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Forked from bkyrlach/TreeMagic.scala
Created September 14, 2012 16:40
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Adventures in Type Theory: Parametric Polymorphism(Generics) vs Adhoc Polymophism(Type Classes) (Java,Scala,C#,F#,Nemerle,Haskell)
The Objective
This language experiment was designed to show how parametric polymorphism and type classes are
implemented in different languages. The implementation languages where chosen out of personal
preference. I am well aware it's not complete and would love for you to help me with that. If
you don't see your favorite language please add it as a comment. I am also not an expert in all
of these languages but did try to make them as idiomatic as possible. If you believe there is a
better solution please leave a comment with the implementation.
The Code
The goal of the code is to create an abstract binary tree of type 'a and to create an insert function
based on a comparison function. Last we demonstrate the use with type int.
Personal Takeaways:
* ML based languages provide very terse and readable code, when compared to C based syntax.
* The mixing of ML and C based syntax in Nemerle is interesting but not sure it helps
* Type Classes provide a better user experience due to the removal of wrapper elements.
* In Scala using Implicits as Type Classes should be preferred over Generics.
* Haskell and F# to have the easiest to read code. (this says a lot coming from a 14 year
java veteran)
* A better example of Type Classes should involve higher kinds. You can see an example in scala
of this here:
Note: Parametric implementations start with PP and Type Class implementations start with TC.
If you are software nerd you can follow our adventures.
Twitter: @crkirkendall
using System;
namespace TreeMagic{
interface Comparable<T> {
int compareTo(T a);
class ComparableInteger : Comparable<ComparableInteger> {
public int val;
public ComparableInteger(int a){
public int compareTo(ComparableInteger a){
return -1;
}else if(val==a.val){
return 0;
return 1;
override public String ToString(){
return ""+val;
class Tree<T> where T : Comparable<T> {
public Tree<T> left;
public T elem;
public Tree<T> right;
public Tree(Tree<T> l, T e, Tree<T> r){
override public String ToString(){
String l = left == null ? "Tip" : left.ToString();
String r = right == null ? "Tip" : right.ToString();
return "[" + l + ":" + elem.ToString() + ":" + r +"]";
static class TreeOperations
public static Tree<T> insert<T>(Tree<T> t, T e) where T : Comparable<T>
if (t == null)
return new Tree<T>(null, e, null);
switch (t.elem.compareTo(e))
case -1: return new Tree<T>(insert(t.left, e), t.elem, t.right);
case 1: return new Tree<T>(t.left, t.elem, insert(t.right, e));
default: return new Tree<T>(t.left, t.elem, t.right);
class Program{
static void Main(string[] args){
ComparableInteger a = new ComparableInteger(123);
Tree<ComparableInteger> b=new Tree<ComparableInteger>(null,a,null);
Tree<ComparableInteger> c = TreeOperations.insert(b, new ComparableInteger(100));
open System
type IComparable<'a> =
abstract CompareTo : 'a -> int
type ComparableInt(v : int) =
member this.Val = v
override this.ToString() = string(v)
interface IComparable<ComparableInt> with
member this.CompareTo(a) =
if v > a.Val then 1
elif v = a.Val then 0
else -1
type Tree<'a when 'a :> IComparable<'a>> =
| Node of Tree<'a> * 'a * Tree<'a>
| Tip
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| Node(l,c,r) -> sprintf "[%s,%s,%s]" (l.ToString()) (c.ToString()) (r.ToString())
| Tip -> "Tip"
module TreeOperations =
let rec insert(t : Tree<'a>, e : 'a when 'a :> IComparable<'a>) =
match t with
| Node(l, c, r) ->
match e.CompareTo(c) with
| -1 -> Node(insert(l, e), c, r)
| 1 -> Node(l, c, insert(r, e))
| 0 -> Node(l, e, r)
| Tip -> Node(Tip, e, Tip)
let main(args : string[]) =
let tmp = Node(Tip, ComparableInt(3), Tip)
let tmp2 = TreeOperations.insert(tmp, ComparableInt(4))
public class TreeMagic {
public static void main(String[] args){
ComparableInteger a = new ComparableInteger(123);
Tree<ComparableInteger> b=new Tree<ComparableInteger>(null,a,null);
Tree<ComparableInteger> c = Tree.insert(b, new ComparableInteger(100));
interface Comparable<T> {
public int compareTo(T a);
class ComparableInteger implements Comparable<ComparableInteger> {
public int val;
public ComparableInteger(int a){
public int compareTo(ComparableInteger a){
return -1;
}else if(val==a.val){
return 0;
return 1;
public String toString(){
return ""+val;
class Tree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
