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Last active June 4, 2024 08:50
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List of political parties in Sweden for EU election 2024

This is a list generally for my own personal use.

The goal is for the reader to get an idea of what each party really stands for. I'm trying to only add things that the party has commented on in a concrete way, or shown a clear goal of attaining. No general 'I want to do cool stuff lol' or hand wavey 'i think the environment is important :):):):)' type of statements.

I have cut this list down pretty heavily compared to the original running list as I didn't want to do 100+ investigations given that a lot of information for these parties either doesnt exist, is written in blovian (link), or is behind some random news site paywall.

I based my assessment of who gets into this list on which parties in the previous link put a picture on their application. No, this is not a a particuarly scientific approach.

If something is wrong here then leave a comment, but note that with a list this size I could only do so much research on each party before moving on.

This is a work in progress

Alternativ för Sverige

General right wing party.

One of the big parties. Basically a standard out of the box conservative right party.

  • Scrap national broadcaster (SVT) for less bias alternative
  • Include dental in basic medical care
  • Let the state take over responsibility for healthcare instead of regions
  • Schooling reform to remove ideology
  • Parental priority in decisions (as opposed to state)
  • Castration and registration for pedophiles
  • More referendums with fewer but stronger instituions


Fringe religious and moralist centre right party.

Sort of rants and raves a bit, very much philosophical instead of political.

  • Very big on freedom of expression and speech.
  • Wants any foreigners to need to learn amorism (apparent conflict with point 1) and Swedish
  • Pro cash in hand
  • Wants to abolish the 4 percent barrier to Sweden's Riksdag.
  • Wants UBI vaugely

Has a great many concerns on many topics which I can't cover here as its basically a huge wall of text.


Centre left party.

One of the big parties. Pretty standard centre left party.

  • EU optimistic
  • Pro union
  • Generally progressive.

Extremely extensive (read: exhaustive) policy information that I don't want to wade into. Has concerns on pretty much every topic there is.


Single topic party pushing for UBI (universal basic income).

Not particularly concerned with anything else.


Liberal centre party.

One of the big parties, so I won't go into depth.

  • Big infrastructre priority
  • Better railways and internet
  • More support for the countryside (how specifically mentioned other than rail and internet)
  • Push climate industry


Single topic party pushing for direct democracy.

Not particularly concerned with anything else.

En Vis Avskaffar Asylrätten!

A fringe one man party that does not appear to have a website. Appers to be a single topic pushing for the abolition of the right to asylum.

Might be concerned with other things but I wouldn't know as they have no website.


General left party.

Pretty standard out of the box left party.

  • Direct democracy
  • UBI
  • Pro welfare state
  • Pro open borders
  • Pro freedom of movement

The policy page seems to describe a lot of things but doesn't seem to be very specific.


A fringe two man party without an easily accessible website (has a facebook page that might be associated:

Seems to be concerned with the state social services, specifically with ending the practice where children are removed from their parents.

FN Parti art.27

A fringe one man party concerned with culture and medicine (?). (70 followers).

Seems to mostly be concerned with things relating to vaccinations.


A centre right nationalist party.

Mostly concerned with limiting EU power though not in support of leaving, as well as limits on immigration

  • Scrap the right to asylum
  • Deport criminals
  • Improve European animal welfare (ban meat imports from countries that do not respect animal welfare)
  • Limit EU power over local Swedish laws
  • Pro Snus (?)
  • Make cross border law and order easier in the EU (establish FBI)


A zero candidate party (!) with a name that is very difficult to search for.

No further information.

Fria Wermland

A single topic libertarian party pushing for the secession of Värmland.

Generally wants the seceded to be libertarian, no other clear concerns.


A zero candidate (!) mixed free movement and vaccination skeptic party.

No further information.

Förenade Demokratiska Partiet

A mixed right party.

  • Pro small business
  • Pro family choice
  • Tough on criminals
  • Wants to make immigration clearer and easier
  • Less abortion unless needed

The founder used to be an SD member, and his personal section implies support for religious segregation though it might be my bad Swedish reading.

Företaget Sverige

A fringe right wing EU skeptic party. (very creative website)

  • Generally wants less negative EU involvement in the life of regular people.
  • Wants abolishment of politically appointed heads of instituions.
  • Generally expert skeptic.

Really quite hard to navigate the website.

Globala partiet

An apparently dead party (?).

Klassiskt liberala partiet

A libertarian party.

  • Pro Swedish EU exit in line with less government/rejection of supranational decision-making
  • Abolish systembolaget
  • Remove rental regulations
  • Ban animal exports to non aligned countries
  • Legalise or decriminalise drugs
  • Legalise weapon ownership
  • Abolish unions

Generally a pretty standard libertarian party with the exception of animal rights.


Single topic party (though a very borad topic) concerning climate change..

Not particularly concerned with anything else.


