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Created March 3, 2015 09:46
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Automatic starting and stopping of VMWare Workstation services, to avoid running them all the time and save battery on a laptop.
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# (My VMWare)
# v1.0 - 3/3/2015
# by Chris Mavrakis (spamable - at -
# This script assumes that you do not like VMWare services running on your laptop
# all the time, so you disabled them on boot, and are only starting them when
# you need to run VMWare. This script automates the starting/stopping procedure.
# Tested/working fine with VMWare Workstation 10.0.1 build-1379776.
# Installation:
# Place the script in /usr/bin or ~/bin.
# To be able to start/stop services as a normal user without being asked
# for a password, run:
# sudo visudo
# and append these lines, substituting myusername with your username:
# %myusername ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/service vmamqpd *
# %myusername ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/service vmware *
# %myusername ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/service vmware-workstation-server *
# %myusername ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/service vmware-USBArbitrator *
# and of course save :P
# Usage:
# To start VMWare services and VMWare Workstation run:
# myvm start
# To stop VMWare services and VMWare Workstation run:
# myvm stop
if [[ $1 == 'start' ]]; then
# Start all the vmware services, one by one, in the right order
echo "*** First, we start the services..."
sudo service vmamqpd start | grep failed
sudo service vmware-USBArbitrator start | grep failed
echo "*** Starting the server (takes some time)..."
sudo service vmware-workstation-server start | grep failed
echo "*** Almost done, starting vmware..."
sudo service vmware start | grep failed
# Run the dirty workaround, for the "keys stuck or unresponsive" bug
echo "*** Now starting keybord fix..."
watch -n 0.5 "setxkbmap" > /dev/null &
# Get process's pid and save to file
echo $pid > /tmp/
echo "*** Watcpid saved:" $pid
# Finally start the GUI
echo "*** Finally, VMWare Workstation is starting. Run 'vmware stop' to stop services."
vmware &> /dev/null &
elif [[ $1 == 'stop' ]]; then
# Stop all vmware services in the right order
echo "*** Ok, stopping VMWare..."
sudo service vmware stop | grep failed
sudo service vmware-workstation-server stop | grep failed
sudo service vmware-USBArbitrator stop | grep failed
sudo service vmamqpd stop | grep failed
# Also kill the workaround process
# Get pid from file and kill the watch process
pid=`cat /tmp/`
echo "*** Killing watch with pid" $pid
kill $pid
echo "*** All done, exiting"
echo "*** No valid options given. Please re-run with either 'start' or 'stop'."
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