Basic building blocks (you won't often use these).
Manage the visual regions of your composite application. Composite JS Apps: Regions And Region Managers
Manage one or more related Marionette.Region
The core view class that other Marionette views extend from.
A Behavior is an isolated set of DOM/user interactions that can be mixed into any View. Behaviors allow you to blackbox View specific interactions into portable logical chunks, keeping your views simple and your code DRY.
The things you actually use often.
A single item view implementation that contains code for rendering with underscore.js templates, serializing the view’s model or collection, and calling several methods on extended views, such as onRender.
A view that iterates over a Backbone.Collection
and renders an individual child view for each model.
Used for rendering a branch-leaf, hierarchical structure. Extends directly from CollectionView
and also renders and a child view as modelView
, for the top leaf
Used for managing application layoutViews, nested layoutViews and multiple regions within an application or sub-application.
A specialized view class that renders an area of HTML and thenattaches Region instances to the specified regions. Used for composite view management and sub-application areas.
Behaviors is a utility class that takes care of gluing your behavior instances to their given View. The most important part of this class is that you MUST override the class level behaviorsLookup method for things to work properly.
These are the shims and glues that bind your app into a cohesive whole
Contain and manage the composite application as a whole. Stores and starts up Region objects, includes an event aggregator as app.vent
A multi-purpose object to use as a controller for modules and routers, and as a mediator for workflow and coordination of other objects, views, and more.
Reduce the boilerplate code of handling route events and then calling a single method on another object. Have your routers configured to call the method on your object, directly. Configure an AppRouter with appRoutes. App routers can only take one controller object. It is recommended that you divide your controller objects in to smaller pieces of related functionality and have multiple routers / controllers, instead of just one giant router and controller. You can also add standard routes to an AppRouter.