Single topic party pushing for direct democracy.

Not particularly concerned with anything else.


A right wing christian party.

  • Pro agriculture and countryside
  • Harsher punishments for crime
  • More officers and police powers
  • Generally anti-islamist
  • Pro family
  • Let the state take over responsibility for healthcare instead of regions

Pretty standard right wing party.

Landsbygdspartiet Oberoende

A centre right mixed ruralist party.

  • More business in rural areas (ie moving out from cities)
  • More self determination of rural areas
  • Wants to maintain regional culture (which seems to mostly concern wolf hunting, outdoor sports, and wild harvesting)

Few other concerns beyond these.

Liberalerna (tidigare Folkpartiet)

A centre right libertarian party.

  • Wants to adopt the euro
  • Wants a joint EU police force (FBI or equiv)
  • Wants further armament of Ukraine
  • Wants to force internet companies to reduce screen time for young people


A fringe corn adjunct party. (111 followers)

  • Increase the police force
  • Award an extra 10k per month to police officers
  • Issue icecream to children at school on thursday and friday

Not sure what it has to do with corn.


A fringe political reform party.

  • Increased police force or powers
  • Spending reform
  • Accountability for politicians

Mostly concerned with changing the role of politicians and parties.

Medborgerlig Samling

A right EU skeptic party.

  • Cut funding and subsidies to most groups with the exception of schools, law, defence, and health.
  • Reform Swedens relationship with the EU
  • Make origin, skin colour, gender, age, or sexual orientation irrelevant in most cases
  • Pro small business

Mer Golf, Mindre Krångel

A golf focused comedy (?) party without a website.

Probably likes golf, which I don't like.

Miljöpartiet de gröna

A left party.

One of the big parties. Pretty standard green left party.

  • Redirect 50% of EU budget to climate change (prevention, just to clarify).
  • Suspend all Russian fuel imports
  • Add more forests to the protected forests program (?)
  • Limit animal transport times (time an animal spends in a transport truck)
  • Ban use of cages in farming
  • Ban bull fighting and fur farming
  • End racism (?)
  • Introduce sex laws similar to Sweden in greater EU

As one of the big parties, they have a lot to say about everything.

Min röst

A party with such a vauge name that I can't find anything to do with it.

MoD - Mänskliga rättigheter och Demokrati

A fringe mixed wing anti-vaccine, anti-EU, and anti-NATO party. Can't find a website for the party.


A centre right slightly mixed party.

  • Harsher punishments for criminals and "unlimited" power for police.
  • Investments into nuclear
  • Limit immigration at the EU level
  • More self determination for Sweden in the EU (particularly regarding the forestry industry)
  • Deregulation of industry


A fringe mixed wing redditor party. (123 post karma, 49 comment karma)

Generally just wants whatever reddit commenters want

  • An ideologically impartial government (specifically no trans ideology and a reduction in feminist ideology)
  • Prioritisation of men's mental health issues
  • "Correct" media narratives and teaching subjects
  • Limit immigration with the exception of useful immigrants
  • Nationalisation of power, internet, medical drugs, and rail.
  • Direct democracy
  • General digital sovereignty and privacy for citizens (though there are also police piloted drones that follow citizens)
  • No VAT and 6 hour work day
  • Legal revamp with regards to self defence and technology
  • Closer ties with Japan (?)

Nix to the Six

A fringe single political reform party with a 404'd home page. (3.5k members)

Generally wants more citizen power in politics. Doesn't seem concerned with much else.


A fringe party. (192 followers, 1/5 star rating)

Seems to be to do with religious freedoms but the page breft of any information except a call to ban quran burnings in 2022.

Nya Frihetspartiet

This could be one of many parties, one being a biker party from 2010 which is pretty far away. ( appears to be related in name but mostly spams ads about marijuana legalisation)

If its the 2010 biker party then they want less police but harder punishments for pedophiles and rapists.

Nya Samhällspartiet

A regionalist party getting ready for the 2022 election.

Ond Kyckling Partiet

A comedy party with some aspirations.

  • Reform the copyright act for easier distribution
  • Political reform to let smaller parties into the Riksdag
  • Anti-censorship and also anti-those annoying GDPR popup windows


A political reform single issue party.

  • EU moderate
  • Rejects traditional party labels
  • More accountable political decisions

Doesn't appear to be concerned with much else other than the colour magenta and having better philosophical and moral guidance in politics.

Partiet Frihet

A mystery much like Nya Frihetspartiet.

Partiet Nyans

A centre right pro-middle eastern minority (generally regarded as islamist) party.

  • Afrophobia to be classes as a recognised as a social problem
  • Housing reform with deregulation to promote housing
  • EU optimistic but EMU (Economic and Monetary Union) skeptic
  • VAT/Tax cuts for small business
  • Wants new arrivals to recieve vocational work in addition to SFI

Has a lot to say on many topics which I can't cover here.


