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Created July 2, 2010 00:36
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RabittMQ / Erlang remote connection configuration issues/notes/solutions
Testing with "rabbitmq-server_1.7.2" on Ubuntu 10.04, "ami-2d4aa444"
"name" vs "sname"
"Can't connect to rabbitmq node?" (Discusses -name vs. -sname issues/options)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =>
"Your best bet is to edit the various scripts to use -name instead of
-sname and then to set the node to eg rabbit@localhost.
You'll need to edit the rabbitmq-multi, rabbitmq-server and rabbitmqctl
shell scripts and replace all occurrences of -sname with -name." =>
"rabbitmq-server script and change the -sname to -name, then yes, you can set RABBITMQ_NODENAME" =>
"it's unlikely that we'll switch to using -name over -sname."
Chef cookbook with good config options (write "/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf")
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