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Programming Elixir Notes
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# Programming Elixir | |
## Value Types | |
# Integers | |
6 | |
1_000_000 | |
# Floating Point | |
1.0 | |
0.2456 | |
# Atoms | |
:fred | |
# Ranges | |
0..10 | |
# Regular Expressions | |
myReg = ~r{[aeiou]} | | myReg, "caterpillar" | |
Regex.scan myReg, "caterpillar" | |
Regex.split myReg, "caterpillar" | |
Regex.replace myReg, "caterpillar" | |
## Collection Types | |
# Tuples | |
{ 1, 2 } | |
{ :ok, 42, "next" } | |
# Lists | |
[1, 2, 3] | |
["a", "b", "c"] | |
# List operators | |
[1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6] # concatenation, yields [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | |
[1, 2, 3] -- [1, 3] # difference, yields [2] | |
1 in [1, 2, 3, 4] # membership, yields true | |
# Keyword Lists | |
[ name: "Dave", city: "Dallas", likes: "Programming" ] | |
# gets converted into a list of two-value tuples | |
[ {:name, "Dave"}, {:city, "Dallas"}, {:likes, "Programming"} ] | |
# Maps | |
states = %{ "AL" => "Alabama", "WI" => "Wisconsin" } | |
state = states["AL"] | |
# If the key is an atom, you can use the same shortcut that you use with keyword lists | |
colors = %{ red: 0xff0000, green: 0x00ff00, blue: 0x0000ff } | |
# and you can also do dot notation if key is atom | |
color = | |
## Operators | |
# Comparison | |
a === b # strict equality (so 1 === 1.0 is false) | |
a !== b # strict inequality (so 1 !== 1.0 is true) | |
a == b # value equality (so 1 == 1.0 is true) | |
a != b # value inequality (so 1 != 1.0 is false) | |
# Boolean | |
a or b # true if a is true, otherwise b | |
a and b # false if a is false, otherwise b | |
not a # false if a is true, true otherwise | |
# Relaxed Boolean | |
a || b # a if a is truthy, otherwise b | |
a && b # b if a is truthy, otherwise a | |
!a # false if a is truthy, otherwise true | |
# Arithmetic | |
4 / 2 # yields a floating point: 2.0 | |
div(4, 2) # yields an integer: 2 | |
rem(11, 3) # remainder, yields 2 | |
## Variable Scope | |
# with | |
thing = with foo = [1, 2, "dog"], | |
bar = "dog" | |
do | |
"Found is #{bar in foo}" | |
end | |
## Pattern Matching | |
# When = is used in Elixer, it isn't assignment, Elixier tries to make the value on the left side the same as the right | |
list = [1, 2, 3] | |
[a ,b, c] = list # a is now 1, b is 2, and so on | |
# Ignoring values with _ | |
[1, _, _] = [1, 2, 3] | |
[1, _two, _three] = [1, 2, 3] # you can also give them names if you want to ignore them but make it clear what they represent | |
# Pinning variables | |
a = 1 # returns 1 | |
a = 2 # returns 2 | |
^a = 1 # returns MatchError, because a is still 2 | |
[^a, 2, 3 ] = [ 1, 2, 3 ] # works in larger patterns too | |
## Anonymous Functions | |
times = fn (a, b) -> a * b end | |
times = fn a, b -> a * b end # parens for params can be ommitted | |
times.(1, 2) | |
# Patterning matching and functions | |
swap = fn { a, b } -> { b, a } end # pattern matching | |
# Functions with multiple bodies based on pattern of params | |
pets = fn | |
"dog" -> "Dogs are happy" | |
"cat" -> "Cats are lazy" | |
_ -> "Things are confusing" | |
end | |
# & Helper Notation | |
add_one = &(&1 + 1) # same as add_one = fn (n) -> n + 1 end | |
combine = &(&1 <> &2) # combines two string params | |
divrem = &{ div(&1, &2), rem(&1, &2)} # returns a tuple | |
# & helper for calling a function with given arrity | |
l = &length/1 | |
l.([1, 2, 3, 4]) # returns 4, same as calling length([1, 2, 3, 4]) | |
# gives us a nice way to pass functions to other functions | | [1, 2, 3], &(&1 + 1) # returns [2, 3, 4] | |
## Modules and Named Functions | |
# Defining a module | |
defmodule Times do | |
def double (n) do | |
n * 2 | |
end | |
end | |
# behind the scenes, this actually becomes | |
def double (n), do: n * 2 | |
# Compiling for iex | |
iex times.exs | |
# or | |
c "times.exs" # from within iex | |
# Using a module | |
Times.double 4 | |
# multiple arity for function | |
defmodule Factorial do | |
def of(0), do: 1 | |
def of(n), do: n * of(n-1) | |
