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Created January 2, 2023 16:31
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2021 Cropland Data Layer legend / key dictionary
{"1": "Corn", "2": "Cotton", "3": "Rice", "4": "Sorghum", "5": "Soybeans", "6": "Sunflower", "10": "Peanuts", "11": "Tobacco", "12": "Sweet Corn", "13": "Pop or Orn Corn", "14": "Mint", "21": "Barley", "22": "Durum Wheat", "23": "Spring Wheat", "24": "Winter Wheat", "25": "Other Small Grains", "26": "Dbl Crop WinWht/Soybeans", "27": "Rye", "28": "Oats", "29": "Millet", "30": "Speltz", "31": "Canola", "32": "Flaxseed", "33": "Safflower", "34": "Rape Seed", "35": "Mustard", "36": "Alfalfa", "37": "Other Hay/Non Alfalfa", "38": "Camelina", "39": "Buckwheat", "41": "Sugarbeets", "42": "Dry Beans", "43": "Potatoes", "44": "Other Crops", "45": "Sugarcane", "46": "Sweet Potatoes", "47": "Misc Vegs & Fruits", "48": "Watermelons", "49": "Onions", "50": "Cucumbers", "51": "Chick Peas", "52": "Lentils", "53": "Peas", "54": "Tomatoes", "55": "Caneberries", "56": "Hops", "57": "Herbs", "58": "Clover/Wildflowers", "59": "Sod/Grass Seed", "60": "Switchgrass", "61": "Fallow/Idle Cropland", "62": "Pasture/Grass", "63": "Forest", "64": "Shrubland", "65": "Barren", "66": "Cherries", "67": "Peaches", "68": "Apples", "69": "Grapes", "70": "Christmas Trees", "71": "Other Tree Crops", "72": "Citrus", "74": "Pecans", "75": "Almonds", "76": "Walnuts", "77": "Pears", "81": "Clouds/No Data", "82": "Developed", "83": "Water", "87": "Wetlands", "88": "Nonag/Undefined", "92": "Aquaculture", "111": "Open Water", "112": "Perennial Ice/Snow", "121": "Developed/Open Space", "122": "Developed/Low Intensity", "123": "Developed/Med Intensity", "124": "Developed/High Intensity", "131": "Barren", "141": "Deciduous Forest", "142": "Evergreen Forest", "143": "Mixed Forest", "152": "Shrubland", "171": "Grassland Herbaceous", "181": "Pasture/Hay", "190": "Woody Wetlands", "195": "Herbaceous Wetlands", "204": "Pistachios", "205": "Triticale", "206": "Carrots", "207": "Asparagus", "208": "Garlic", "209": "Cantaloupes", "210": "Prunes", "211": "Olives", "212": "Oranges", "213": "Honeydew Melons", "214": "Broccoli", "215": "Avocados", "216": "Peppers", "217": "Pomegranates", "218": "Nectarines", "219": "Greens", "220": "Plums", "221": "Strawberries", "222": "Squash", "223": "Apricots", "224": "Vetch", "225": "Dbl Crop WinWht/Corn", "226": "Dbl Crop Oats/Corn", "227": "Lettuce", "228": "Dbl Crop Triticale/Corn", "229": "Pumpkins", "230": "Dbl Crop Lettuce/Durum Wht", "231": "Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cantaloupe", "232": "Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cotton", "233": "Dbl Crop Lettuce/Barley", "234": "Dbl Crop Durum Wht/Sorghum", "235": "Dbl Crop Barley/Sorghum", "236": "Dbl Crop WinWht/Sorghum", "237": "Dbl Crop Barley/Corn", "238": "Dbl Crop WinWht/Cotton", "239": "Dbl Crop Soybeans/Cotton", "240": "Dbl Crop Soybeans/Oats", "241": "Dbl Crop Corn/Soybeans", "242": "Blueberries", "243": "Cabbage", "244": "Cauliflower", "245": "Celery", "246": "Radishes", "247": "Turnips", "248": "Eggplants", "249": "Gourds", "250": "Cranberries", "254": "Dbl Crop Barley/Soybeans"}
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