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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Benchmarking PR #17227 to Rails

Performance comparison: throw(:abort) vs. raise ActiveSuppot::CallbackAborted #################################################################################

In the current Rails stable (4.2) and master (5.0.0.alpha), callbacks can be halted with return false.

PR #17227 replaces this behavior with an explicit throw(:abort).

In a comment, @tenderlove asks whether this will have a significant impact on the performance, and whether it would be better (performance-wise) to use a raise/rescue construct instead.

The code below can be used to benchmark the impact of these different strategies on ActiveRecord callbacks. Notice that PR #17227 also changes ActiveModel and ActiveSupport callback, but this benchmark only focuses on ActiveRecord.


I created a scaffold model Post with a string field Title. Then I benchmark the code to create a new Post under different sets of callbacks:

  • Post has no callbacks at all
  • PostWithPassingCallbacks has callbacks that always return true
  • PostWithFalseCallback has one callback that returns false
  • PostWithThrowingCallback has one callback that calls throw :abort
  • PostWithRaisingCallback has one callback that calls raise ActiveSupport::CallbackAborted


These are my observations:

  • [Comparing z1 with z2] The current 5.0.0.alpha is already faster than 4.2.0 (stable) under every condition. This is not related to PR #17227 but good to know.
  • [Comparing z2 with z3/z4] Replacing return false with a different strategy (either throw/catch or raise/rescue) slightly decreases the performance in some conditions and slightly increases the performance in other conditions.
  • [Comparing z4 with z3] Raising/rescuing an error rather than throwing/catching an exception does not have a significantly positive impact on performance

According to these results, my opinion is to keep PR #17227 as it is, using throw(:abort) rather than raise ActiveSupport::CallbackAborted. This favors readability of code as well.

source ''
gem 'benchmark-ips'
gem 'sqlite3'
# z1. To benchmark stable Rails (which halts callbacks on false), uncomment:
# gem 'rails', '4.2.0'
# z2. To benchmark today's master Rails (which halts callbacks on false), uncomment:
# gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails', ref: 'd08dc37'
# z3. To benchmark PR #17227 (which halts callbacks on `throw :abort`), uncomment:
# gem 'rails', github: 'claudiob/rails', branch: 'explicitly-abort-callbacks'
# gem 'arel', github: 'rails/arel'
# z4. To benchmark an alternative to PR #17227 (which halts callbacks on `raise ActiveSupport::CallbackAborted`), uncomment:
# gem 'rails', github: 'claudiob/rails', branch: 'explicitly-raise-callbacks'
# gem 'arel', github: 'rails/arel'
require 'active_record'
require 'benchmark/ips'
require 'benchmark'
adapter: 'sqlite3',
host: 'localhost',
database: 'db/development.sqlite3',
pool: 5,
timeout: 5000
# if you don't have a table in your db, create it like this:
# ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
# create_table :posts do |t|
# t.string :title
# end
# end
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
class PostWithPassingCallbacks < Post
before_validation {true}
before_save {true}
before_create {true}
class PostWithFalseCallback < Post
before_validation {true}
before_save {true}
before_create {false}
class PostWithThrowingCallback < Post
before_validation {true}
before_save {true}
before_create {throw :abort}
class PostWithRaisingCallback < Post
before_validation {true}
before_save {true}
before_create {raise ActiveSupport::CallbackAborted}
class TestIfAbortIsCatched < Post
before_save {throw :abort}
can_catch_abort = false
catch(:abort) do
can_catch_abort = true
Benchmark.ips do |r|'without callbacks ') do
Post.create title: 'title'
end'with passing callbacks ') do
PostWithPassingCallbacks.create title: 'title'
end'with callback returning false ') do
PostWithFalseCallback.create title: 'title'
end'with callback throwing exception') do
catch(:abort) do
PostWithThrowingCallback.create title: 'title'
end if can_catch_abort'with callback raising error') do
PostWithRaisingCallback.create title: 'title'
end if defined? ActiveSupport::CallbackAborted
$ bundle exec ruby test.rb
Calculating -------------------------------------
without callbacks 83.000 i/100ms
with passing callbacks 76.000 i/100ms
with failing callbacks 279.000 i/100ms
without callbacks 839.881 (± 7.4%) i/s - 4.233k
with passing callbacks 776.129 (± 6.7%) i/s - 3.876k
with failing callbacks 2.822k (± 4.4%) i/s - 14.229k
$ bundle exec ruby test.rb
Calculating -------------------------------------
without callbacks 91.000 i/100ms
with passing callbacks 81.000 i/100ms
with failing callbacks 345.000 i/100ms
without callbacks 944.907 (± 7.8%) i/s - 4.732k
with passing callbacks 827.360 (± 8.2%) i/s - 4.131k
with failing callbacks 3.503k (± 6.3%) i/s - 17.595k
$ bundle exec ruby test.rb
Calculating -------------------------------------
without callbacks 93.000 i/100ms
with passing callbacks 81.000 i/100ms
with failing callbacks 215.000 i/100ms
with failing callbacks new style 299.000 i/100ms
without callbacks 937.414 (± 8.9%) i/s - 4.650k
with passing callbacks 828.052 (± 7.4%) i/s - 4.131k
with failing callbacks 2.213k (± 3.0%) i/s - 11.180k
with failing callbacks new style 3.512k (± 4.8%) i/s - 17.641k
$ bundle exec ruby test.rb
Calculating -------------------------------------
without callbacks 90.000 i/100ms
with passing callbacks 81.000 i/100ms
with failing callbacks 221.000 i/100ms
with failing callbacks new style 327.000 i/100ms
without callbacks 921.979 (± 6.5%) i/s - 4.590k
with passing callbacks 812.643 (± 6.2%) i/s - 4.050k
with failing callbacks 2.228k (± 2.7%) i/s - 11.271k
with failing callbacks new style 3.272k (± 4.6%) i/s - 16.350k
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