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Created July 29, 2013 16:44
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Save cmfcmf/6105715 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
New User.php file to use with Zikula 1.3.5 and the OpenID module.
* Copyright Zikula Foundation 2009 - Zikula Application Framework
* This work is contributed to the Zikula Foundation under one or more
* Contributor Agreements and licensed to You under the following license:
* @license GNU/LGPLv3 (or at your option, any later version).
* @package Zikula
* @subpackage Users
* Please see the NOTICE file distributed with this source code for further
* information regarding copyright and licensing.
* Access to (non-administrative) user-initiated actions for the Users module.
* Note: $this->throw...() functions are not used because they hide where the
* exception actually happened. (The exception thrown in the superclass is recorded
* as the file and line were the exception occurred.
class Users_Controller_User extends Zikula_AbstractController
* Post initialise.
* Run after construction.
* @return void
protected function postInitialize()
// Disable caching by default.
* Render and display the user's account panel. If he is not logged in, then redirect to the login screen.
* @return string The rendered template.
* @throws Zikula_Exception_Forbidden if the current user does not have adequate permissions to perform
* this function.
public function main()
// Security check
$this->redirectUnless(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login', array('returnpage' => urlencode(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main')))));
if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission($this->name . '::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
// The API function is called.
$accountLinks = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'accountLinks');
if ($accountLinks == false) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_NotFound($this->__('Error! No account links available.'));
return $this->view->assign('accountLinks', $accountLinks)
* Display the base user form (login/lostpassword/register options).
* If the user is logged in, then he is redirected to the home page.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function view()
// If has logged in, head to index.php
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), System::getHomepageUrl());
* Display the registration form.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* See the definition of {@link Users_Controller_FormData_RegistrationForm}.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via SERVER:
* ------------------------------
* string HTTP_USER_AGENT The browser user agent string, for comparison with illegal user agent strings.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function register()
// Should not be here if logged in.
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
// check permisisons
if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission($this->name .'::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
// Check if registration is enabled
if (!$this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_REGISTRATION_ENABLED, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_ENABLED)) {
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_registration_disabled.tpl');
// Initialize state for the state machine later on.
$state = 'error';
if ($this->request->isGet()) {
// An HTTP GET, meaning either we are reentering the function from an external authenticator,
// or we are entering the function for the very first time.
$reentrantTokenReceived = $this->request->query->get('reentranttoken', false);
if ($reentrantTokenReceived) {
// We got here by reentering from an external authenticator. Grab the data we stored in session variables.
$sessionVars = $this->request->getSession()->get('Users_Controller_User_register', false, 'Zikula_Users');
if ($sessionVars) {
$reentrantToken = isset($sessionVars['reentranttoken']) ? $sessionVars['reentranttoken'] : false;
$authenticationInfo = isset($sessionVars['authentication_info']) ? $sessionVars['authentication_info'] : array();
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = isset($sessionVars['authentication_method']) ? $sessionVars['authentication_method'] : array();
if ($reentrantToken != $reentrantTokenReceived) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('An internal error occurred. Failed to retrieve stored registration state.'));
$state = 'authenticate';
} else {
// We are entering this function for the very first time.
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = array();
$authenticationInfo = array();
$state = 'start';
} elseif ($this->request->isPost()) {
// An HTTP POST, so a form was submitted in order to get into the function. There are three possibilities.
// It could be that the user selected an authentication method, and we need to switch to that method.
// It could be that the user supplied authentication info to send to an authentication method, and we need to do that.
// It could be that the user submitted the actual registration form.
if ($this->request->request->get('authentication_method_selector', false)) {
// The user selected an authentication method, so we need to switch to it.
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = $this->request->request->get('authentication_method', false);
$authenticationInfo = array();
$state = 'authentication_method_selector';
} elseif ($this->request->request->get('registration_authentication_info', false)) {
// The user submitted authentication information that needs to be processed by the authentication module.
$authenticationInfo = $this->request->request->get('authentication_info', array());
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = $this->request->request->get('authentication_method', array());
$reentrantToken = substr(SecurityUtil::generateCsrfToken(), 0, 10);
$state = 'authenticate';
} elseif ($this->request->request->get('registration_info', false)) {
// The user submitted the acutal registration form, so we need to validate the entries and register him.
$formData = new Users_Controller_FormData_RegistrationForm('users_register', $this->serviceManager);
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = unserialize($this->request->request->get('authentication_method_ser', false));
$authenticationInfo = unserialize($this->request->request->get('authentication_info_ser', false));
$state = 'validate';
} else {
// Neither a POST nor a GET, so a fatal error.
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
// The state machine that handles the processing of the data from the initialization above.
while ($state != 'stop') {
switch ($state) {
case 'start':
// Initial starting point for registration - a GET request without a reentrant token
// Check for illegal user agents trying to register.
$userAgent = $this->request->server->get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '');
$illegalUserAgents = $this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_REGISTRATION_ILLEGAL_AGENTS, '');
// Convert the comma-separated list into a regexp pattern.
$pattern = array('/^(\s*,\s*)+/D', '/\b(\s*,\s*)+\b/D', '/(\s*,\s*)+$/D');
$replace = array('', '|', '');
$illegalUserAgents = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, preg_quote($illegalUserAgents, '/'));
// Check for emptiness here, in case there were just spaces and commas in the original string.
if (!empty($illegalUserAgents) && preg_match("/^({$illegalUserAgents})/iD", $userAgent)) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden($this->__('Sorry! The user agent you are using (the browser or other software you are using to access this site) is banned from the registration process.'));
// Notify that we are beginning a registration session.
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.registration.started');
// Get a list of authentication methods available for registration
// NOTE: The Users module methods should NOT appear on this list!
$authenticationMethodList = new Users_Helper_AuthenticationMethodList($this, array(), Zikula_Api_AbstractAuthentication::FILTER_REGISTRATION_ENABLED);
if ($authenticationMethodList->countEnabledForRegistration() <= 0) {
// There are no (non-Users module) methods available for registration, so just default to Users.
// Note that the method name is 'uname' here no matter what loginviaoption says. This is on purpose.
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = array(
'modname' => 'Users',
'method' => 'uname',
$state = 'display_registration';
} else {
// There are other authentication modules with methods that are enabled for registration. Display
// the choices to the user.
$state = 'display_method_selector';
case 'display_registration':
// An authentication method has been selected (or defaulted), or there were errors with the last
// submission of the registration form.
// Display the registration form to the user.
if (!isset($formData)) {
$formData = new Users_Controller_FormData_RegistrationForm('users_register', $this->serviceManager);
$state = 'stop';
$arguments = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'registration_info' => isset($registrationInfo) ? $registrationInfo : array(),
'errorFields' => isset($errorFields) ? $errorFields : array(),
'errorMessages' => isset($errorMessages) ? $errorMessages : array(),
return $this->view->assign_by_ref('formData', $formData)
case 'display_method_selector':
// An authentication method to use with the user's registration has not been selected.
// Present the choices to the user.
$authenticationMethodList = new Users_Helper_AuthenticationMethodList($this, array(), Zikula_Api_AbstractAuthentication::FILTER_REGISTRATION_ENABLED);
// TODO - The order and availability should be set by configuration
$authenticationMethodDisplayOrder = array();
foreach ($authenticationMethodList as $am) {
if ($am->isEnabledForAuthentication()) {
$authenticationMethodDisplayOrder[] = array(
'modname' => $am->modname,
'method' => $am->method,
$usersAuthenticationMethod = array(
'modname' => 'Users',
'method' => 'uname',
$state = 'stop';
$arguments = array(
'authentication_info' => isset($authenticationInfo) ? $authenticationInfo : array(),
'selected_authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'users_authentication_method' => $usersAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_method_display_order' => $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder,
return $this->view->assign($arguments)
case 'authentication_method_selector':
// One of the authentication method selectors on the registration methods page was clicked.
if (!$selectedAuthenticationMethod || !is_array($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod)
|| !isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname']) || !is_string($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname']) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'])
|| !isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method']) || !is_string($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method']) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method'])
) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('An invalid authentication method was selected.'));
if ($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'] == $this->name) {
$state = 'display_registration';
} else {
$state = 'display_method_selector';
case 'authenticate':
// The user provided and submitted the authentication information form on the registration methods page in order
// to authenticate his credentials with the authentication method in order to proceed to the main registration page,
// OR the user is reentering the registration process after exiting to the external authentication service to
// authenticate his credentials.
