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Created August 15, 2012 10:35
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Python Multiprocessing Queues and Pipes
import sys
import time
import random
import signal
import multiprocessing
processes = []
def launch_process(number, kill_queue, child_connection):
kill_flag = False
while not kill_flag:
while child_connection.poll():
print 'Process %s received message: %s' % (number, child_connection.recv())
child_connection.send('Process %s sending message to parent' % number)
sleep_time = random.choice(range(5))
print 'Thread %s, checking in... sleep: %s' % (number, sleep_time)
if not kill_queue.empty():
kill_flag = kill_queue.get()
print 'Got %s from the queue.' % kill_flag
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print '\nCaught interrupt, cleaning up...'
for process in processes:
print process.terminate()
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parent_connections = []
kill_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
for number in range(5):
parent_connection, child_connection = multiprocessing.Pipe()
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=launch_process, args=(number,kill_queue,child_connection,))
for number in range(10):
print 'Main process sleeping: %s...' % number
for number, parent_connection in enumerate(parent_connections):
parent_connection.send('Parent sending message to child %s' % number)
print 'Done with incremental messages.'
for number in range(10):
print 'Main process sleeping: %s...' %number
for number in range(10):
child = random.choice(range(len(parent_connections)))
parent_connections[child].send('Parent sending message to child %s' % child)
for number in range(10):
for parent_connection in parent_connections:
while parent_connection.poll():
print 'Parent thread received message: %s' % parent_connection.recv()
print 'All messages processed, sleeping for 1 second before polling again.'
for process in processes:
for process in processes:
print 'Main thread done.'
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