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Last active September 26, 2024 23:54
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KV lists
open import Prelude
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Bool renaming (elim to elimᵇ ; rec to recᵇ)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.Operations.Discrete
open import Data.List.Correspondences.Unary.All
open import Data.List.Correspondences.Unary.Has
open import Data.List.Correspondences.Unary.Related
open import Data.List.Correspondences.Binary.Perm
open import Data.Dec
open import Data.Reflects
open import Data.Tri renaming (elim to elimᵗ ; rec to recᵗ)
open import Order.Strict
open import Order.Trichotomous
module KVList
{o ℓᵏ ℓᵛ : Level}
{K : StrictPoset o ℓᵏ}
{V : 𝒰 ℓᵛ}
⦃ d : is-trichotomous K ⦄
open StrictPoset K public
lookup-kv : List (Ob × V) → Ob → Maybe V
lookup-kv [] k = nothing
lookup-kv ((x , v) ∷ l) k =
caseᵗ k >=< x
lt⇒ nothing
eq⇒ just v
gt⇒ lookup-kv l k
upsert-kv : List (Ob × V) → Ob → (V → V) → V → List (Ob × V) × Maybe V
upsert-kv [] k f v = (k , v) ∷ [] , nothing
upsert-kv l0@((x , w) ∷ l) k f v =
caseᵗ k >=< x
lt⇒ ((k , v) ∷ l0 , nothing)
eq⇒ ((k , f w) ∷ l , just w)
gt⇒ (first ((x , w) ∷_) (upsert-kv l k f v))
remove-kv : List (Ob × V) → Ob → List (Ob × V) × Maybe V
remove-kv [] k = [] , nothing
remove-kv l0@((x , w) ∷ l) k =
caseᵗ k >=< x
lt⇒ (l0 , nothing)
eq⇒ (l , just w)
gt⇒ (first ((x , w) ∷_) (remove-kv l k))
keys : List (Ob × V) → List Ob
keys = map fst
values : List (Ob × V) → List V
values = map snd
Is-kvlist : List (Ob × V) → 𝒰 (o ⊔ ℓᵏ)
Is-kvlist xs = Sorted _<_ (keys xs)
keys-++ : ∀ {xs ys} → keys (xs ++ ys) = keys xs ++ keys ys
keys-++ {xs} {ys} = map-++ fst xs ys
lookup-empty : lookup-kv [] = λ _ → nothing
lookup-empty = refl
Is-kvlist-empty : Is-kvlist []
Is-kvlist-empty = []ˢ
lookup-related : ∀ {k xs}
→ Related _<_ k (keys xs) → lookup-kv xs k = nothing {- is-nothing? -}
lookup-related {xs = []} r = refl
lookup-related {k} {xs = (x , v) ∷ xs} (rx ∷ʳ r) =
caseᵗ k >=< x
return (λ q → recᵗ nothing (just v) (lookup-kv xs k) q = nothing)
of λ where
(lt _ _ _) → refl
(eq x≮y _ _) → absurd (x≮y rx)
(gt x≮y _ _) → absurd (x≮y rx)
lookup-sorted-cat-cons-cat : ∀ {xs ys k k′ v′}
→ Is-kvlist (xs ++ (k′ , v′) ∷ ys)
→ lookup-kv (xs ++ (k′ , v′) ∷ ys) k = (if ⌊ d .is-trichotomous.trisect k k′ ⌋<
then lookup-kv xs k
else lookup-kv ((k′ , v′) ∷ ys) k)
lookup-sorted-cat-cons-cat {xs = []} {ys} {k} {k′} {v′} s =
caseᵗ k >=< k′
return (λ q → recᵗ nothing (just v′) (lookup-kv ys k) q