// Save the submitted information in case the authentication method is external and reentrant.
// We're using sessions here, even though anonymous sessions might be turned off for anonymous users.
// If the user is trying to regiuster, then he's going to get a session if he's successful and logs in,
// so using sessions on the anonymous user just before registration should be ok.
$sessionVars = array(
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'reentranttoken' => $reentrantToken,
$this->request->getSession()->set('Users_Controller_User_register', $sessionVars, 'Zikula_Users');
// The authentication method selected might be reentrant (it might send the user out to an external web site
// for authentication, and then send us back to finish the job). We need to tell the external system to where
// we would like to return.
$reentrantUrl = ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'register', array('reentranttoken' => $reentrantToken), null, null, true, true);
// The chosen authentication method might be reentrant, and this is the point were the user might be directed
// outside the Zikula system for external authentication.
$arguments = array(
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'reentrant_url' => $reentrantUrl,
$checkPasswordResult = ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'checkPasswordForRegistration', $arguments, 'Zikula_Api_AbstractAuthentication');
// If we have gotten to this point in the same call to registrationMethod(), then the authentication method was not external
// and reentrant, so we should not need the session variable any more. If it is external and reentrant, and the
// user was required to exit the Zikula system for authentication on the external system, then we will not get
// to this point until the reentrant callback (at which point the variable should, again, not be needed
// anymore).
$this->request->getSession()->del('Users_Controller_User_register', 'Zikula_Users');
// Did we get a good user? If so, then we can proceed to hook-like event and hook validation.
if (isset($checkPasswordResult) && $checkPasswordResult && is_array($checkPasswordResult)) {
if (isset($checkPasswordResult['authentication_info'])) {
$arguments['authentication_info'] = $checkPasswordResult['authentication_info'];
$uid = ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'getUidForAuthenticationInfo', $arguments, 'Zikula_Api_AbstractAuthentication');
if ($uid === false) {
if (isset($checkPasswordResult['authentication_info'])) {
$authenticationInfo = $checkPasswordResult['authentication_info'];
$formData = new Users_Controller_FormData_RegistrationForm('users_register', $this->serviceManager);
$registrationInfo = (isset($checkPasswordResult['registration_info']) && is_array($checkPasswordResult['registration_info'])) ? $checkPasswordResult['registration_info'] : array();
if (!empty($registrationInfo)) {
if (isset($registrationInfo['nickname']) && !empty($registrationInfo['nickname'])) {
$formData->setField('uname', $registrationInfo['nickname']);
if (isset($registrationInfo['email']) && !empty($registrationInfo['email'])) {
$formData->setField('email', $registrationInfo['email']);
$state = 'display_registration';
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('The credentials you provided are already associated with an existing user account or registration request.'));
$state = 'display_method_selector';
} else {
if (!$this->request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('We were unable to confirm your credentials with the selected service.'));
$state = 'display_method_selector';
case 'validate':
// The user filled in and submitted the main registration form and it needs to be validated.
// Get the form data
// Set up the parameters for a call to Users_Api_Registration#getRegistrationErrors()
$antispamAnswer = $formData->getFieldData('antispamanswer');
$reginfo = $formData->toUserArray();
$arguments = array(
'checkmode' => 'new',
'reginfo' => $reginfo,
'passagain' => $formData->getFieldData('passagain'),
'emailagain' => $formData->getFieldData('emailagain'),
'antispamanswer' => isset($antispamAnswer) ? $antispamAnswer : '',
if ($formData->isValid()) {
$errorFields = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'getRegistrationErrors', $arguments);
} else {
$errorFields = $formData->getErrorMessages();
// Validate the hook-like event.
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.validate_edit.new_registration', $reginfo, array(), new Zikula_Hook_ValidationProviders());
$validators = $this->eventManager->notify($event)->getData();
// Validate the hook
$hook = new Zikula_ValidationHook('users.ui_hooks.registration.validate_edit', $validators);
$validators = $hook->getValidators();
if (empty($errorFields) && !$validators->hasErrors()) {
// No errors, move on to registration.
$state = 'register';
} else {
// There were errors with the entries on the registration form. Redisplay it.
$state = 'display_registration';
case 'register':
// The registration validated, so do the actual registration.
$canLogIn = false;
$redirectUrl = '';
$registeredObj = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'registerNewUser', array(
'reginfo' => $reginfo,
'usernotification' => true,
'adminnotification' => true
if (isset($registeredObj) && $registeredObj) {
// The main registration completed successfully.
if ($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'] != $this->name) {
// The selected authentication module is NOT the Users module, so make sure the user is registered
// with the authentication module (associate the Users module record uid with the login information).
$arguments = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'uid' => $registeredObj['uid'],
$authenticationRegistered = ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'register', $arguments, 'Zikula_Api_AbstractAuthentication');
if (!$authenticationRegistered) {
$this->registerError($this->__('There was a problem associating your log-in information with your account. Please contact the site administrator.'));
} elseif ($this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_LOGIN_METHOD, Users_Constant::LOGIN_METHOD_UNAME) == Users_Constant::LOGIN_METHOD_EMAIL) {
// The authentication method IS the Users module, prepare for auto-login.
// The log-in user ID is the user's e-mail address.
$authenticationInfo = array(
'login_id' => $registeredObj['email'],
// Need the unhashed password here for auto-login
'pass' => $reginfo['pass'],
} else {
// The authentication method IS the Users module, prepare for auto-login.
// The log-in user ID is the user's user name.
$authenticationInfo = array(
'login_id' => $registeredObj['uname'],
// Need the unhashed password here for auto-login
'pass' => $reginfo['pass'],
// Allow hook-like events to process the registration...
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.process_edit.new_registration', $registeredObj);
// ...and hooks to process the registration.
$hook = new Zikula_ProcessHook('users.ui_hooks.registration.process_edit', $registeredObj['uid']);
// If there were errors after the main registration, then make sure they can be displayed.
// TODO - Would this even happen?
if (!empty($registeredObj['regErrors'])) {
$this->view->assign('regErrors', $registeredObj['regErrors']);
// Register the appropriate status or error to be displayed to the user, depending on the account's
// activated status, whether registrations are moderated, whether e-mail addresses need to be verified,
// and other sundry conditions.
if ($registeredObj['activated'] == Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_PENDING_REG) {
// The account is saved and is pending either moderator approval, e-mail verification, or both.
if (!empty($registeredObj['regErrors'])) {
// There were errors. This message takes precedence.
$this->registerError($this->__('Your registration request has been saved, however the problems listed below were detected during the registration process. Please contact the site administrator regarding the status of your request.'));
} elseif ($moderation && ($verifyEmail != Users_Constant::VERIFY_NO)) {
// Pending both moderator approval, and e-mail verification. Set the appropriate message
// based on the order of approval/verification set.
if ($moderationOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_AFTER) {
// Verification then approval.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your registration request has been saved. Remember that your e-mail address must be verified and your request must be approved before you will be able to log in. Please check your e-mail for an e-mail address verification message. Your account will not be approved until after the verification process is completed.'));
} elseif ($moderationOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE) {
// Approval then verification.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your registration request has been saved. Remember that your request must be approved and your e-mail address must be verified before you will be able to log in. Please check your e-mail periodically for a message from us. You will receive a message after we have reviewed your request.'));
} else {
// Approval and verification in any order.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your registration request has been saved. Remember that your e-mail address must be verified and your request must be approved before you will be able to log in. Please check your e-mail for an e-mail address verification message.'));
} elseif ($moderation) {
// Pending moderator approval only.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your registration request has been saved. Remember that your request must be approved before you will be able to log in. Please check your e-mail periodically for a message from us. You will receive a message after we have reviewed your request.'));
} elseif ($verifyEmail != Users_Constant::VERIFY_NO) {
// Pending e-mail address verification only.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your registration request has been saved. Remember that your e-mail address must be verified before you will be able to log in. Please check your e-mail for an e-mail address verification message.'));
} else {
// Some unknown state! Should never get here, but just in case...