public final Tree<T> left;
private final T elem;
private final Tree<T> right;
public Tree(Tree<T> l, T e, Tree<T> r){
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> Tree<T> insert(Tree<T> t, T e){
return new Tree<T>(null,e,null);
switch (t.elem.compareTo(e)){
case -1: return new Tree<T>(Tree.insert(t.left, e), t.elem, t.right);
case 1: return new Tree<T>(t.left, t.elem, Tree.insert(t.right, e));
default: return new Tree<T>(t.left,t.elem,t.right);
public String toString(){
return "[" + left + ":" + elem + ":" + right +"]";
interface IComparable [A] {
CompareTo (elem : A) : int;
class ComparableInteger : IComparable[ComparableInteger] {
public val : int;
public CompareTo(a : ComparableInteger) : int{
if(val>a.val) 1
else if(val==a.val) 0
else -1
public override ToString() : string {
variant Tree[A] where A : IComparable[A] {
| Node {
left : Tree[A];
elem : A;
right : Tree[A];
| Tip
public override ToString() : string {
match (this) {
| Node(l, e, r) => ($ "[$l:$e:$r]")
| Tip => "Tip"
module TreeOperations {
public Insert[A] (t : Tree[A], e : A) : Tree[A] where A : IComparable[A] {
match (t) {
| Tree.Node(l, c, r) =>
match (e.CompareTo(c)) {
| -1 => Tree.Node(Insert(l, e), c, r)
| 1 => Tree.Node(l, c, Insert(r, e))
| 0 => Tree.Node(l, e, r)
| Tip =>
Tree.Node(Tree.Tip(), e, Tree.Tip())
class TreeMagic {
static Main () : void {
def a = ComparableInteger(123);
def b = Tree.Node(Tree.Tip(),a,Tree.Tip());
def c = TreeOperations.Insert(b, ComparableInteger(100));
System.Console.WriteLine (c);
type 'a tree = Tip | Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
module type COMPARABLE =
type t
val compare: t -> t -> int
module IntComparable =
type t = int
let compare x y =
if x < y then -1
else if x > y then 1
else 0
module TreeOperations =
functor(Elt : COMPARABLE) ->
let rec insert t e =
match t with
Tip -> Node(Tip, e, Tip)
| Node (l, c, r) ->
match ( e c) with
-1 -> Node((insert l e), c, r)
| 1 -> Node(l, c, (insert r e))
| 0 -> Node(l, e, r)
module IntTreeOp = TreeOperations(IntComparable)
let tmp1 = IntTreeOp.insert Tip 3
let tmp2 = IntTreeOp.insert tmp1 4
package problems
trait Comparable[T] {
def compareTo(t: T): Int
case class ComparableInt(val a: Int) extends Comparable[ComparableInt] {
override def compareTo(b: ComparableInt): Int = {
if(a < b.a) {
} else if (a > b.a) {
} else {
abstract class Tree[A <: Comparable[A]]
case class Node[A <: Comparable[A]](l: Tree[A], c: A, r: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
case class Tip[A <: Comparable[A]] extends Tree[A]
object Tree {
def insert[A <: Comparable[A]](t: Tree[A], e: A): Tree[A] = {
t match {
case Node(l, c, r) => {
e.compareTo(c) match {
case -1 => Node(Tree.insert(l, e), c, r)
case 1 => Node(l, c, insert(r, e))
case 0 => Node(l, e, r)
case Tip() => Node(Tip(), e, Tip())
object TreeMagic extends App {
val a = ComparableInt(123)
val b = Node(Tip(), a, Tip())
val c = Tree.insert(b, ComparableInt(100))
class Comparable a where
compareTo :: a -> a -> Int
intCompare :: Int -> Int -> Int
intCompare x y
| x < y = -1
| x > y = 1
| x == y = 0
instance Comparable Int where
compareTo x y = intCompare x y
data Tree a = Tip | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving Show
insert :: (Comparable a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
insert t e =
case t of
Node l c r ->
case compareTo c e of
-1 -> Node (insert l e) c r
1 -> Node l c (insert r e)
0 -> Node l e r
Tip -> Node Tip e Tip
main :: IO ()
main = do
let tmp = Node Tip (3::Int) Tip
tmp2 = insert tmp 4
print tmp2
trait Comparable[T] {
def compare(a: T, b: T): Int
object Comparable {
implicit object IntComparable extends Comparable[Int] {
override def compare(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
if(a < b) {
} else if (a > b) {
} else {
abstract class Tree[A: Comparable]
case class Node[A: Comparable](l: Tree[A], c: A, r: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
case class Tip[A: Comparable] extends Tree[A]
object Tree {
def insert[A : Comparable](t: Tree[A], e: A) : Tree[A] = {
t match {
case Node(l, c, r) => {
implicitly[Comparable[A]].compare(e,c) match {
case -1 => Node(Tree.insert(l, e), c, r)
case 1 => Node(l, c, insert(r, e))
case 0 => Node(l, e, r)
case Tip() => Node(Tip(), e, Tip())
object TreeMagic extends App {
val a = 123
val b = Node(Tip(), a, Tip())
val c = Tree.insert(b, 100)
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@vlad2 - Haskell and Scala have default to strings that present readable versions of the tree. The "derive show" is what is required for this in Haskell.

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