A privacy focused left party.

This is one of the larger parties.

  • A multitude of technological and privacy related changed: Regulate AI, legalise DRM bypass, ban geoblocking, destroy the The Data Act, etc.
  • Copyright reform
  • Scale back and resist further survailance law
  • Add further transparency to politics
  • Increase millitary spending proportion on R&D
  • Decriminalise and regulate drugs
  • Reform the personalnummer system to bake in further privacy
  • Require a minimum amount of relevant experince to be appointed a given faculty in government
  • Reform immigration and deport criminals

As an established party, they have tons to say; generally focusing on technology and privacy.

Positivt Samhällsinitiativ (PSI)

A mysterious apparently libretarian-like party that communicates only though instagram posts. (144 followers)

  • Lower taxes to increase freedom (?)


A mysterious party that may be to do with the Sami. No real information can be found.


A far left communist party.

One of the larger parties.

  • EU skeptic (as a "strong attack on the interests of the European working class")
  • 30 hour work week
  • Wealth distribution via taxation (Lower payroll tax for induviduals and higher taxes for companies)
  • Nationalisation of most large companies, banks, industry, insurance.

Though there is a lot of talking on the page, it was difficult to find actionable and concrete information.


A left green/libertarian party.

  • UBI
  • Large scale AI rollout
  • Raise minimum elderly pension to 14k per month (after tax)
  • EU optimistic generally

Solens Frihetsparti

A one man right party.

General purpose right wing party.

  • Increase police resources
  • Limit the necessity of political correctness
  • Reduce welfare
  • Use blockchain technology to fight legal corruption
  • Restrict abortion and oppose LGBTQ rights
  • Regulate industry and provite tax cuts to business

Svenska Rikslagen

A mysterious national party. Only has a facebook page which is not active. (173 followers)


A far right third position nationalist party. No website. Appears defunct.

Little information can be found about the policies this party outside of limiting immigration and citizenship to western (european) genetic and cultural heritages.


A right populist party.

This is one of the big parties. Generally a pretty standard right wing populist group (with the exception of animal rights)

  • Referendum for each new imposed EU legislation
  • Reduction of migration at local and EU level
  • Tightening of immigration rules to affect a reduction in islamisation
  • Pro Snus (?)
  • Legalise lead ammo, seal products (produces from seals, not for), hunting of more species, wolf hunting
  • Deregulation of venison meat preparation before market (which seems to be a recipe for disaster with the lead ammo)
  • General protectorship of car owners (cut emmission requirements, retain tax breaks on old vehicles, protectionism for trucking)
  • Scrap the Horizon Europe programme in the EU ("encouraging actors [...] find aesthetic, sustainable and inclusive solutions for living and living environments")
  • Assigning a permanent, fast response 5000 soldier millitary force for rapid deployment against threats.
  • Deregulate hiring and firing discrimination in the workplace.

Extremely extensive (read: exhaustive) policy information that I don't want to wade into. Has concerns on pretty much every topic there is.


A fringe single issue party focued on removal of the 4% minimum for parties to enter the Riksdag.

Not particularly concerned with anything else.


A fringe nationalist socialist libertarian right party.

  • Marijuana legalisaion and testing of Psilocin/LSD for medical uses
  • Improved mental health services (specifically for Aspergers)
  • Swedish space station
  • Cloned meat
  • Equal rights (for men and women)
  • Much, much more

Wants everything a nationalist socialist libertarian party could ever want (the policy list is large) but I could find few concrete action plans.

Volt Sverige

A left EU political reform party.

  • Creation of a european corporate tax to prevent evasion
  • A referendum on joining the Eurozone (specifically the Euro)
  • Stop fossil fuel subsidies
  • Immigration law reform (Return to a 12-month support from the changed introduced in the Immigration Act 2021)
  • Shared asylum costs over the EU and improved (legal) routes to europe
  • Improved powers for the European Anti-Fraud Office
  • Ban letterbox companies


A left EU skeptic party.

One of the larger parties. Pretty standard left wing party fare.

  • Have SBAB change interest rates to affect lowering of mortgage rates
  • Halve ticket prices on public transport
  • Limit dental out of pocket expense to 1.2k per year

Many takes on many things.

Värdigt Liv

A broadly left environmental combo party formed by the Feministiskt Initiativ ( and the Partiet Vändpunkt (

  • Make Ecocide an enforcable illegal act
  • Phase out fossil fuel subsidies
  • Force recognition of cash
  • Free and legal abortion for all EU countries
  • LGBTQIA+ rights in all EU countries
  • Ban on sex services and criminalisation of offenders within the EU

Ändrings partiet revolution

An aspirational fringe one man christian (?) party. (1 follower)

Broadly supports general populist good stuff

  • 6 hour work day
  • 6 hour school day
  • Retirement at 60
  • Free public transport
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