$this->registerError($this->__('Your registration request has been saved, however your current registration status could not be determined. Please contact the site administrator regarding the status of your request.'));
} elseif ($registeredObj['activated'] == Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE) {
// The account is saved, and is active (no moderator approval, no e-mail verification, and the user can log in now).
if (!empty($registeredObj['regErrors'])) {
// Errors. This message takes precedence.
$this->registerError($this->__('Your account has been created and you may now log in, however the problems listed below were detected during the registration process. Please contact the site administrator for more information.'));
} elseif ($this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN)) {
// No errors and auto-login is turned on. A simple post-log-in message.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your account has been created.'));
} else {
// No errors, and no auto-login. A simple message telling the user he may log in.
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your account has been created and you may now log in.'));
$canLogIn = true;
} else {
// Shouldn't really get here out of the registration process, but cover all the bases.
$this->registerError($this->__('Your registration request has been saved, however the problems listed below were detected during the registration process. Please contact the site administrator regarding the status of your request.'));
$registeredObj['regErrors'] = $this->__('Your account status will not permit you to log in at this time. Please contact the site administrator for more information.');
// Notify that we are completing a registration session.
$arguments = array(
'redirecturl' => $redirectUrl,
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.registration.succeeded', $registeredObj, $arguments);
$event = $this->eventManager->notify($event);
$redirectUrl = $event->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $event->getArg('redirecturl') : $redirectUrl;
// Set up the next state to follow this one, along with any data needed.
if ($canLogIn && $this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_AUTO_LOGIN)) {
// Next is auto-login. Make sure redirectUrl has a value so we know where to send the user.
if (empty($redirectUrl)) {
$redirectUrl = System::getHomepageUrl();
$state = 'auto_login';
} elseif (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
// No auto-login, but a redirect URL, so send the user there next.
$state = 'redirect';
} elseif (!$registeredObj || !empty($registeredObj['regErrors']) || !$canLogIn) {
// Either some sort of error, or the user cannot yet log in. Send him to a page to display
// the current status message or error message.
$state = 'display_status';
} else {
// No auto-login, no redirect URL, no errors, and the user can log in at this point.
// Send him to the login screen.
$redirectUrl = ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login');
$state = 'redirect';
} else {
// The main registration process failed.
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Could not create the new user account or registration application. Please check with a site administrator before re-registering.'));
// Notify that we are completing a registration session.
$arguments = array(
'redirecturl' => $redirectUrl,
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.registration.failed', null, $arguments);
$event = $this->eventManager->notify($event);
$redirectUrl = $event->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $event->getArg('redirecturl') : $redirectUrl;
// Set the next state to folllow this one.
if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
// A redirect URL, so send the user there.
$state = 'redirect';
} else {
// No redirect, so send the user to a page to show the current error message.
$state = 'display_status';
case 'display_status':
// At the end of the registration process with no where else to go.
// Show the user the current status message(s) or error message(s).
$state = 'stop';
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_displaystatusmsg.tpl');
case 'redirect':
// At the end of the registration process with a redirect URL. Send the user there.
$state = 'stop';
case 'auto_login':
// At the end of the registration process that was successful with the user in a state where
// he can log in, and auto-login enabled. Log the user in, sending him to the page specified.
$state = 'stop';
$arguments = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'rememberme' => false,
'returnpage' => $redirectUrl,
return ModUtil::func($this->name, 'user', 'login', $arguments);
// An unknown processing state.
$state = 'stop';
// If we got here then we exited the above state machine with a 'stop', but there was no return statement
// in the terminal state. We don't know what to do.
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('The registration process has entered an unknown state.'));
* Display the lost user name / password choices.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function lostPwdUname()
// we shouldn't get here if logged in already....
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_lostpwduname.tpl');
* Display the account information recovery form.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string email The email address on the account of the account information to recover.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function lostUname()
// we shouldn't get here if logged in already....
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
$proceedToForm = true;
$email = '';
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$emailMessageSent = false;
$email = $this->request->request->get('email', null);
if (empty($email)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! E-mail address field is empty.'));
} else {
// save username and password for redisplay
$emailMessageSent = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'mailUname', array(
'idfield' => 'email',
'id' => $email
if ($emailMessageSent) {
$this->registerStatus($this->__f('Done! The account information for %s has been sent via e-mail.', $email));
$proceedToForm = false;
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! We are unable to send the account information for that e-mail address. Please reenter your information, or contact an administrator.'));
} elseif ($this->request->isGet()) {
$email = '';
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if ($proceedToForm) {
return $this->view->assign('email', $email)
} else {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login'));
* Display the lost password form.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string uname The user name on the account of the password to recover.
* string email The email address on the account of the password to recover.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function lostPassword()
// we shouldn't get here if logged in already....
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
$formStage = 'request';
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$emailMessageSent = false;
$uname = $this->request->request->get('uname', '');
$email = $this->request->request->get('email', '');
if (empty($uname) && empty($email)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! User name and e-mail address fields are empty.'));
} elseif (!empty($email) && !empty($uname)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Please enter either a user name OR an e-mail address, but not both of them.'));
} else {
if (!empty($uname)) {
$idfield = 'uname';
$idvalue = $uname;
} else {
$idfield = 'email';
$idvalue = $email;
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars($idvalue, false, $idfield);
if ($userObj) {
if ($userObj['activated'] == Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE) {
if (!empty($userObj['pass']) && ($userObj['pass'] != Users_Constant::PWD_NO_USERS_AUTHENTICATION)) {
$emailMessageSent = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'mailConfirmationCode', array(
'idfield' => $idfield,
'id' => $idvalue
if ($emailMessageSent) {
$this->registerStatus($this->__f('Done! The confirmation code for %s has been sent via e-mail.', $idvalue));
$formStage = 'code';
} elseif ($idfield == 'email') {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! We are unable to send a password recovery code for that e-mail address. Please try your user name, or contact an administrator.'));
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! We are unable to send a password recovery code for that user name. Please try your e-mail address, contact an administrator.'));
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! Your account is not set up to use a password to log into this site. Please recover your account information to determine your available log-in options.'));
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} elseif (($usersObj['activated'] == Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_INACTIVE) && ($this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_LOGIN_DISPLAY_INACTIVE_STATUS, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_LOGIN_DISPLAY_INACTIVE_STATUS))) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! Your account is marked as inactive. Please contact a site administrator for more information.'));
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} elseif (($usersObj['activated'] == Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_PENDING_DELETE) && ($this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_LOGIN_DISPLAY_DELETE_STATUS, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_LOGIN_DISPLAY_DELETE_STATUS))) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! Your account is marked for removal. Please contact a site administrator for more information.'));
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! An account could not be located with that information. Correct your entry and try again. If you have recently registered a new account with this site, we may be waiting for you to verify your e-mail address, or we might not have approved your registration request yet.'));
} else {
$displayPendingApproval = $this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_LOGIN_DISPLAY_APPROVAL_STATUS, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_LOGIN_DISPLAY_APPROVAL_STATUS);
$displayPendingVerification = $this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_LOGIN_DISPLAY_VERIFY_STATUS, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_LOGIN_DISPLAY_VERIFY_STATUS);
if ($displayPendingApproval || $displayPendingVerification) {
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars($idvalue, false, $idfield, true);
if ($userObj) {
$registrationsModerated = $this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_REQUIRED, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_REQUIRED);
if ($registrationsModerated) {
$registrationApprovalOrder = $this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_SEQUENCE, Users_Constant::DEFAULT_REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_SEQUENCE);
if (!$userObj['isapproved'] && ($registrationApprovalOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE)) {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! Your registration request is still waiting for approval from a site administrator.');
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} elseif (!$userObj['isverified'] && (($registrationApprovalOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_AFTER) || ($registrationApprovalOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_ANY)
|| (($registrationApprovalOrder == Users_Constant::APPROVAL_BEFORE) && $userObj['isapproved']))
) {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! Your registration request is still waiting for verification of your e-mail address. Check your inbox for an e-mail message from us. If you need another verification e-mail sent, please contact a site administrator.');
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} else {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! Your account has not completed the registration process. Please contact a site administrator for more information.');
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} elseif (!$userObj['isverified']) {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! Your registration request is still waiting for verification of your e-mail address. Check your inbox for an e-mail message from us. If you need another verification e-mail sent, please contact a site administrator.');
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} else {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! Your account has not completed the registration process. Please contact a site administrator for more information.');
$formStage = 'lostPwdUname';
} else {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! An account could not be located with that information. Correct your entry and try again.');
} else {
$message = $this->__('Sorry! An account could not be located with that information. Correct your entry and try again. If you have recently registered a new account with this site, we may be waiting for you to verify your e-mail address, or we might not have approved your registration request yet.');
} elseif ($this->request->isGet()) {
$uname = '';
$email = '';
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if ($formStage == 'request') {
$templateVariables = array(
'uname' => $uname,
'email' => $email,
return $this->view->assign($templateVariables)
} elseif ($formStage == 'code') {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'lostPasswordCode'));
} elseif ($formStage == 'lostPwdUname') {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'lostPwdUname'));
} else {
* Display the lost password confirmation code entry form.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* string email The e-mail address of the user who lost his password.
