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Created May 20, 2023 03:58
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In trying to wrap my head around the basics of machine learning, this example really helped me to get a small taste for how machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow work their magic under the hood.
use rand::random;
/// In this example, we'll attempt to train a single-neuron model to fit
/// a linear line. The slope of this line is 2, and can by expressed by
/// the equation y = 2x. We'll use gradient descent to find the slope of
/// the line, and then we'll use the slope to predict the output for
/// a given input.
/// The model won't be able to perfectly fit the line, but it will be
/// able to get very close. The idea here is we want the model to be
/// able to _approximate_ the line.
static TRAIN: [[f64; 2]; 6] = [
[0.0, 0.0],
[1.0, 2.0],
[2.0, 4.0],
[4.0, 8.0],
[5.0, 10.0],
[6.0, 12.0],
/// Cost takes in a given weight and returns a number representing the
/// cost of the model. The cost is another way of saying: how accurate
/// is the model at predicting Y, given X?
/// This cost is calculated by iterating through every X value, multiplying
/// it by the weight, and then subtracting the actual Y value. This gives
/// us the difference between the predicted Y and the actual Y. We then
/// square this difference to get rid of the negative sign, and to make
/// the cost "more expensive" if the difference is large, i.e. we magnify
/// numbers that are farther from the actual value.
fn cost(w: f64) -> f64 {
// Start with a cost of 0, indicating a perfect model.
let mut cost = 0.0;
// Iterate through our training data, one step at a time.
for step in TRAIN.iter() {
// Predict a Y value by multiplying the X value by the weight.
let x = step[0];
let y = x * w;
// Calculate the loss as the difference between the predicted Y
// and the actual Y.
let loss = y - step[1];
// Square the loss and add it to the total cost.
cost += loss*loss;
/// Optimize is responsible for finding the minimum cost by changing the
/// weight. It does this using a simple implementation of gradient descent.
/// Gradient descent is a way of finding the minimum of a function by
/// taking the derivative of the function at a given point, and then
/// moving in the direction of the negative of the derivative. This
/// is repeated until the derivative is 0, indicating that we have
/// reached a minimum.
/// In other words, optimize is responsible for determining the rate of
/// change of the cost function with respect to the weight, and then
/// moving the weight in the direction of the negative of that rate of
/// change.
fn optimize(learning_rate: f64, w: &mut f64) {
let eps = 1e-4;
let d = (cost(*w + eps) - cost(*w))/eps;
*w -= learning_rate * d;
fn main() {
// Initialize the weight to a random value. This value is going to
// be very bad at predicting Y given an X initially, but we will try
// to optimize it.
let mut w: f64 = random();
let learning_rate = 1e-4;
// Optimize the weight 100,000 times. After each iteration, the weight
// will be slightly better at predicting Y given an X.
for _ in 0..100000 {
optimize(learning_rate, &mut w);
// Try predicting the output for the training data, notice how we're
// able to predict the output within 1/10,000th precision. We've
// successfully trained a single-neuron model that can fit a line!
for step in TRAIN.iter() {
let x = step[0];
let y = x * w;
println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);
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