be 800x600 on your monitor, you'd specify "800"
picture_longest_edge = maximum
### You can move the picture around on its frame with the X and Y offset.
### This can be a negative number.
picture_frame_x_offset = 0
picture_frame_y_offset = 0
# picture summary stuff
### The picture summary is what people see after the final picture is taken.
### Show it? Options are "yes" or "no".
show_picture_summary = yes
### Would you like to show the final picture fullscreen before showing the
### summary?
show_final_picture = no
### What style summary? Probably best edited through Preferences --> Summary
### will show a 2x2 grid after the 4th picture is taken, and at the moment
### is ignored if you're using layouts that don't have 4 pictures.
summary_style = classic
### This shows a live preview before taking a picture. Options are "yes"
### (to use live preview), "intro" (to use live preview only during the intro), or
### "no". If you have any problems, restart Photoboof *and* your camera controller.
live_preview = yes
### This is the size of the live preview. Options are "large" (or 2), "small"
### (or 1), or some number of pixels if you want to specify the longest edge of
### your live preview manually. In other words, if your camera is horizontally
### mounted, this would allow you to set the width of the live preview.
live_preview_size = 2
### When live_preview is set to yes, this is the duration BEFORE THE COUNTDOWN.
### In other words, if you want to give people more time during the live preview,
### increase this value. Especially nice when you want to let people interact
### with a greenscreen background.
live_preview_duration = 1
### These are the X and Y positions of the live preview, if you're using it. This
### can be a number or the word center. NOTE: changing either of these requires
### restarting Photoboof.
live_preview_x = center
live_preview_y = center
### Do you want to show a generic intro graphic (msg_start.jpg) even if
### live preview is activated? Note that you can set the duration of this graphic
### with the initial_delay variable above.
force_intro_graphic = no
### Some DSLRs and other cameras don't natively support live preview, so you
### can set this value to "yes" if you'd like to use a webcam for your live preview
### instead of the main camera.
live_preview_webcam = no
### Since DSLRs overheat if the live view is active for too long, should we pause
### the live view between uses? Highly recommended to keep this at yes.
live_preview_pausing_dslr = yes
### Pause the live view even with Canon Powershots? If you're using a slow computer
### this can help, but note that you shouldn't use pausing if you don't need to since
### some older cameras might produce errors sometimes.
live_preview_pausing_powershot = no
### Some DSLRs such as the Canon 40D turn off the live preview after 30 minutes
### of inactivity if you're not using live preview pausing. But note, you probably
### don't want to use this if you're using live preview pausing, since it may pop
### the live view on top of the viewer. Its recommended not to use this setting.
### Set this to "yes" and Photoboof will take a picture if
### no picture has been taken for 25 minutes. Set to "no" to disable it.
live_preview_keep_alive = no
### The "monitored folder" is a folder that Photoboof watches for new pictures.
### If enough pictures appear in that folder, Photoboof processes them into your
### layout and prints them.
### path to the monitored folder. Leave this as "monitored_folder" to use
### c:\photoboof7\monitored_folder.
monitored_folder = monitored_folder
### enabled? (yes or no)
monitored_folder_enabled = yes
### This will play the sound c:\photoboof7\click.wav before taking a picture.
warning_sound = no
### Would you like to insert a delay before playing the warning sound?
### In seconds, decimals are fine.
delay_before_warning_sound = .3
### This will play intro.wav from the skins directory during the intro, then
### picture1.wav before taking picture 1, picture2.wav before taking picture 3,
### etc., and finished.wav when finished.
picture_sounds = no
### Would you like to insert a delay before playing the picture sounds?
### In seconds, decimals are fine.
delay_before_picture_sounds = 2.5
### Are you running Photoboof in money mode? See the section "Accepting
### Money" in the manual for a discussion of money mode. Options are
### yes and no, and you must restart Photoboof if you change this value.
money_mode = no
### If you're in money_mode, where is the credits file?
credit_file = credits.txt
### How many credits allows people to start the Photoboof sequence?
### For example, if you're charging $4 per strip, you'd probably set
### this to 4.
credits_to_start = 4
### Do you want the sequence to start right away if they insert
### sufficient credits?
money_mode_start_automatically = no
### See credits_x and credits_y in the Viewer section above to set position
### of credits graphic.
### If you're wiring your bill acceptor directly into Photoboof's USB/serial
### button harness, see the section at the end of this file where you can set
### actions for individual buttons.
### If you're using a bill acceptor that sends pulses, this is the amount of
### of time in seconds after receiving a pulse that Photoboof will ignore
### additional pulses. For example, if a single pulse from your bill acceptor
### is being read as 3 pulses, increasing the time of this by .01 seconds
### or so should eliminate the problem.
bill_acceptor_debounce = .00