* string uname The user name of the user who lost his password.
* string code The confirmation code used to enable the user to reset his password.
* Parameters passed via POST -- from the lostpasswordcode template:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* boolean setpass Must be a value of 0 (zero).
* string email The e-mail address of the user who lost his password.
* string uname The user name of the user who lost his password.
* string code The confirmation code used to enable the user to reset his password.
* Parameters passed via POST -- from the passwordreminder template:
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* string setpass Must be a value of 1 (one).
* string uname The user name of the user who lost his password.
* string newpass The new password.
* string newpassagain The new password, repeated for verification.
* string newpassreminder The new password reminder.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function lostPasswordCode()
// we shouldn't get here if logged in already....
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
$formStage = 'code';
$errorInfo = array();
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$setPass = $this->request->request->get('setpass', false);
if (!$setPass) {
// lostpasswordcode form
$uname = $this->request->request->get('uname', '');
$email = $this->request->request->get('email', '');
$code = $this->request->request->get('code', '');
$newpass = '';
$newpassagain = '';
$newpassreminder = '';
$passreminder = '';
} else {
// Reset password (passwordreminder) form
$uname = $this->request->request->get('uname', '');
$newpass = $this->request->request->get('newpass', '');
$newpassagain = $this->request->request->get('newpassagain', '');
$newpassreminder= $this->request->request->get('newpassreminder', '');
$formStage = 'setpass';
} elseif ($this->request->isGet()) {
$setpass = false;
$uname = $this->request->query->get('uname', '');
$email = $this->request->query->get('email', '');
$code = $this->request->query->get('code', '');
$newpass = '';
$newpassagain = '';
$newpassreminder = '';
$passreminder = '';
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if (($formStage == 'code') && ($this->request->isPost() || !empty($uname) || !empty($email) || !empty($code))) {
// Got something to process from either GET or POST
if (empty($uname) && empty($email)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! User name and e-mail address fields are empty.'));
} elseif (!empty($email) && !empty($uname)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Please enter either a user name OR an e-mail address, but not both of them.'));
} elseif (empty($code)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Please enter the confirmation code you received in the e-mail message.'));
} else {
if (!empty($uname)) {
$idfield = 'uname';
$idvalue = $uname;
} else {
$idfield = 'email';
$idvalue = $email;
$checkConfArgs = array(
'idfield' => $idfield,
'id' => $idvalue,
'code' => $code,
if (ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'checkConfirmationCode', $checkConfArgs)) {
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars($idvalue, true, $idfield);
if (isset($userObj) && $userObj) {
$passreminder = isset($userObj['passreminder']) ? $userObj['passreminder'] : '';
$formStage = 'setpass';
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! Could not load that user account.'));
$formStage = 'error';
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__("Error! The code that you've enter is invalid."));
} elseif ($formStage == 'setpass') {
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars($uname, false, 'uname');
if ($userObj) {
$passreminder = isset($userObj['passreminder']) ? $userObj['passreminder'] : '';
$passwordErrors = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'getPasswordErrors', array(
'uname' => $uname,
'pass' => $newpass,
'passagain' => $newpassagain,
'passreminder' => $newpassreminder,
if (empty($passwordErrors)) {
$passwordSet = UserUtil::setPassword($newpass, $userObj['uid']);
if ($passwordSet) {
$reminderSet = UserUtil::setVar('passreminder', $newpassreminder, $userObj['uid']);
if (!$reminderSet) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Warning! Your new password has been saved, but there was an error while trying to save your new password reminder.'));
} else {
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your password has been reset, and you may now log in. Please keep your password in a safe place!'));
$formStage = 'login';
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Your new password could not be saved.'));
$formStage = 'error';
} else {
$errorInfo = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'processRegistrationErrorsForDisplay', array('registrationErrors' => $passwordErrors));
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! Could not load that user account.'));
$formStage = 'error';
if ($formStage == 'code') {
$templateVariables = array(
'uname' => $uname,
'email' => $email,
'code' => $code,
return $this->view->assign($templateVariables)
} elseif ($formStage == 'setpass') {
$templateVariables = array(
'uname' => $uname,
'passreminder' => $passreminder,
'newpassreminder' => $newpassreminder,
'errormessages' => (isset($errorInfo['errorMessages']) && !empty($errorInfo['errorMessages'])) ? $errorInfo['errorMessages'] : array(),
return $this->view->assign($templateVariables)
} elseif ($formStage == 'login') {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login'));
} else {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'lostPwdUname'));
* Display the login form, or process a user log-in request.
* This displays the main log-in screen to the user, allowing him to select a method of authenticating himself
* to the system (if more than one authentication method is available), and to provide his credentials in
* order to log into the site.
* Upon submitting his credentials (either through the log-in form mentioned above, or through another form
* such as the log-in block, this processes the credentials as a log-in request.
* If the user is already logged in, then he is redirected the main Users module page.
* Parameters passed via the $args array:
* --------------------------------------
* array authentication_info An array containing the authentication information entered by the user.
* array authentication_method An array containing two elements: 'modname', the authentication module name, and 'method', the
* selected authentication method as defined by the module.
* boolean rememberme True if the user should remain logged in at that computer for future visits; otherwise false.
* string returnpage The URL of the page to return to if the log-in attempt is successful. (This URL must not be urlencoded.)
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* string returnpage The urlencoded URL of the page to return to if the log-in attempt is successful.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* array authentication_info An array containing the authentication information entered by the user.
* array authentication_method An array containing two elements: 'modname', the authentication module name, and 'method', the
* selected authentication method as defined by the module.
* boolean rememberme True if the user should remain logged in at that computer for future visits; otherwise false.
* string returnpage The URL of the page to return to if the log-in attempt is successful. (This URL must not be urlencoded.)
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* Namespace: Zikula_Users
* Variable: Users_Controller_User_login
* Type: array
* Contents: An array containing the information passed in via the $args array or the GET or POST variables, and additionaly, the
* element 'user_obj'if the user record has been loaded. (The returnpage element must not be urlencoded when stored
* on the session.)
* @return boolean|string True on successful authentication and login, the rendered output of the appropriate
* template to display the log-in form.
* @throws Zikula_Exception_Redirect If the user is already logged in, or upon successful login with the redirect
* option set to send the user to the appropriate page, or...
public function login($args)
// we shouldn't get here if logged in already....
