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Created October 15, 2018 18:37
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Using W3 CSV standard to see how we would like to extend it to work with statistics type data.
date category task complete notes
2018-10-15 support type and share meeting notes from Friday with Duncan 0
2018-10-15 revise rewrite software alchemy example for clarity following Duncan's feedback 0
"@context": "",
"tableSchema": {
"columns": [
"titles": "date",
"datatype": "date"
"titles": "category",
"datatype": {
"base": "factor",
"levels": {
"job": "preparing for a job after PhD, such as career events or writing resume",
"background": "background writing or literature review",
"draft": "writing new content",
"software": "general software that implements the described techniques",
"revise": "revising or editing existing content",
"support": "peripheral tasks, such as meetings, writing group, or preparing notes",
"example": "creating, investigating, or implementing examples"
"dc:description": "how it relates to the greater goal of completing the dissertation"
"titles": "task",
"dc:description": "description of the task, which should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time bound)"
"titles": "complete",
"datatype": "boolean",
"dc:description": "task completed or not"
"titles": "notes",
"dc:description": "any additional notes on the work"
"url": "tasks.csv"
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"factor" datatype is not supported in the standard- it's an example of the type of extension that would be handy for statistical applications.

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