### A Phidget is a USB relay board that Photoboof uses.
### See the Photoboof manual for more info. Options are "yes" or "no".
### Changing this setting requires restarting Photoboof. Leave this
### set to "yes" unless you have some special reason for disabling it.
use_phidget = yes
### Photoboof can run external commands at various points in the
### sequence. If you'd like it to email you at various events,
### put "email" for the command and fill in your email settings
### in the section after this. For example, if you'd like to be
### emailed when the printer goes down, make the value look
### like this: "command_printer_down = email" (without the
### quotes).
### Or to reboot the computer, put "reboot" (without the quotes)
### If your command has spaces, surround it with quotes. See the
### manual for some examples. And if you have no command, put
### just "none" (without the quotes).
### When Photoboof first starts:
command_at_launch = none
### Is the command enabled (yes or no)
command_at_launch_enabled = no
### If it can't detect your camera:
command_no_camera = none
command_no_camera_enabled = no
### If it doesn't get a reply from your camera:
command_no_reply_from_camera = none
command_no_reply_from_camera_enabled = no
### After the camera is launched (whether successful
### or not, and only if using Photoboof as the camera
### controller)
command_after_camera_launch = none
command_after_camera_launch_enabled = no
### At the start of the image sequence
command_at_start = none
command_at_start_enabled = no
### Before taking each picture:
command_before_picture = none
command_before_picture_enabled = no
### After taking each picture:
command_after_picture = none
command_after_picture_enabled = no
### After taking the last picture:
command_after_all_pictures = none
command_after_all_pictures_enabled = no
### After assembling the strip:
command_after_strip = none
command_after_strip_enabled = no
### After printing:
command_after_printing = none
command_after_printing_enabled = no
### At the end of the sequence:
command_at_end = none
command_at_end_enabled = no
### If Photoboof thinks there's a problem with the printer:
command_printer_down = none
command_printer_down_enabled = no
### Executed when you reprint a pic
command_after_reprint = none
command_after_reprint_enabled = no
### Executed when you're in money mode, and enough money
### has been inserted
command_money_mode = none
command_money_mode_enabled = no
### Executed when the monitored folder finishes executing
command_after_monitored_folder = none
command_after_monitored_folder_enabled = no
# If you set this to "yes", users will be asked whether they want to
# keep each pic after its taken
confirm_pictures = no
# Do you want to limit the amount of times people can retake their pictures?
# (0 for unlimited, or, for example, 3 to limit people to 3 retakes)
retake_limit = 0
# This determines whether the actual question (confirmation-dialog.jpg)
# is shown. For example, you might want to hide it if your yes/no buttons
# say something like "keep" and "retake". (yes/no)
show_confirmation_question = yes
# This is the timeout in seconds that we'll wait for an answer. If
# you don't want any timeout, set this value to 999999 or something high.
confirmation_timeout = 30
# Photoboof positions the dialog question and buttons, but you can fine tune
# their positions here
dialog_offset_x = 0
dialog_offset_y = 0
buttons_offset_x = 0
buttons_offset_y = 0
# Spacing between the buttons
buttons_margin = 30
### Enable data entry? (yes or no). You need to restart Photoboof after
### changing this setting.
enable_data_entry = no
### At what point do you want to show the data entry screen?
### Options are 1 (start of sequence), 2 (after intro message),
### 3 (after the final picture)
data_entry_position = 1
### Timeout period. Note that it gets reset whenever they press a keyboard key
data_entry_timeout = 20.0
### Should we validate emails and show an error if we don't have a valid one?
validate_emails = no
### Should we allow the user to bypass the data entry screen?
allow_bypass = yes
### Which data template are you using? (Currently options are data1 or data2)
data_template = data1
### If they timeout on the data entry screen, should we abort the photobooth
### session?
abort_on_timeout = yes
### Enable picture emailing? (yes or no). You need to restart Photoboof after
### changing this setting.
email_pictures = no
### If you're emailing pictures, use Photoboof's email server, or specify your
### own? Recommended to use Photoboof's (so keep this as "yes")
smtp_server_internal = yes
### If you want to make a different layout for emailing, specify
### the layout name here. Leave it as "default" to email the same
### layout you're printing.
email_layout = default
### Should we resize the strip before emailing it? Options are "full"
### (no resize) or the width in pixels
email_strip_width = full
### If you want to use your own SMTP server, specify it here
smtp_server =
smtp_username = [email protected]
smtp_password = somepassword
smtp_port = 587
### If you're emailing pictures, set the sender email, subject and body:
sender_name = The Photobooth
sender_email = [email protected]
email_subject = Your Photobooth Pictures
email_body = Here are your pics!