$this->redirectIf(UserUtil::isLoggedIn(), ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
$loggedIn = false;
$isFunctionCall = false;
$isReentry = false;
// Need to check for $args first, since isPost() and isGet() will have been set on the original call
if (isset($args) && is_array($args) && !empty($args)) {
// We are coming in or back (reentering) from someplace else via a direct call to this function. It is likely that
// we are coming back from a user.login.veto event handler that redirected the user to a page where he had to provide
// more information.
$authenticationInfo = isset($args['authentication_info']) ? $args['authentication_info'] : array();
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = isset($args['authentication_method']) ? $args['authentication_method'] : array();
$rememberMe = isset($args['rememberme']) ? $args['rememberme'] : false;
$returnPage = isset($args['returnpage']) ? $args['returnpage'] : $this->request->query->get('returnpage', '');
$eventType = isset($args['event_type']) ? $args['event_type'] : false;
$isFunctionCall = true;
} elseif (isset($args) && !is_array($args)) {
// Coming from a function call, but bad $args
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal(LogUtil::getErrorMsgArgs());
} elseif ($this->request->isPost()) {
// We got here from a POST, either from the login, the login block, or some reasonable facsimile thereof.
if (System::getVar('anonymoussessions', false)) {
$authenticationInfo = $this->request->request->get('authentication_info', array());
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = $this->request->request->get('authentication_method', array());
$rememberMe = $this->request->request->get('rememberme', false);
$returnPage = $this->request->request->get('returnpage', urldecode($this->request->query->get('returnpage', '')));
if (empty($returnPage)) {
// Check if returnurl was set instead of returnpage
$returnPage = $this->request->request->get('returnurl', urldecode($this->request->query->get('returnurl', '')));
$eventType = $this->request->request->get('event_type', false);
} elseif ($this->request->isGet()) {
$reentry = false;
$reentrantTokenReceived = $this->request->query->get('reentranttoken', '');
$sessionVars = $this->request->getSession()->get('Users_Controller_User_login', array(), 'Zikula_Users');
$this->request->getSession()->del('Users_Controller_User_login', 'Zikula_Users');
$reentrantToken = isset($sessionVars['reentranttoken']) ? $sessionVars['reentranttoken'] : false;
if (!empty($reentrantTokenReceived) && ($reentrantTokenReceived == $reentrantToken)) {
// We are coming back (reentering) from someplace else. It is likely that we are coming back from an external
// authentication process initiated by an authentication module such as OpenID.
$authenticationInfo = isset($sessionVars['authentication_info']) ? $sessionVars['authentication_info'] : array();
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = isset($sessionVars['authentication_method']) ? $sessionVars['authentication_method'] : array();
$rememberMe = isset($sessionVars['rememberme']) ? $sessionVars['rememberme'] : false;
$returnPage = isset($sessionVars['returnpage']) ? $sessionVars['returnpage'] : $this->request->query->get('returnpage', '');
$eventType = isset($sessionVars['event_type']) ? $sessionVars['event_type'] : false;
$user = isset($sessionVars['user_obj']) ? $sessionVars['user_obj'] : null;
$isReentry = true;
} else {
$authenticationInfo = array();
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = array();
$rememberMe = false;
$returnPage = urldecode($this->request->query->get('returnpage', $this->request->query->get('returnurl', '')));
$eventType = 'login_screen';
$user = array();
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.started');
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if (!isset($reentrantToken)) {
$reentrantToken = substr(SecurityUtil::generateCsrfToken(), 0, 10);
// Any authentication information for use in this pass through login is gathered, so ensure any session variable
// is cleared, even if we are coming in through a post or a function call that didn't gather info from the session.
$this->request->getSession()->del('Users_Controller_User_login', 'Zikula_Users');
$authenticationMethodList = new Users_Helper_AuthenticationMethodList($this);
if ($this->request->isPost() || $isFunctionCall || $isReentry) {
// A form submission, or a simulated submission as a function call.
if (isset($authenticationInfo) && is_array($authenticationInfo) && !empty($authenticationInfo)) {
if (!isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || !is_array($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod)
|| !isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname']) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'])
|| !isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method']) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method'])
) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('Error! Invalid authentication method information.'));
if (ModUtil::available($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'])
&& ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'isEnabledForAuthentication', $selectedAuthenticationMethod)
) {
// The authentication method is reasonably valid, moving on to validate the user-entered credentials
$validateAuthenticationInfoArgs = array(
'authenticationMethod' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authenticationInfo' => $authenticationInfo,
if (ModUtil::func($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'validateAuthenticationInformation', $validateAuthenticationInfoArgs)) {
// The authentication method and the authentication information have been validated at the UI level.
// Moving on to the actual authentication process. Save the submitted information in case the authentication
// method is external and reentrant.
// We're using sessions here, even though anonymous sessions might be turned off for anonymous users.
// If the user is trying to log in, then he's going to get a session if he's successful,
// so using sessions on the anonymous user just before logging in should be ok.
$sessionVars = array(
'event_type' => $eventType,
'returnpage' => $returnPage,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'rememberme' => $rememberMe,
'reentranttoken' => $reentrantToken,
$this->request->getSession()->set('Users_Controller_User_login', $sessionVars, 'Zikula_Users');
// The authentication method selected might be reentrant (it might send the user out to an external web site
// for authentication, and then send us back to finish the job). We need to tell the external system to where
// we would like to return.
$reentrantUrl = ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login', array('reentranttoken' => $reentrantToken), null, null, true, true);
// There may be hook providers that need to be validated, so we cannot yet log in. The hook providers will
// need a user object to make sure they know who they're dealing with. Authenticate (so we are sure that
// the user is who he says he is) and get a user.
// The chosen authentication method might be reentrant, and this is the point were the user might be directed
// outside the Zikula system for external authentication.
$user = UserUtil::authenticateUserUsing($selectedAuthenticationMethod, $authenticationInfo, $reentrantUrl, true);
// Did we get a good user? If so, then we can proceed to hook validation.
if (isset($user) && $user && is_array($user) && isset($user['uid']) && is_numeric($user['uid'])) {
$validators = new Zikula_Hook_ValidationProviders();
if ($eventType) {
$event = new Zikula_Event("module.users.ui.validate_edit.{$eventType}", $user, array(), $validators);
$validators = $this->eventManager->notify($event)->getData();
$hook = new Zikula_ValidationHook("users.ui_hooks.{$eventType}.validate_edit", $validators);
$validators = $hook->getValidators();
if (!$validators->hasErrors()) {
// Process the edit hooks BEFORE we log in, so that any changes to the user record are recorded before we re-check
// the user's ability to log in. If we don't do this, then user.login.veto might trap and cancel the login attempt again.
if ($eventType) {
$event = new Zikula_Event("module.users.ui.process_edit.{$eventType}", $user, array());
$hook = new Zikula_ProcessHook("users.ui_hooks.{$eventType}.process_edit", $user['uid']);
if (!isset($user['lastlogin']) || empty($user['lastlogin']) || ($user['lastlogin'] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00')) {
$isFirstLogin = true;
} else {
$isFirstLogin = false;
// Because we are passing a $user and setting checkPassword false, this call back into the authentication
// chain should not trigger an external re-authentication, so it should not need preparation for reentry.
$loggedIn = UserUtil::loginUsing($selectedAuthenticationMethod, $authenticationInfo, $rememberMe, $reentrantUrl, false, $user);
if (!$loggedIn) {
// Because the user was preauthentication, this should never happen, but just in case...
if (!$this->request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Your log-in request was not completed.'));
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'redirecturl' => '',
$failedEvent = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.failed', $user, $eventArgs);
$failedEvent = $this->eventManager->notify($failedEvent);
$redirectUrl = $failedEvent->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $failedEvent->getArg('redirecturl') : '';
if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
} else {
if (!$this->request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Your log-in request was not completed.'));
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'redirecturl' => '',
$failedEvent = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.failed', $user, $eventArgs);
$failedEvent = $this->eventManager->notify($failedEvent);
$redirectUrl = $failedEvent->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $failedEvent->getArg('redirecturl') : '';
if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
} else {
if (!$this->request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('There is no user account matching that information, or the password you gave does not match the password on file for that account.'));
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'redirecturl' => '',
$failedEvent = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.failed', null, $eventArgs);
$failedEvent = $this->eventManager->notify($failedEvent);
$redirectUrl = $failedEvent->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $failedEvent->getArg('redirecturl') : '';
if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
// If we have gotten to this point in the same call to login(), then the authentication method was not external
// and reentrant, so we should not need the session variable any more. If it is external and reentrant, and the
// user was required to exit the Zikula system for authentication on the external system, then we will not get
// to this point until the reentrant call back to login() (at which point the variable should, again, not be needed
// anymore).
