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Created March 9, 2011 15:49
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Save ck1125/862433 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempt at improving the workings of the assemble task of the Gradle Grails Plugin
package org.grails.gradle.plugin
import grails.util.GrailsNameUtils
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.resolve.IvyDependencyManager
import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyFactory
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor
import org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.IvyUtil
class GrailsPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
* These Grails commands require the project's runtime dependencies
* in the Grails root loader because they are not using the runtime
* classpath (as they are supposed to).
static final RUNTIME_CLASSPATH_COMMANDS = [ "RunApp", "TestApp" ] as Set
static public final GRAILS_TASK_PREFIX = "grails-"
void apply(Project project) {
if (!project.hasProperty("grailsVersion")) {
throw new RuntimeException("[GrailsPlugin] the 'grailsVersion' project property is not set - you need to set this before applying the plugin")
project.configurations {
compile.extendsFrom logging
runtime.extendsFrom compile
test.extendsFrom compile
bootstrap.extendsFrom logging
bootstrapRuntime.extendsFrom bootstrap, runtime
// Set up the 'bootstrap' configuration so that it contains
// all the dependencies required by the Grails build system. This
// pretty much means everything used by the scripts too.
project.dependencies {
bootstrap "org.grails:grails-bootstrap:${project.grailsVersion}",
// Provide a task that allows the user to create a fresh Grails
// project from a basic Gradle build file.
project.task("init") << {
// First make sure that a project version has been configured.
if (project.version == "unspecified") {
throw new RuntimeException("[GrailsPlugin] Build file must specify a 'version' property.")
// Don't create a new project if one already exists.
if (project.file("").exists() && project.file("grails-app").exists()) {
logger.warn "Grails project already exists - SKIPPING"
// The project name comes from the name of the project
// directory, but this can be overridden by an argument.
def projName = project.hasProperty("args") ? project.args :
runGrails("CreateApp", project, "--inplace --appVersion=" + project.version + " " + projName)
// Make the Grails 'clean' command available as a 'clean' task.
project.task("clean", overwrite: true) << {
runGrailsWithProps("Clean", project)
// Most people are used to a "test" target or task, but Grails
// has "test-app". So we hard-code a "test" task.
project.task(overwrite: true, "test") << {
runGrailsWithProps("TestApp", project)
// Gradle's Java plugin provides an "assemble" task. We map that
// to the War command here.
project.task(overwrite: true, "assemble") << {
runGrailsWithProps("War", project)
// Convert any task executed from the command line
// with the special prefix into the Grails equivalent command.
project.gradle.afterProject { p, ex ->
if (p == project) { // Only add the task to the project that applied the plugin
project.tasks.addRule("Grails command") { String name ->
if (name.startsWith(GRAILS_TASK_PREFIX)) {
// Add a task for the given Grails command.
project.task(name) << {
runGrailsWithProps(GrailsNameUtils.getNameFromScript(name - GRAILS_TASK_PREFIX), project)
* Evaluate any project lib dependencies in any of the configurations
* and add the jar task of that project as a dependency of the task we created
private void addDependencyToProjectLibTasks(task) {
task.project.configurations.each {
task.dependsOn(it.getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(true, "jar"))
* Launches Grails and executes the given command. Any command
* arguments or environment are picked up from the "args" and "env"
* project properties.
* @param cmd The Grails command to execute. Note that this should
* actually be the name of the script, not the command name. So
* "RunApp" rather than "run-app".
* @param project The Gradle project to run Grails in.
private void runGrailsWithProps(String cmd, Project project) {
def cmdArgs = project.hasProperty("args") ? project.args : null
def cmdEnv = project.hasProperty("env") ? project.env : null
runGrails(cmd, project, cmdArgs, cmdEnv)
* Launches Grails and executes the given command.
* @param cmd The Grails command to execute. Note that this should
* actually be the name of the script, not the command name. So
* "RunApp" rather than "run-app".
* @param project The Gradle project to run Grails in.
* @param args (Optional) Any arguments (as a single, space-separated
* string) that you want to pass to the Grails command. Defaults to
* <code>null</code> (no args).
