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Last active April 1, 2022 01:52
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Merge Neo4j nodes on a property
// Create nodes.
merge (w1:Wallet {address: "0xc75446a6adaef73269dbdece73536977b2b639e0"}) // all lowercase
merge (w2:Wallet {address: "0xC75446A6AdaEF73269dBdEcE73536977B2b639e0"}) // mixed case
merge (w3:Wallet {address: "0x97b9958facec9acb7adb2bb72a70172cb5a0ea7c"}) // all lowercase
merge (w4:Wallet {address: "0x97b9958faceC9ACB7ADb2Bb72a70172CB5a0Ea7C"}) // mixed case
merge (w5:Wallet {address: "0x6989bEB3Fc8842704F05139ba2ED2b1182B3BaC9"}) // mixed case
// Match nodes with same address
MATCH (w:Wallet)
WITH w ORDER BY w.address DESC // lowercase one first
WITH toLower(w.address) AS address, collect(w) as nodes
CALL apoc.refactor.mergeNodes(nodes, {properties: {
address:'discard', mergeRels:true // 'discard' means keep the property from the first matched record, drop the rest
YIELD node
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