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##### Setting Up Foundation #####
1)Download foundation at:
(check downloads for already downloaded version).
2)Drop wp-foundation folder into themes file of project
3)create style.css in child theme and add the following code:
Theme Name: <project-name>
Version: 1.0
Author: Leven Internet
Template: wp-foundation
##### SASS With Foundation #####
See zurb website.
1) Open Command Prompt
2) cd path/to/where-you-want-your-project
3) compass create <project-name> -r zurb-foundation --using foundation
4) open prepros and drop child theme in (you may have to refresh)
5) add the following code to your functions file
6) create subfolders in sass. e.g.
_slideshow.scss (if used)
_carousel.scss (if used)
7) choose default imports to be used in app.scss
8) add file imports to the bottom of app.scss, e.g.
@import "app/layout/header";
9) configure settings in _settings.scss
##### SASS Without Foundation #####
1) find the themes folder, shift right click and open command prompt
2) compass create <project-name>
3) open prepros and drop theme folder in (you may have to refresh)
4) add ' @import "compass/css3" ' to screen.scss
5) add main styles to screen.scss
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