end | |
# Guard Clauses | |
defmodule Guard do | |
def what_is(x) when is_number(x) do | |
IO.puts "#{x} is a number" | |
end | |
def what_is(x) when is_atom(x) do | |
IO.puts "#{x} is a atom" | |
end | |
end | |
# Default Parameters | |
defmodule Example do | |
def func(p1, p2 \\ 2, p3) do | |
IO.inspect [p1, p2, p3] | |
end | |
end | |
# Private Functions | |
defp foo | |
# Pipe Operator | |
defmodule Work do | |
def half(n), do: div(n, 2) | |
def plus_five(n), do: n + 5 | |
def squared(n), do: n * n | |
end | |
IO.puts (6) | |
|> Work.half | |
|> Work.plus_five | |
|> Work.squared | |
# More Modules | |
# Nested Modules | |
defmodule Outer do | |
defmodule Inner do | |
def inner_func do | |
end | |
end | |
def outer_func do | |
Inner.inner_func | |
end | |
end | |
# Module Directives | |
# import | |
# Brings modules functions or macros into current scope | |
import List, only: [ flatten: 1, duplicate: 2 ] | |
# will import List with only the flatten/1 and duplicate/2 functions | |
import List, except: [ flatten: 1 ] | |
# will import List with everything except the flatten/1 function | |
import List, only: [ :functions ] | |
# will import only functions for list | |
import List, only: [ :macros ] | |
# will import only macros for list | |
# alias | |
# Creates an alias for a module (helps cut down on typing) | |
alias My.Other.Module.Parser, as: Parser | |
Parser.parse(stuff) | |
# Above alias could have been abbreviated to: | |
alias My.Other.Module.Parser | |
# because as: parameter defaults to last part of module name | |
alias My.Other.Module.{Parser, Runnner} | |
# also works if you want to alias multiple items | |
# require | |
# If you want to use any macros a module defines | |
# more about this when we talk about Macros | |
# Module Attributes | |
# Modules attributes define meta data for a a module | |
@author "Chris Malven" | |
# Attributes can be referenced from within module | |
defmodule Example do | |
@author "Chris Malven" | |
def get_author do | |
@author | |
end | |
end | |
# Module Names (Elixir, Erlang, and Atoms) | |
# Modules in Elixir have names like String or PhotoAlbum. When you write a name starting with an uppercase letter (such as String or IO) Elixir converts it internally into an atom called Elixir.String or Elixir.IO | |
:"Elixir.IO" === IO # true | |
:"Elixir.IO".puts 123 | |
# List and Recursion | |
# the [ head | tail ] pattern makes it very easy to recursively modify lists: | |
defmodule MyList do | |
def add_1([]), do: [] | |
def add_1([ head | tail]), do: [ head+1 | add_1(tail) ] | |
end | |
# writing a map function using list recursion | |
defmodule MyList do | |
def map([], _func), do: [] | |
def map([ head | tail], func), do: [ func.(head) | map(tail, func) ] | |
end | | [1, 2, 3], &(&1 * &1) # [1, 4, 9] | |
# writing a sum function using list recursion | |
defmodule MyList do | |
def sum(list, do: _sum(list, 0)) | |
defp _sum([], total), do: total | |
defp _sum([ head | tail], total), do: _sum(tail, head + total) | |
end | |
# Maps, Keyword Lists, Sets, and Structs | |
# Keyword Lists | |
# Typically used in the context of options passed to functions | |
defmodule Canvas do | |
@defaults [ fg: "black", bg: "white" ] | |
def draw_text(text options \\ []) do | |
options = Keyword.merge(@defaults, options) | |
end | |
end | |
# Maps | |
# The go-to key/value structure, good performance at all sizes. | |
map = %{ name: "Dave", likes: "Programming", where: "Dallas" } | |
Map.keys map # [:likes, :name, :where] | |
Map.values map # ["Programming", "Dave", "Dallas"] | |
map[:name] # "Dave" | |
map1 = Map.drop map, [:where, :likes] # %{ name: "Dave" } | |
map2 = Map.put map1, :also_likes, "Ruby" # %{ name: "Dave", also_likes: "Ruby" } | |
Map.has_key? map1, :where # false | |
# Pattern Matching and Updating Maps | |
person = %{ name: "Dave", height: 1.2 } | |
# Is there an entry with the key :name? | |
%{ name: a_name } = person # %{ height: 1.2, name: "Dave" } | |
# Are there entries for the keys :name and :height? | |
%{ name: _, height: _ } = person # %{ height: 1.2, name: "Dave" } | |