$this->request->getSession()->del('Users_Controller_User_login', 'Zikula_Users');
} else {
if (!$this->request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('The credentials you entered were not valid. Please reenter the requested information and try again.'));
} else {
if ($authenticationMethodList->countEnabledForAuthentication() <= 1) {
$this->registerError($this->__('The selected log-in method is not currently available. Please contact the site administrator for assistance.'));
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('The selected log-in method is not currently available. Please choose another or contact the site administrator for assistance.'));
} elseif (isset($authenticationInfo) && (!is_array($authenticationInfo))) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('Error! Invalid authentication information received.'));
if (!$loggedIn) {
// Either a GET request type to initially display the login form, or a failed login attempt
// which means the login form should be displayed anyway.
if ((!isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod))
&& ($authenticationMethodList->countEnabledForAuthentication() <= 1)
) {
$authenticationMethod = $authenticationMethodList->getAuthenticationMethodForDefault();
$selectedAuthenticationMethod = array(
'modname' => $authenticationMethod->modname,
'method' => $authenticationMethod->method,
// TODO - The order and availability should be set by configuration
$authenticationMethodDisplayOrder = array();
foreach ($authenticationMethodList as $authenticationMethod) {
if ($authenticationMethod->isEnabledForAuthentication()) {
$authenticationMethodDisplayOrder[] = array(
'modname' => $authenticationMethod->modname,
'method' => $authenticationMethod->method,
$templateArgs = array(
'returnpage' => isset($returnPage) ? $returnPage : '',
'authentication_info' => isset($authenticationInfo) ? $authenticationInfo : array(),
'selected_authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'authentication_method_display_order' => $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder,
'user_obj' => isset($user) ? $user : array(),
return $this->view->assign($templateArgs)
} else {
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod,
'redirecturl' => $returnPage,
if (isset($isFirstLogin)) {
$eventArgs['is_first_login'] = $isFirstLogin;
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.succeeded', $user, $eventArgs);
$event = $this->eventManager->notify($event);
$returnPage = $event->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $event->getArg('redirecturl') : $returnPage;
if (empty($returnPage)) {
$returnPage = System::getHomepageUrl();
// A successful login.
if ($this->getVar(Users_Constant::MODVAR_LOGIN_WCAG_COMPLIANT, 1) == 1) {
// WCAG compliant login
} else {
// meta refresh
$this->printRedirectPage($this->__('You are being logged-in. Please wait...'), $returnPage);
return true;
* Log a user out.
* The user is redirected to the entry point of the site, or to a redirect
* page if specified in the site configuration.
* @return bool True (whether successfully logged out or not.)
public function logout()
$login_redirect = $this->getVar('login_redirect');
// start logout event
$uid = UserUtil::getVar('uid');
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars($uid);
$authenticationMethod = SessionUtil::getVar('authentication_method', array('modname' => '', 'method' => ''), 'Zikula_Users');
if (UserUtil::logout()) {
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.logout.succeeded', $userObj, array(
'authentication_method' => $authenticationMethod,
'uid' => $userObj['uid'],
if ($login_redirect == 1) {
// WCAG compliant logout - we redirect to index.php because
// we might no have the permission for the recent site any longer
} else {
// meta refresh
$this->printRedirectPage($this->__('Done! You have been logged out.'), System::getHomepageUrl());
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! You have not been logged out.'))
return true;
* Render and process a registration e-mail verification code.
* This function will render and display to the user a form allowing him to enter
* a verification code sent to him as part of the registration process. If the user's
* registration does not have a password set (e.g., if an admin created the registration),
* then he is prompted for it at this time. This function also processes the results of
* that form, setting the registration record to verified (if appropriate), saving the password
* (if provided) and if the registration record is also approved (or does not require it)
* then a new user account is created.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* string uname The user name of the user who is verifying his e-mail address for registration.
* string verifycode The code sent to the user in order to verify his e-mail address.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string uname The user name of the user who is verifying his e-mail address for registration.
* string verifycode The code sent to the user in order to verify his e-mail address.
* string newpass If the user needs to set his password (the admin created the account record and did not create a password
* at that time), then this contains the user's new password.
* string newpassagain The new password repeated for verification.
* string newpassreminder The new password reminder.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return string|bool The rendered template; true on redirect; false on error.
public function verifyRegistration()
if (UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! An account cannot be verified while you are logged in.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
if ($this->request->isGet()) {
$uname = $this->request->query->get('uname', '');
$verifycode = $this->request->query->get('verifycode', '');
} elseif ($this->request->isPost()) {
$uname = $this->request->request->get('uname', '');
$verifycode = $this->request->request->get('verifycode', '');
$newpass = $this->request->request->get('newpass', '');
$newpassagain = $this->request->request->get('newpassagain', '');
$newpassreminder= $this->request->request->get('newpassreminder', '');
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if ($uname) {
$uname = mb_strtolower($uname);
$setPass = false;
if ($uname && $verifycode) {
// Both a user name and verification code were submitted
$reginfo = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'get', array('uname' => $uname));
if ($reginfo) {
if (!isset($reginfo['pass']) || empty($reginfo['pass'])) {
$setPass = true;
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$passwordErrors = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'getPasswordErrors', array(
'uname' => $uname,
'pass' => $newpass,
'passagain' => $newpassagain,
'passreminder' => $newpassreminder,
if (empty($passwordErrors)) {
$newpassHash = UserUtil::getHashedPassword($newpass);;
$passSaved = UserUtil::setVar('pass', $newpassHash, $reginfo['uid']);
if (!$passSaved) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! There was an error while trying to save your new password and reminder.'));
} else {
$reginfo['pass'] = $newpassHash;
$passReminderSaved = UserUtil::setVar('passreminder', $newpassreminder, $reginfo['uid']);
if (!$passReminderSaved) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! There was an error while trying to save your new password and reminder.'));
} else {
$reginfo['passreminder'] = $newpassreminder;
if ($verifycode && $reginfo && isset($reginfo['pass']) && !empty($reginfo['pass'])) {
$verifyChg = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'getVerificationCode', array(
'uid' => $reginfo['uid'],
if ($verifyChg) {
$codesMatch = UserUtil::passwordsMatch($verifycode, $verifyChg['verifycode']);
if ($codesMatch) {
$verified = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'verify', array('reginfo' => $reginfo));
if ($verified) {
if (isset($verified['regErrors']) && count($verified['regErrors']) > 0) {
$regErrorsMessage = $this->__('There were some problems detected during the verification process. Please contact the site administrator regarding the status of your verification.');
$this->view->assign('regErrors', $verified['regErrors']);
switch ($verified['activated']) {
case Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_PENDING_REG:
if (empty($verified['approved_by'])) {
$message = $this->__('Done! Your account has been verified, and is awaiting administrator approval.');
} else {
$message = $this->__('Done! Your account has been verified. Your registration request is still pending completion. Please contact the site administrator for more information.');
if (isset($verified['regErrors']) && count($verified['regErrors']) > 0) {
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_displaystatusmsg.tpl');
case Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE:
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your account has been verified. You may now log in with your user name and password.'));
if (isset($verified['regErrors']) && count($verified['regErrors']) > 0) {
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_displaystatusmsg.tpl');
} else {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login'));
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Your account has been verified.'));
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Your new account is not active yet. Please contact the site administrator for more information.'));
if (isset($verified['regErrors']) && count($verified['regErrors']) > 0) {
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_displaystatusmsg.tpl');
} else {
if (!$this->request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! There was an error while marking your registration as verifed. Please contact an administrator.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
} else {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! The verification code you provided does not match our records. Please check the code, and also check your e-mail for a newer verification code that might have been sent.'));
} elseif ($verifyChg === false) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! There was a problem retrieving the verification code for comparison.'));
return false;
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__f('Error! There is no pending verification code for \'%1$s\'. Please contact the site administrator.', array($reginfo['uname'])));
return false;
// No code, or no password. Pass down through to the template rendering.