ftp_upload = no
### Your ftp server
ftp_hostname =
### Your ftp server's port (this is almost always 21)
ftp_port = 21
### Your ftp username and password
ftp_username = yourftpusername
ftp_password = yourftppassword
### Remote directory where the pics & strips will go.
### For example, /home/username/
### You can usually see this directory in your FTP program (e.g. Filezilla)
ftp_directory = EVENT_ID/
### Do you want to upload the strips? (yes or no)
ftp_upload_strips = yes
### If you want to make a different layout for FTP uploading, specify
### the layout name here. Leave it as "default" to upload the same
### layout you're printing.
ftp_layout = default
### Should we resize the strips before uploading? Options are "full"
### (no resize) or the width in pixels
ftp_strip_width = full
### Do you want to upload the pics? (yes or no)
ftp_upload_pics = yes
### Should we resize the pics before uploading? Options are "full"
### (no resize) or the width in pixels
ftp_pics_width = 800
### Would you like to make separate subdirectories for the pics
### and strips?
ftp_make_subdirectories = no
ftp_post_process =
### Which actions can start the photobooth session?.
### Values for most options are "none" (no nothing), "default" (start
### the photobooth session in the default color_mode), "color" (start
### the photobooth session in color), "b&w" (start the photobooth
### session in black & white), "sepia" (start in sepia), "sketch"
### (use a sketch effect) and "painting" (use a painting effect).
spacebar = none
shift = none
control = none
printscreen = none
scroll = none
numlock = none
numpad0 = none
f11 = none
f12 = default
### Would you like the left or right mouse buttons to start the
### sequence? If you're using a touchscreen, its recommended to leave
### these set to "no" and let people touch the ready graphic to begin.
left_mouse_button = none
right_mouse_button = none
### Would you like the joystick buttons to start the sequence?
### See the manual under Triggers --> Joystick if you'd like different
### joystick buttons to start Photoboof in different modes.
joystick_buttons = none
### Are you connecting a button to your microphone jack?
mic_jack = none
### This is the sound threshhold above which the mic jack will
### be triggered. The scale is a bit odd: 100 to 32000. So if you're
### getting false triggers from your mic jack button, raise this.
mic_jack_threshhold = 20000
### Using a Stealth Switch?
### Will make Photoboof start when the Alt key is pressed.
stealth_switch = none
### Using an ecobutton?
### Careful, if you're using an EcoButton the Windows keyboard key
### will be blocked.
ecobutton = none
### If you're using the serial port button, what number com port is it
### attached to? Set this to "auto" if you want Photoboof to try to guess
### but be careful of serial mice, which will Photoboof will sometimes
### mistake for a serial button. (If you change this while Photoboof is
### running, you'll need to restart Photoboof).
com_port = none
### This sets what you want each button attached to your button harness
### to do. In addition to the regular actions of "default", "color",
### "b&w", "sepia", "negative", "sketch", "painting" and "none", you can also
### specify "credit", which means your bill/coin acceptor is connected
### to that button pin. You can also specify any layout. These are best
### edited through the gui.
button1 = default
button2 = default
button3 = default
button4 = default
### If you're using a secondary set of comport buttons, define them here.
### Same format as the comport buttons above. Note that these must be defined
### directly in the config file.
com_port2 = none
buttons1b = default
buttons2b = default
buttons3b = default
buttons4b = default
### This is the amount of time, in seconds, that the button attached to your
### button harness needs to be pressed before a press will register. A good
### starting point is 0.08 (seconds), and you can increase that time to something
### like 0.2 if you're getting false presses.
button_press_time = 0.08
