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Created April 26, 2018 19:30
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Distributes updated x509 tls certs to etcd2 kube nodes and resolves outdated cert problems
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Summary:
# Distributes updated x509 tls certs and resolves outdate cert problems which effectively kill your kube cluster
# ref:
# ref:
# NOTES: Ensure this is the correct process for your etcd2 kube cluster before using.
# Test on a dev/test cluster first.
# Use at own risk.
# Output of etcdctl cluster-health shows x509 cert errors:
# etcdctl cluster-health
# cluster may be unhealthy: failed to list members
# Error: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured
# error #0: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid
# KUBE-AWS-VERSION: v0.9.3-rc.5
# AMI-ID: ami-b31d43d3
# 1. Follow your kube provisioning process to update your certificates
# for kube-aws this appears to be a moving target for future releases but older releases were essentially
# kube-aws render credentials
# kube-aws update
# 2. Modify this script to include all of your etcd2 nodes IP addresses
# 3. Either cd into the updated $kube_cluster/credentials directory or modify path if desired
# 4. Execute this script with no args
# scp updated certs to etcd2 nodes
for i in ca.pem ca.pem.enc etcd-client-key.pem etcd-client-key.pem.enc etcd-client.pem etcd-client.pem.enc etcd-key.pem etcd-key.pem.enc etcd.pem etcd.pem.enc ; do
scp $i [email protected]:/var/tmp
scp $i [email protected]:/var/tmp
scp $i [email protected]:/var/tmp
# add additional etcd2 nodes here
# move to correct locations and set requisite perms, etc.
ssh [email protected] "sudo mv /var/tmp/*.pem /etc/etcd2/ssl; sudo mv /var/tmp/*.enc /etc/etcd2/ssl; sudo chown root:root /etc/etcd2/ssl/*; sudo systemctl restart etcd2; sudo systemctl status etcd2"
ssh [email protected] "sudo mv /var/tmp/*.pem /etc/etcd2/ssl; sudo mv /var/tmp/*.enc /etc/etcd2/ssl; sudo chown root:root /etc/etcd2/ssl/*; sudo systemctl restart etcd2; sudo systemctl status etcd2"
ssh [email protected] "sudo mv /var/tmp/*.pem /etc/etcd2/ssl; sudo mv /var/tmp/*.enc /etc/etcd2/ssl; sudo chown root:root /etc/etcd2/ssl/*; sudo systemctl restart etcd2; sudo systemctl status etcd2"
# add additional etcd2 nodes here
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have you tried this script with etcd3? kube-aws now ships with etcd 3.x

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your api-server,pem will also expire. you need to be rotating that as well. What is the method you tried

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weisjohn commented Jul 5, 2019

for those coming after, my /etc/etcd-environment had a number of arguments that specified the /etc/ssl/certs directory as the place needed for those values

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