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! A registration does not exist for the user name you provided. Maybe your request has expired? Please check the user name, or contact an administrator.'));
if (isset($passwordErrors) && !empty($passwordErrors)) {
$errorInfo = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'processRegistrationErrorsForDisplay', array('registrationErrors' => $passwordErrors));
} else {
$errorInfo = array();
$rendererArgs = array(
'verify_uname' => $uname,
'verifycode' => $verifycode,
'reginfo' => isset($reginfo) ? $reginfo : array(),
'setpass' => $setPass,
'newpass' => isset($newpass) ? $newpass : '',
'newpassreminder' => isset($newpassreminder) ? $newpassreminder : '',
'errormessages' => (isset($errorInfo['errorMessages']) && !empty($errorInfo['errorMessages'])) ? $errorInfo['errorMessages'] : array(),
return $this->view->assign($rendererArgs)
* LEGACY user account activation.
* We must keep this function, because there is no way to know whether an inactive account
* is inactive because it needs activation, or for some other reason set manually by the site admin.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* string code Confirmation/Activation code.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string code Confirmation/Activation code.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
* @return bool True on success, otherwise false.
public function activation($args)
if ($this->request->query->has('code')) {
$code = $this->request->query->get('code');
} elseif ($this->request->request->has('code')) {
$code = $this->request->request->get('code');
} else {
$code = isset($args['code']) ? $args['code'] : null;
$code = base64_decode($code);
$code = explode('#', $code);
if (!isset($code[0]) || !isset($code[1])) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Could not activate your account. Please contact the site administrator.'));
return false;
$uid = $code[0];
$code = $code[1];
// Get user Regdate
$regdate = UserUtil::getVar('user_regdate', $uid);
// Checking length in case the date has been stripped from its space in the mail.
if (strlen($code) == 18) {
if (!strpos($code, ' ')) {
$code = substr($code, 0, 10) . ' ' . substr($code, -8);
if (hash('md5', $regdate) == hash('md5', $code)) {
$returncode = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'activateUser',
array('uid' => $uid,
'regdate' => $regdate));
if (!$returncode) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Could not activate your account. Please contact the site administrator.'));
return false;
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Account activated.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login'));
} else {
$this->registerError($this->__('Sorry! You entered an invalid confirmation code. Please correct your entry and try again.'));
return false;
* Print a (legacy) login/logout redirect page. Internal use only, not intended to be called through the API.
* @param string $message The message to display on the redirect page.
* @param string $url The URL of the page to redirect to after this redirect page has been displayed.
* @return bool True.
private function printRedirectPage($message, $url)
$url = (!isset($url) || empty($url)) ? System::getHomepageUrl() : $url;
// check the url
if (substr($url, 0, 1) == '/') {
// Root-relative links
$url = 'http'.(System::serverGetVar('HTTPS')=='on' ? 's' : '').'://'.System::serverGetVar('HTTP_HOST').$url;
} elseif (!preg_match('!^(?:http|https):\/\/!', $url)) {
// Removing leading slashes from redirect url
$url = preg_replace('!^/*!', '', $url);
// Get base URL and append it to our redirect url
$baseurl = System::getBaseUrl();
$url = $baseurl.$url;
$this->view->assign('ThemeSel', System::getVar('Default_Theme'))
->assign('url', $url)
->assign('message', $message)
->assign('stylesheet', ThemeUtil::getModuleStylesheet($this->name))
->assign('redirectmessage', $this->__('If you are not automatically re-directed then please click here.'))
return true;
* Log into a site that is currently "off" (normal logins are not allowed).
* Allows the administrator to access the site during maintenance.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string user The user name of the user attempting to log in.
* string pass The password of the user attempting to log in.
* boolean rememberme Whether the login session should persist.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return bool True.
public function siteOffLogin()
// do not process if the site is enabled
$this->redirectIf(!System::getVar('siteoff', false), System::getHomepageUrl());
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$user = $this->request->request->get('user', null);
$pass = $this->request->request->get('pass', null);
$rememberme = $this->request->request->get('rememberme', false);
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
$redirectUrl = System::getHomepageUrl();
$authenticationInfo = array(
'login_id' => $user,
'pass' => $pass
$authenticationMethod = array(
'modname' => $this->name,
'method' => 'uname',
if (UserUtil::loginUsing($authenticationMethod, $authenticationInfo, $rememberme)) {
$user = UserUtil::getVars(UserUtil::getVar('uid'));
if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Settings::', 'SiteOff::', ACCESS_ADMIN)) {
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $authenticationMethod,
'redirecturl' => '',
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.failed', $user, $eventArgs);
$event = $this->eventManager->notify($event);
$redirectUrl = $event->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $event->getArg('redirecturl') : $redirectUrl;
} else {
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $authenticationMethod,
'redirecturl' => $redirectUrl,
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.succeeded', $user, $eventArgs);
$event = $this->eventManager->notify($event);
$redirectUrl = $event->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $event->getArg('redirecturl') : $redirectUrl;
} else {
$eventArgs = array(
'authentication_method' => $authenticationMethod,
'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo,
'redirecturl' => '',
$event = new Zikula_Event('module.users.ui.login.failed', null, $eventArgs);
$event = $this->eventManager->notify($event);
$redirectUrl = $event->hasArg('redirecturl') ? $event->getArg('redirecturl') : '';
* Display the configuration options for the users block.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function usersBlock()
$blocks = ModUtil::apiFunc('Blocks', 'user', 'getall');
$mid = ModUtil::getIdFromName($this->name);
$found = false;
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
if ($block['mid'] == $mid && $block['bkey'] == 'user') {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
throw new Zikual_Exception_Fatal();
return $this->view->assign(UserUtil::getVars(UserUtil::getVar('uid')))
* Update the custom users block.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* boolean ublockon Whether the block is displayed or not.
* mixed ublock ?.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return bool True on success, otherwise false.
public function updateUsersBlock()
if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
$blocks = ModUtil::apiFunc('Blocks', 'user', 'getall');
$mid = ModUtil::getIdFromName($this->name);
$found = false;
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
if ($block['mid'] == $mid && $block['bkey'] == 'user') {
$found = true;
if (!$found) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal();
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$ublockon = (bool)$this->request->request->get('ublockon', false);
$ublock = (string)$this->request->request->get('ublock', '');
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
$uid = UserUtil::getVar('uid');
UserUtil::setVar('ublockon', $ublockon);
UserUtil::setVar('ublock', $ublock);
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Saved custom block.'))
* Display the change password form.
* Parameters passed via the $args array:
* --------------------------------------
* boolean login True if in the middle of a log-in attempt and changing the password via a forced password change.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* boolean login True if in the middle of a log-in attempt and changing the password via a forced password change.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* boolean login True if in the middle of a log-in attempt and changing the password via a forced password change.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* Namespace: Zikula_Users
* Variable: Users_Controller_User_changePassword
* Type: array
* Contents: An array containing the information saved from the log-in attempt in order to re-enter it, including:
* 'authentication_method', an array containing the selected authentication module name and method name,
* 'authentication_info', an array containing the authentication information entered by the user,
* 'user_obj', a user record containing the user information found during the log-in attempt,
* 'password_errors', errors that have occurred during a previous pass through this function.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function changePassword($args)
// Retrieve and delete any session variables being sent in before we give the function a chance to
// throw an exception. We need to make sure no sensitive data is left dangling in the session variables.
