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Created October 6, 2013 14:43
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  • Save cliss/6854904 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cliss/6854904 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Photo management script. This script will copy photos from "~/Pictures/iPhone Incoming" into a tree the script creates, with folders representing month and years, and photo names timestamped. Completely based on the work of the amazing Dr. Drang; see here: You can see more…
import sys
import os, shutil
import subprocess
import os.path
from datetime import datetime
######################## Functions #########################
def photoDate(f):
"Return the date/time on which the given photo was taken."
cDate = subprocess.check_output(['sips', '-g', 'creation', f])
cDate = cDate.split('\n')[1].lstrip().split(': ')[1]
return datetime.strptime(cDate, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
###################### Main program ########################
# Where the photos are and where they're going.
sourceDir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Pictures/iPhone Incoming'
destDir = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Pictures/iPhone'
errorDir = destDir + '/Unsorted/'
# The format for the new file names.
fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S"
# The problem files.
problems = []
# Get all the JPEGs in the source folder.
photos = os.listdir(sourceDir)
photos = [ x for x in photos if x[-4:] == '.jpg' or x[-4:] == '.JPG' ]
# Prepare to output as processing occurs
lastMonth = 0
lastYear = 0
# Create the destination folder if necessary
if not os.path.exists(destDir):
if not os.path.exists(errorDir):
# Copy photos into year and month subfolders. Name the copies according to
# their timestamps. If more than one photo has the same timestamp, add
# suffixes 'a', 'b', etc. to the names.
for photo in photos:
# print "Processing %s..." % photo
original = sourceDir + '/' + photo
suffix = 'a'
pDate = photoDate(original)
yr = pDate.year
mo = pDate.month
if not lastYear == yr or not lastMonth == mo:
sys.stdout.write('\nProcessing %04d-%02d...' % (yr, mo))
lastMonth = mo
lastYear = yr
newname = pDate.strftime(fmt)
thisDestDir = destDir + '/%04d/%02d' % (yr, mo)
if not os.path.exists(thisDestDir):
duplicate = thisDestDir + '/%s.jpg' % (newname)
while os.path.exists(duplicate):
newname = pDate.strftime(fmt) + suffix
duplicate = destDir + '/%04d/%02d/%s.jpg' % (yr, mo, newname)
suffix = chr(ord(suffix) + 1)
shutil.copy2(original, duplicate)
except Exception:
shutil.copy2(original, errorDir + photo)
sys.exit("Execution stopped.")
# Report the problem files, if any.
if len(problems) > 0:
print "\nProblem files:"
print "\n".join(problems)
print "These can be found in: %s" % errorDir
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Thank you! I was able to modify this slightly to meet my needs and it works beautifully! Thank you again!

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