These prompts taken from this lesson. Highly suggest trying these on your own FIRST before comparing to these solutions.
Get all songs
# SQL SELECT * FROM songs; # AR Song.all
Get all the song lengths
# SQL SELECT length FROM songs; # AR # or - Song.pluck(:length)
Get the songs with a play count greater than zero.
# SQL SELECT * FROM songs WHERE play_count > 0; # AR Song.where("play_count > 0")
Get the titles of the songs with a play count greater than zero.
# SQL SELECT title FROM songs WHERE play_count > 0; # AR"play_count > 0") # or Song.where("play_count > 0").pluck(:title)
Get the titles of the songs with a play count greater than zero, sorted alphabetically.
# SQL SELECT title FROM songs WHERE play_count > 0 ORDER BY title; # AR"play_count > 0").order(:title) # or Song.where("play_count > 0").order(:title).pluck(:title)
Get the titles of the songs with a play count greater than zero, sorted reverse alphabetically.
# SQL SELECT title FROM songs WHERE play_count > 0 ORDER BY title DESC; # AR"play_count > 0").order(:title) # or Song.where("play_count > 0").order(:title).pluck(:title)
Get the titles of the two songs with a play count greater than zero, sorted reverse alphabetically.
# SQL SELECT title FROM songs WHERE play_count > 0 ORDER BY title DESC LIMIT 2; # AR"play_count > 0").order(title: :desc).limit(2)
Get the length of the song with the most plays.
# SQL SELECT length FROM songs ORDER BY play_count desc LIMIT 1; # AR Song.order(play_count: :desc).first.length