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# Ran on EC2, using AMI "ami-ccf615a5" (Ubuntu 9.04)
# "Thrift" was installed as root. "Cassandra" and "Twissandra" were installed and run using a non-root user ("cassandra") I created.
apt-get update
#deps for Thrift and Cassandra.
apt-get -y install openjdk-6-jdk ant subversion g++ make flex bison python-dev ruby1.8-dev libboost-dev libevent-dev automake pkg-confi
g libtool make
# Thrift install:
svn co thrift
cd thrift/
make install
# Cassandra Install:
svn checkout cassandra
cd cassandra/
ant ivy-retrieve
ant build
# Cassandra config/run
# IMPORTANT: first edit conf files if need (e.g change <CommitLogDirectory>, etc if needed):
vim conf/storage-conf.xml #I used the "storage-conf.xml" from "twissandra" (see below)
vim conf/
sh bin/cassandra -f
# install and run 'Twissandra', follow instructions here:
# (before I did the above I did: 'sudo apt-get install git-core python-setuptools'):
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