### Additional keyboard triggers.
### You can use any keyboard letter or number to start any mode or any custom layout.
### So for example you could have the "a" key on the keyboard start in black & white,
### the "b" key start in sepia, etc. For example, to make the "a" key start the
### sequence in black & white, you'd put a line below that says "keyboard_a = b&w"
### Remember that its only for letters and numbers, no symbols at present.
### Options are "default", "color", "b&w", "sepia", "negative", "sketch", "painting",
### some layout name (exactly as it appears in Photoboof), or "none", or simply comment
### the line out or delete it.
keyboard_a = none
keyboard_b = none
### The admin interface lets you do simple tasks like reprint the last photo strip
### and see the most recent pictures through a web browser.
admin_enabled = yes
# will you be using the slideshow feature? (yes or no)
use_slideshow = yes
# do you want to auto launch the slideshow on this computer?
slideshow_autolaunch = no
# if you're autolaunching the slideshow, on which monitor?
slideshow_autolaunch_monitor = 2
# how many seconds before the last picture fades out?
delay_before_grid_fadeout = 14
# how long should the fade of the last fullscreen picture take?
duration_of_grid_fadeout = 5
# hide the mouse in the slideshow window? (yes or no)
slideshow_hide_mouse = yes
# style of the slideshow. Currently options are normal or single.
slideshow_style = normal
# slideshow size. Options are normal or large.
slideshow_size = normal
### Hide mouse cursor over the viewer?
### This will make it so the mouse cursor dosen't appear over the viewer. Useful when using
### a touchscreen. Changing this setting requires restarting Photoboof.
hide_cursor = no
### How many touchscreen regions are there? (Probably best to edit this through
### the gui)
touchscreen_regions = 6
### These are the actions triggered by the various touchscreen regions.
### The best way to edit these is through the gui.
touchscreen_region1 = color
touchscreen_region2 = b&w
touchscreen_region3 = negative
touchscreen_region4 = sepia
touchscreen_region5 = sketch
touchscreen_region6 = painting
touchscreen_region7 = default
touchscreen_region8 = default
touchscreen_region9 = default
touchscreen_region10 = default
### Feel free to ignore this section. Sometimes features that are
### about to be introduced to Photoboof will appear here.
### This allows you to have a two separate start buttons in the viewer
### that people could click or, if you're using a touchscreen, touch.
### The main button (viewer_ready.jpg) starts the sequence with the
### default color (currently either b&w or color), and the second
### button (viewer_ready2.jpg) could start the sequence in black and white.
### The value for ready2 can be either color, b&w or no. Set to no if
### you don't want the second start button to appear, set to b&w if you
### want that button to start the sequence in black and white, set to
### color if you want it to start the sequence in color.
ready2 = no
### The X and Y positions of the second start button.
ready2_pos_x = 50
ready2_pos_y = 50
### Show a background image behind the ready graphic? This is bg.jpg from
### the skin directory. This is handy if you're showing two ready buttons
### for example.
use_background = no
reprint_bw = no
### If you're doing any postprocessing of images (in other words, if
### BigPicture is sending images to some plugin or Photoshop droplet or other
### script after it takes each picture).
# enable postprocessing? (yes or no)
postprocessing_enabled = no
# if using postprocessing, what command do you want to send the pics to?
# (full path to executable, or put "none" if not using.)
postprocessing_command = none
# maximum time in seconds for postprocessing to finish
postprocessing_timeout = 20
paperSplitting = None
button1b = default
button2b = default
button3b = default
button4b = default
dual_live_preview = no
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