#Make-A-Twitter-Bot Workshop
Session led by Allison Parrish
##Some of my bots
- Power Vocab Tweet (markov chains)
- Library of Emoji (context-free grammars)
- Egress Methods (CMU pronouncing dictionary)
- Eventually Bot
- smiling face withface
##About bots
Here's a short presentation on the history and aesthetics of Twitter bots.
##Your first bot
You can make a Twitter bot without doing any computer programming using this Google spreadsheet.
##Next steps
Now that you've made a simple iterative Twitter bot, you've got the know-how to proceed to more sophisticated techniques. Here are some resources:
- I made a very simple Twitter bot for Node.js using the node-twitter-api library.
- everywordbot is another simple Python framework for writing Twitter bots. (It only makes static bots, but could be used as a starting point for something more sophisticated.)
- Getting Twitter credentials in several languages
- Twython is a Python library for the Twitter API
- thricedotted's Twitter bot framework: makes it easy to write bots that schedule tweets and reply to tweets
- Twit is a fine Node.js library for accessing the Twitter API
- Twitter bot framework for Node.js (limited functionality, but is a good starting point)
- Darius Kazemi has made available several of his (Node.js) Twitter bots as open source: Sorting Hat (more info here), Hottest Startups, Metaphor-A-Minute, Museum Bot.
- twitter4j, a Twitter library for Java (works with Processing!)