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ckrack / php-gender-iso.csv
Created December 22, 2017 15:47
Map PHP gender ext integers to ISO-3166 country codes
iso gender_int
AE 48
AL 37
AM 43
AT 14
AZ 44
BA 30
BE 9
BG 29
BY 40
ckrack / iSpindel.postman_collection.json
Created July 12, 2017 10:05
iSpindel Public HTTP Postman Collection
"variables": [],
"info": {
"name": "iSpindel",
"_postman_id": "af976f38-adc5-d196-ca48-06087268481e",
"description": "iSpindel Universal HTTP API",
"schema": ""
"item": [
ckrack / passkit-webservice-swagger.json
Created May 31, 2016 19:41
Passkit Webservice Swagger for Apple Wallet Webservice
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "Passkit Web Service",
"contact": {
"name": "Clemens Krack",
"email": "[email protected]"
"version": "1.0.0"