* @param env (Optional) The environment to run the Grails command
* in. Defaults to <code>null</code>, which means that the command
* uses whatever its default environment is.
private void runGrails(String cmd, Project project, String args = null, String env = null) {
// Start by checking that the project has both Grails and a
// logging implementation as dependencies. Otherwise we fail
// the build.
def runtimeDeps = project.configurations.runtime.allDependencies
def grailsDep = runtimeDeps.find { == 'org.grails' &&'grails-') }
if (!grailsDep) {
throw new RuntimeException("[GrailsPlugin] Your project does not contain any 'grails-*' dependencies in 'compile' or 'runtime'.")
def loggingDep = runtimeDeps.find { == 'org.slf4j' &&'slf4j-') }
if (!loggingDep) {
throw new RuntimeException("[GrailsPlugin] Your project does not contain an SLF4J logging implementation dependency.")
// Add the "tools.jar" to the classpath so that the Grails
// scripts can run native2ascii. First assume that "java.home"
// points to a JRE within a JDK.
def javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
def toolsJar = new File(javaHome, "../lib/tools.jar");
if (!toolsJar.exists()) {
// The "tools.jar" cannot be found with that path, so
// now try with the assumption that "java.home" points
// to a JDK.
toolsJar = new File(javaHome, "tools.jar");
// There is no tools.jar, so native2ascii may not work. Note
// that on Mac OS X, native2ascii is already on the classpath.
if (!toolsJar.exists() && !System.getProperty('') == 'Mac OS X') {
project.logger.warn "[GrailsPlugin] Cannot find tools.jar in JAVA_HOME, so native2ascii may not work."
def bootsrapConfiguration = cmd in RUNTIME_CLASSPATH_COMMANDS ? project.configurations.bootstrapRuntime : project.configurations.bootstrap
// Get the bootstrap configuration as a list of URLs
// and add tools.jar to it.
def classpath = bootsrapConfiguration.files.collect { it.toURI().toURL() }
classpath << toolsJar.toURI().toURL()
// So we know what files are on what classpaths. "Classpath for Grails root loader:\n ${classpath.join('\n ')}" "Compile classpath:\n ${project.configurations.compile.files.join('\n ')}" "Test classpath:\n ${project.configurations.test.files.join('\n ')}" "Runtime classpath:\n ${project.configurations.runtime.files.join('\n ')}"
// Finally, kick off Grails with the given command. GrailsBuildHelper
// allows us to easily configure the Grails build settings and the
// various lists of dependencies. It also ensures that the Grails
// build system runs in its own class loader so that Gradle's
// dependencies don't conflict with it.
def rootLoader = new GrailsRootLoader(classpath as URL[], ClassLoader.systemClassLoader)
def grailsHelper = new GrailsBuildHelper(rootLoader, null, project.projectDir.absolutePath)
grailsHelper.compileDependencies = project.configurations.compile.files as List
grailsHelper.testDependencies = project.configurations.test.files as List
grailsHelper.runtimeDependencies = project.configurations.runtime.files as List
grailsHelper.projectWorkDir = project.buildDir
grailsHelper.classesDir = new File(project.buildDir, "classes")
grailsHelper.testClassesDir = new File(project.buildDir, "test-classes")
grailsHelper.resourcesDir = new File(project.buildDir, "resources")
grailsHelper.projectPluginsDir = new File(project.buildDir, "plugins")
grailsHelper.testReportsDir = new File(project.buildDir, "test-results")
// Grails 1.2+ only. Previous versions of Grails don't have the
// 'dependenciesExternallyConfigured' property. Note that this
// is a HACK because the 'settings' field is private.
// We can't simply check whether the property exists on the
// helper because it's the 1.2 version, whereas the project may
// be using Grails version 1.1. That's why we have to get hold
// of the actual BuildSettings instance.
def buildSettings = grailsHelper.settings
if (buildSettings.metaClass.hasProperty(buildSettings, "dependenciesExternallyConfigured")) {
grailsHelper.dependenciesExternallyConfigured = true
if (cmd == "War") {
def deps = project.configurations.runtime.files as List
if (project.hasProperty("webInfLibExclusions")) {
deps = deps.findAll { depFile -> project.webInfLibExclusions.contains( == false }
// Using a Groovy trick here, because we either want to call
// the execute() method that takes two arguments, or the one
// that takes three. So rather than calling those methods
// explicitly within a condition, we create an argument list
// and then use the spread operator.
def methodArgs = [ cmd, args ]
if (env) methodArgs << env
def retval = grailsHelper.execute(*methodArgs)
if (retval != 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("[GrailsPlugin] Grails returned non-zero value: " + retval);
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