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Created April 11, 2024 13:22
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Detailed guide on configuring a NUT (Network UPS Tools) server to ensure seamless integration of a Green Cell UPS with a Synology NAS.

Configuring NUT on Synology with a Green Cell UPS

This guide explains how to set up a NUT (Network UPS Tools) server to integrate a Green Cell UPS with a Synology NAS. To ensure smooth communication between the Synology and the NUT server, it's crucial that the server is named "ups" in the configuration.


  • A Synology NAS
  • A compatible Green Cell UPS
  • A server (physical or virtual) on which NUT can be installed and configured

Installing and Configuring NUT

  1. NUT Installation: Ensure NUT is installed on your server. The installation process varies depending on the operating system.

  2. Configure the NUT Server: Open the main configuration file of NUT (often named ups.conf) in your preferred text editor.

  3. Add the following configuration for your Green Cell UPS:

      driver = blazer_usb
      port = auto
      desc = "PROXONE UPS"
      default.battery.voltage.low = 10
      default.battery.voltage.high = 14
      langid_fix = 0x409
    • [ups]: It’s critical to name this section ups, as that’s the name Synology will look for when attempting to connect.
    • driver: Use blazer_usb for Green Cell UPS.
    • port: Set to auto for automatic USB port detection.
    • desc: A description to identify the UPS. This can be customized.
    • default.battery.voltage.low and high: Voltage thresholds for the battery. Adjust according to your UPS model.
    • langid_fix: A fix for language issues, if necessary.
  4. Save and close the file.

Configuring the Synology NAS

  1. Log in to DSM (DiskStation Manager) on your Synology.

  2. Navigate to Control Panel > Hardware & Power > UPS.

  3. Check the Enable UPS support option.

  4. Select Network UPS as the connection type.

  5. In the Network UPS network server field, ensure to enter ups server IP.

  6. Click Apply to save changes.

Verifying the Connection

To verify that your Synology is properly connected to the UPS via the NUT server:

  1. Check the logs on your NUT server for incoming connections.
  2. On the Synology, you should see the UPS status in Control Panel > Hardware & Power > UPS.
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