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Created June 4, 2016 20:05
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(ns example.service-test
"Assuming we have a example.service returning a component system (with using... etc)
starts this, stops it etc."
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[example.service :refer :all]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]) )
(defn first-free-port
"Returns first free ephemeral port
(with-open [ss ( 0)]
(.getLocalPort ss)))
(defn- generate-unique-test-config
"Generates a non-colliding system configuration.
When this fail, it's usually because new options
are added in the project.clj"
{:datomic-uri (str "datomic:mem://test" (gensym))
:pedestal-port (str (first-free-port))
:pedestal-ssl-port (str (first-free-port))
:admin-ssl-port (str (first-free-port))
:site-hostname ""
(deftest standard-sys-up-and-down
(testing "that we can start a system on random free ports"
(let [test-config (generate-unique-test-config)
instance (standard-sys test-config)
started1 (component/start instance)]
(is (conn? (get-in started1 [:datomic-conn :conn])))
(testing "to stop this system without crashes"
(let [stopped-sys (component/stop started1)]
(is stopped-sys)))
(testing "if we can start a new system with same configuration (esp. port collisions)"
(let [new-system-with-same-config (standard-sys test-config)
started-new-system (component/start new-system-with-same-config)]
(is (conn? (get-in started-new-system [:datomic-conn :conn])))
(component/stop started-new-system))))))
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