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Last active November 27, 2017 23:29
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R for loops with possibly difficult vectorization
# Given observations of linear functions f and g at points a and b this
# calculates the integral of f * g from a to b.
# Looks like it will already work as a vectorized function. Sweet!
inner_one_piece = function(a, b, fa, fb, ga, gb)
# Roughly following my notes
fslope = (fb - fa) / (b - a)
gslope = (gb - ga) / (b - a)
fint = fa - fslope * a
gint = ga - gslope * a
# polynomial coefficients for integral
p3 = fslope * gslope / 3
p2 = (fint * gslope + fslope * gint) / 2
p1 = fint * gint
(p3*b^3 + p2*b^2 + p1*b) - (p3*a^3 + p2*a^2 + p1*a)
# Compute function inner product on two piecewise linear functions
# x1, y1 are vectors of corresponding x and y coordinates that define a
# piecewise linear function on [0, 1].
# Same for x2, y2.
piecewise_inner = function(x1, y1, x2, y2)
x = sort(unique(c(x1, x2)))
f = approx(x1, y1, xout = x)$y
g = approx(x2, y2, xout = x)$y
nm1 = length(x) - 1
parts = rep(NA, nm1)
# If inner_one_piece is vectorized then we can replace the for loop
# with:
# a = -length(x)
# b = -1
# parts = inner_one_piece(x[a], x[b], f[a], f[b], g[a], g[b])
for(i in seq(nm1)){
ip1 = i + 1
parts[i] = inner_one_piece(x[i], x[ip1], f[i], f[ip1], g[i], g[ip1])
# Scale the similarity matrix into a correlation matrix
# I don't know how to cleanly vectorize this.
corscale = function(x)
xnew = x
N = nrow(x)
for(i in 1:N){
for(j in i:N){
dij = x[i, j] / sqrt(x[i, i] * x[j, j])
if( stop()
xnew[i, j] = dij
xnew[j, i] = dij
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