# Does the entry with key :name have the value "Dave"? | |
%{ name: "Dave" } = person # %{ height: 1.2, name: "Dave" } | |
# Enumerating Maps | |
people = [ | |
%{ name: "Chris", role: "Designer" }, | |
%{ name: "Peter", role: "Engineer" }, | |
%{ name: "Andy", role: "Engineer" } | |
] | |
IO.inspect( | |
for person = %{ role: role } <- people, | |
role == "Engineer", # this is called a filter, and it is optional | |
do: person | |
) | |
# Map Pattern matching in function definitions | |
defmodule HotelRoom do | |
def book(%{ name: name, days: days }) | |
when days > 5 do | |
IO.puts "Apply weekly stay discount" | |
end | |
def book(%{ name: name, days: days }) | |
when days == 0 do | |
IO.puts "Your stay must be a day or longer" | |
end | |
def book(person) do | |
IO.puts "Your stay has been booked" | |
end | |
end | |
# Updating a map | |
# The simplest way to update a map is with this syntax | |
# (note that this can't add new keys to a map) | |
new_map = %{ old_map | key => value, … } | |
# Adding a new key to a map | |
Map.put_new(old_map, :foo, "bar") | |
# Structs | |
# A struct is just a module that wraps a limited form of map. | |
# The syntax for creating a struct is the same as for a map, | |
# but with a module name between the % and { | |
defmodule Subscriber do | |
defstruct name: "", paid: false, over_18: true | |
end | |
s1 = %Subscriber{} | |
s2 = %Subscriber{ name: "Dave" } | |
# Access the fields in a struct using dot notation or pattern matching | | # "Dave" | |
%Subscriber{ name: a_name } = s2 | |
a_name # "Dave" | |
s4 = %Subscriber{ s2 | name: "Marie" } | |
# Structs are defined as modules because you can also add functions | |
defmodule Attendee do | |
defstruct name: "", paid: false, over_18: true | |
def may_attend_afterparty(attendee = %Attendee{}) do | |
attendee.paid && atendee.over_18 | |
end | |
end | |
a1 = %Attendee{ paid: true, over_18: false } | |
Attendee.may_attend_afterparty(a1) # false | |
# Processing Collections – Enum and Stream | |
# Enum | |
# Iterates (enumerates) over collections | |
# can convert any collection into a list… | |
list = Enum.to_list 1..5 # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | |
# concatenate collections… | |
Enum.concat([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] | |
# create collections whose elements are a function of the original… | |, &(&1 * 10)) # [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] | |
# select elements by position or criteria… | |, 3) # 13 | |
Enum.filter(list, &(&1 > 2)) # [3, 4, 5] | |
Enum.filter(list, &Integer.is_even/1) # [2, 4] | |
# sort and compare elements… | |
Enum.sort | |
Enum.max | |
# split a collection | |
Enum.take | |
Enum.take_every | |
Enum.take_while | |
Enum.split | |
Enum.split_while | |
# Streams | |
# Composable enumerators, lazily evaluate | |
# to create a stream | |
s = [1, 3, 5, 7], &(&1 + 1) # Stream<…> | |
# then to evaluate it, just treat it as a collection with Enum | |
Enum.to_list s | |
# you can compose multiple Streams together | |
s = [1, 3, 5, 7], &(&1 + 1) | |
s2 = s, &(&1 * 2) | |
s3 = s2, &(&1 + &1) | |
Enum.to_list s3 # [8, 16, 24, 32] | |
# aka… | |
[1, 3, 5, 7] | |
|> + 1)) | |
|> * 2)) | |
|> + &1)) | |
|> Enum.to_list | |
# and streams aren't just for lists | |
IO.puts!("/usr/share/dict/words") | |
|> | |
|> Enum.max_by(&String.length/1) | |
# Stream.cycle | |
# Cycles between list of values infinitely | |
Stream.cycle([1, 2, 3]) |> Enum.take(2) # [1, 2] | |
Stream.cycle([1, 2, 3]) |> Enum.take(5) # [1, 2, 3, 1, 2] | |
# Stream.repeatedly | |
# Takes a function and invokes it every time a new value is requested | |
Stream.repeatedly(&:random.uniform/0) |> Enum.take(3) | |
# [0.4435846174457203, 0.7230402056221108, 0.94581636451987] | |
# Comprehensions | |
# Maps and filters a collection into another collection | |
for x <- [1, 2, 3], do: x * x # [1, 4, 9] | |
for x <- [1, 2, 3], x < 3, do: x * x # [1, 4] | |
for x <- [1, 2], y <- [2, 1], do: {x, y} # [{2, 1}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}] | |
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