The computer driven markets for instruments like stocks and exchange traded stock options, have transformed finance and the flow of capital. These markets are enabled by order matching engines (and the infrastructure that supports this software). Before computer trading networks and matching engines, stocks where traded on cavernous exchange floors and transaction costs where high. When electronic trading fully matured, floor traders were a fading anachronism and transaction costs had been reduced to pennies a share in many cases. Electronic trading could not exist without advanced network infrastructure, but without the software matching engines no shares would change hands. The computer trading networks, the matching engine software has also created a concentrated nexus of potential failure. Failures in these systems have increased as the frequency and volume on the electronic networks has increased. The position of order matching engines in the trading infrastructure makes these systems o
The computer driven markets for instruments like stocks and exchange traded stock options, have transformed finance and the flow of capital. These markets are enabled by order matching engines (and the infrastructure that supports this software). Before computer trading networks and matching engines, stocks where traded on cavernous exchange floors and transaction costs where high. When electronic trading fully matured, floor traders were a fading anachronism and transaction costs had been reduced to pennies a share in many cases. Electronic trading could not exist without advanced network infrastructure, but without the software matching engines no shares would change hands. The computer trading networks, the matching engine software has also created a concentrated nexus of potential failure. Failures in these systems have increased as the frequency and volume on the electronic networks has increased. The position of order matching engines in the trading infrastructure makes these systems o
docker run --network bridge -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" | |
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -p 4090:4090 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) simon987/sist2:2.12.1-x64-linux scan epub-stock -o epub.idx | |
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -p 4090:4090 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) simon987/sist2:2.12.1-x64-linux index --es-url epub.idx | |
docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm -p 4090:4090 -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) simon987/sist2:2.12.1-x64-linux web --bind --es-url epub.idx |
- See the 30-second guide
I've been using this for several years now, so here are some of the ways I have set it up to be most productive.
See my taskrc
below for implementation details.
In general, I've had the most success by keeping lists of tasks short and to the point, avoiding the anxiety of seeing 100 tasks and feeling like I'm going to drown.