= (if ⌊ q ⌋< then nothing else recᵗ nothing (just v′) (lookup-kv ys k) q))
of λ where
(lt x<y x≠y y≮x) → refl
(eq x≮y x=y y≮x) → refl
(gt x≮y x≠y y<x) → refl
lookup-sorted-cat-cons-cat {xs = (x , v) ∷ xs} {ys} {k} {k′} {v′} (∷ˢ r) =
let a = related→all (record { _∙_ = <-trans }) $ subst (λ q → Related _<_ x q) (keys-++ {xs = xs}) r
a0 , a′ = all-split {xs = keys xs} a
x<k′ , a1 = all-uncons a′
caseᵗ k >=< x
return (λ q → recᵗ nothing (just v) (lookup-kv (xs ++ (k′ , v′) ∷ ys) k) q
= (if ⌊ d .is-trichotomous.trisect k k′ ⌋<
then recᵗ nothing (just v) (lookup-kv xs k) q
else recᵗ nothing (just v′) (lookup-kv ys k) (d .is-trichotomous.trisect k k′)))
of λ where
(lt k<x k≠x x≮k) →
given-lt <-trans k<x x<k′
return (λ q → nothing = (if ⌊ q ⌋< then nothing else recᵗ nothing (just v′) (lookup-kv ys k) q))
then refl
(eq k≮x k=x y≮x) →
given-lt subst (_< k′) (k=x ⁻¹) x<k′
return (λ q → just v = (if ⌊ q ⌋< then just v else recᵗ nothing (just v′) (lookup-kv ys k) q))
then refl
(gt k≮x k≠x x<k) →
lookup-sorted-cat-cons-cat (related→sorted r)
kvlist-upsert-perm : {k : Ob} {v : V} {f : V → V} {xs : List (Ob × V)}
→ Is-kvlist xs
→ Perm (keys (fst (upsert-kv xs k f v)))
(if has ⦃ d = Tri→discrete ⦄ k (keys xs)
then keys xs
else k ∷ keys xs)
kvlist-upsert-perm {k} {v} {f} {xs = []} ikv = perm-refl
kvlist-upsert-perm {k} {v} {f} {xs = (k′ , v′) ∷ xs} (∷ˢ r) =
caseᵗ k >=< k′
return (λ q → Perm (keys (fst (recᵗ ((k , v) ∷ (k′ , v′) ∷ xs , nothing)
((k , f v′) ∷ xs , just v′)
(first ((k′ , v′) ∷_ ) (upsert-kv xs k f v))
(if ⌊ ⌊ q ⌋≟ ⌋ or has ⦃ d = Tri→discrete ⦄ k (keys xs)
then k′ ∷ keys xs
else k ∷ k′ ∷ keys xs))
of λ where
(lt _ _ k′≮k) →
elimᵇ {P = λ q → has ⦃ d = Tri→discrete ⦄ k (keys xs) = q
→ Perm (k ∷ k′ ∷ keys xs)
(if q then k′ ∷ keys xs else k ∷ k′ ∷ keys xs)}
(λ x → let hask = so→true! ⦃ Reflects-has ⦃ d = Tri→discrete ⦄ {xs = keys xs} ⦄ $ so≃is-true ⁻¹ $ x
all>k′ = related→all (record { _∙_ = <-trans }) r
absurd (k′≮k (All→∀Has all>k′ k hask)))
(λ _ → perm-refl)
(has ⦃ d = Tri→discrete ⦄ k (keys xs))
(eq _ k=k′ _) → pprep k=k′ perm-refl
(gt _ _ _) →
elimᵇ {P = λ q → Perm (keys (fst (upsert-kv xs k f v)))
(if q then keys xs else k ∷ keys xs)
→ Perm (k′ ∷ keys (fst (upsert-kv xs k f v)))
(if q then k′ ∷ keys xs else k ∷ k′ ∷ keys xs)}
(pprep refl)
(λ p → ptrans (pprep refl p) (perm-cons-cat-commassoc {xs = k ∷ []}))
(has ⦃ d = Tri→discrete ⦄ k (keys xs))
(kvlist-upsert-perm {k = k} {v = v} {f = f} {xs = xs} (related→sorted r))
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