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Created July 22, 2024 18:56
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just me playing with talos

pros and cons

Pros : clean, simple. Cons : no ingress out of the box. Needs a bit of work to get things going.

talos notes

mkdir ~/Desktop/talos cd ~/Desktop/talos

export NODEIP=

talosctl gen config harvester https://$NODEIP:6443 --with-docs=false --with-examples=false --kubernetes-version=v1.28.11 export TALOSCONFIG=./talosconfig

talosctl disks --insecure -n $NODEIP

sed -i "" -e "s#/dev/sda#/dev/vda#g" -e "s/cluster:/cluster:\n allowSchedulingOnControlPlanes: true/g" controlplane.yaml

talosctl apply-config -f controlplane.yaml -n $NODEIP --insecure sleep 45 talosctl bootstrap -n $NODEIP -e $NODEIP

talosctl config endpoint $NODEIP talosctl config node $NODEIP

talosctl kubeconfig . export KUBECONFIG=~/Desktop/talos/kubeconfig


kubectl apply -f

kubectl create ns nginx-ingress

kubectl label ns nginx-ingress

helm upgrade -i nginx-ingress oci:// -n nginx-ingress --create-namespace --set controller.kind=daemonset --set controller.hostport.enbabled=true --set controller.service.type=NodePort --set controller.hostNetwork=true


helm upgrade -i cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager -n cert-manager --create-namespace --set crds.enabled=true

helm upgrade -i rancher rancher-latest/rancher -n cattle-system --create-namespace --set hostname=rancher.$ --set bootstrapPassword=bootStrapAllTheThings --set replicas=1

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