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Last active December 17, 2020 18:09
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Use OSM API to download buildings and turn them into GeoPandas geodataframes
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
save_directory = '../data/'
osm_api_url_base = ''
regions = {
'washingtondc_test' : (-77.0,38.99,-76.991,39.00),
'moscow_test' : (37.40,55.90,37.405,55.905)
gdfs = {}
tag_query = 'way[building=*]'
for name, bbox in regions.items():
osm_url = osm_api_url_base + tag_query + '[bbox={0},{1},{2},{3}]'.format(*bbox)
retrieved = requests.get(osm_url)
as_text = retrieved.text
osm_filename = 'osm_{0}.osm'.format(name)
with open(save_directory + osm_filename,'w') as f:
gpkg_filename = 'osm_{0}.gpkg'.format(name)
! cd $save_directory; ogr2ogr $gpkg_filename $osm_filename
gdfs[name] = gpd.read_file(save_directory + gpkg_filename, layer='multipolygons')
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ckrapu commented Dec 17, 2020

This gist is for use in a Jupyter notebook and uses the OpenStreetMap database and one of its API mirrors to download all records corresponding to buildings within a given bounding box. It then uses ogr2ogr to convert them from .osm to .gpkg files and load them in GeoPandas.

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