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Last active November 9, 2023 09:46
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21 things added from 2018-12-02 to 2018-12-15

Things added by type: 4 types, 2 clips, 2 libraries, 2 social-news-sites, 1 computer-scientist, 1 book, 1 movie, 1 doc-site, 1 tv-series, 1 cmd, 1 programmer, 1 service, 1 comment, 1 page, 1 computer-concept


Things grouped by type:

  • computer-scientist
    • Description: none
  • doc-site
    • Description: Site providing documentation for something via for property
  • clip
  • social-news
    • Description: Couldn't find a type for news aggregator. NewsMediaOrg and newspaper weren't quite right
  • material-design
    • Description: goog's design system for mobile + web
    • Tags: ui
  • igraph
    • Description: Interact with triples using datalog-like query. Curious to see what generality this library achieves "IGraph defines a protocol which aims to capture some generality amongst a plurality of graph-based representations (RDF, datascript, datomic....)"
    • Tags: clojure, semweb
  • lobsters
    • Description: Noticeably better discourse than HN but half of articles seem to just come from HN
  • hacker-news
    • Description: Love and hate it. Discourse quality varies wildly but usually does have interesting, geeky articles
  • alan-kay
    • Description: Created and influenced many a thing including OO and smalltalk
  • alan-kay-reading-list
    • Description: Haven't read most of these. Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems looks intriguing. Dunno why a comment for that book stuck out to me "today the task is to build an automated ontologist, not to build the ultimate ontology."
    • Tags: group, alan-kay, sometime
  • The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018)
    • Description: A series of short Western stories around mortality. Perhaps I wasn't in the mood but didn't find stories gripping and this may be my least favorite Coen movie. The stories felt disjointed and the theme general enough that I wasn't interested enough to connect the dots. Having said that, great cinematography and obvious care put into movie
    • Tags: coen-brothers
    • Additional Info: rating: 4.5, seen-at: 11-16-2018
  • snl
    • Description: Timely and hilarious skits, time and time again
    • Tags: comedy
  • git
    • Description: Pretty damn useful version control and a goto tool for open source engineers
    • Tags: linus-torvalds
  • linus-torvalds
    • Description: An amazing creator being the father of linux and git. Has given the open source community such powerful tools
    • Tags: open-source
  • ui
    • Description: ui is alias for ui-design
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