$sessionVars = $this->request->getSession()->get('Users_Controller_User_changePassword', null, 'Zikula_Users');
$this->request->getSession()->del('Users_Controller_User_changePassword', 'Zikula_Users');
// The check for $args must be first, because isPost() and isGet() will be set for the function that called this one
if (isset($args) && !empty($args) && is_array($args)) {
// Arrived via function call
if (!isset($args['login'])) {
$args['login'] = false;
} elseif (isset($args) && !is_array($args)) {
// Arrived via function call with bad $args
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal(LogUtil::getErrorMsgArgs());
} elseif ($this->request->isPost()) {
// Arrived from a form post
$args['login'] = $this->request->request->get('login', false);
} elseif ($this->request->isGet()) {
// Arrived from a simple URL
$args['login'] = $this->request->query->get('login', false);
// In order to change one's password, the user either must be logged in already, or specifically
// must be coming from the login process. This is an exclusive-or. It is an error if neither is set,
// and likewise if both are set. One or the other, please!
if (!$args['login'] && !UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
} elseif ($args['login'] && UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal();
// If we are coming here from the login process, then there are certain things that must have been
// send along in the session variable. If not, then error.
if ($args['login'] && (!isset($sessionVars['user_obj']) || !is_array($sessionVars['user_obj'])
|| !isset($sessionVars['authentication_info']) || !is_array($sessionVars['authentication_info'])
|| !isset($sessionVars['authentication_method']) || !is_array($sessionVars['authentication_method']))
) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal();
if ($this->getVar('changepassword', 1) != 1) {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
$passwordErrors = array();
if (isset($sessionVars['password_errors'])) {
if (!empty($sessionVars['password_errors'])) {
$passwordErrors = $sessionVars['password_errors'];
if ($args['login']) {
// Pass along the session vars to updatePassword. We didn't want to just keep them in the session variable
// /Users_Controller_User_changePassword because if we hit an exception or got redirected, then the data
// would have been orphaned, and it contains some sensitive information.
$this->request->getSession()->set('Users_Controller_User_updatePassword', $sessionVars, 'Zikula_Users');
// Return the output that has been generated by this function
return $this->view->assign('password_errors', $passwordErrors)
->assign('login', (bool)$args['login'])
->assign('user_obj', ($args['login'] ? $sessionVars['user_obj'] : null))
->assign('authentication_method', ($args['login'] ? $sessionVars['authentication_method'] : null))
* Update the user's password.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string oldpassword The original password.
* string newpassword The new password to be stored for the user.
* string newpasswordconfirm Verification of the new password to be stored for the user.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* Namespace: Zikula_Users
* Variable: Users_Controller_User_updatePassword
* Type: array
* Contents: An array containing the information saved from the log-in attempt in order to re-enter it, including:
* 'authentication_method', an array containing the selected authentication module name and method name,
* 'authentication_info', an array containing the authentication information entered by the user,
* 'user_obj', a user record containing the user information found during the log-in attempt,
* 'password_errors', errors that have occurred during a previous pass through this function.
* @return bool True on success, otherwise false.
public function updatePassword()
$sessionVars = $this->request->getSession()->get('Users_Controller_User_updatePassword', null, 'Zikula_Users');
$this->request->getSession()->del('Users_Controller_User_updatePassword', 'Zikula_Users');
if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if (isset($sessionVars) && !empty($sessionVars)) {
$login = true;
$userObj = $sessionVars['user_obj'];
} else {
$login = false;
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars(UserUtil::getVar('uid'), true);
$uid = $userObj['uid'];
if (!$login && !UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
} elseif ($login && UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal();
$passwordChanged = false;
$currentPassword = $this->request->request->get('oldpassword', '');
$newPassword = $this->request->request->get('newpassword', '');
$newPasswordAgain = $this->request->request->get('newpasswordconfirm', '');
$newPasswordReminder= $this->request->request->get('passreminder', '');
$passwordErrors = array();
if (empty($currentPassword) || !UserUtil::passwordsMatch($currentPassword, $userObj['pass'])) {
$passwordErrors['oldpass'][] = $this->__('The current password you entered is not correct. Please correct your entry and try again.');
} else {
$passwordErrors = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'getPasswordErrors', array(
'uname' => $userObj['uname'],
'pass' => $newPassword,
'passagain' => $newPasswordAgain,
'passreminder' => $newPasswordReminder
if ($login && ($currentPassword == $newPassword)) {
$passwordErrors['reginfo_pass'][] = $this->__('Your new password cannot match your current password.');
if (empty($passwordErrors)) {
if (UserUtil::setPassword($newPassword, $uid)) {
// no user.update event for password chagnes.
$passwordChanged = true;
// Clear the forced change of password flag, if it exists.
UserUtil::delVar('_Users_mustChangePassword', $uid);
if (!UserUtil::setVar('passreminder', $newPasswordReminder, $uid)) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Warning! Your new password was saved, however there was a problem saving your new password reminder.'));
} else {
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Saved your new password.'));
$userObj = UserUtil::getVars(UserUtil::getVar('uid'), true);
if ($login) {
$sessionVars['user_obj'] = $userObj;
if ($sessionVars['authentication_method']['modname'] == $this->name) {
// The password for Users module authentication was just changed.
// In order to successfully log in the user, we need to change it on the authentication_info.
$sessionVars['authentication_info']['pass'] = $newPassword;
} else {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Fatal($this->__('Sorry! There was a problem saving your new password.'));
if ($passwordChanged) {
if ($login) {
$loginArgs = $this->request->getSession()->get('Users_Controller_User_login', array(), 'Zikula_Users');
$loginArgs['authentication_method'] = $sessionVars['authentication_method'];
$loginArgs['authentication_info'] = $sessionVars['authentication_info'];
$loginArgs['rememberme'] = $sessionVars['rememberme'];
return ModUtil::func($this->name, 'user', 'login', $loginArgs);
} else {
return $this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
} else {
$sessionVars['password_errors'] = $passwordErrors;
$this->request->getSession()->set('Users_Controller_User_changePassword', $sessionVars, 'Zikula_Users');
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'changePassword', array('login' => $login)));
* Display the change email address form.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function changeEmail()
if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
if ($this->getVar('changeemail', 1) != 1) {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
return $this->view->fetch('users_user_changeemail.tpl');
* Update the email address.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* string newemail The new e-mail address to store for the user.
* string newemailagain The new e-mail address repeated for verification.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @return bool True on success, otherwise false.
public function updateEmail()
if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
$uservars = $this->getVars();
if ($uservars['changeemail'] <> 1) {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
$newemail = $this->request->request->get('newemail', '');
$newemailagain = $this->request->request->get('newemailagain', '');
$emailErrors = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'registration', 'getEmailErrors', array(
'uid' => $uservars['uid'],
'email' => $newemail,
'emailagain' => $newemailagain,
'checkmode' => 'modify',
if (!empty($emailErrors)) {
foreach ($emailErrors as $field => $errorList) {
foreach ($errorList as $errorMessage) {
$this->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'changeEmail'));
// save the provisional email until confimation
$verificationSent = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'savePreEmail', array('newemail' => $newemail));
if (!$verificationSent) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! There was a problem saving your new e-mail address or sending you a verification message.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'changeEmail'));
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! You will receive an e-mail to your new e-mail address to confirm the change. You must follow the instructions in that message in order to verify your new address.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
* Display the form that allows the user to change the language displayed to him on the site.
* @return string The rendered template.
public function changeLang()
if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();
// Assign the languages
return $this->view->assign('languages', ZLanguage::getInstalledLanguageNames())
->assign('usrlang', ZLanguage::getLanguageCode())
* Confirm the update of the email address.
* Available Get Parameters:
* - confirmcode (string) The confirmation code.
* Parameters passed via the $args array:
* --------------------------------------
* string $args['confirmcode'] Default value for the 'confirmcode' get parameter. Allows this function to be called internally.
* Parameters passed via GET:
* --------------------------
* string confirmcode The confirmation code for verifying the change of e-mail address.
* Parameters passed via POST:
* ---------------------------
* None.
* Parameters passed via SESSION:
* ------------------------------
* None.
* @param array $args All parameters passed to this function.
* @return bool True on success, otherwise false.
public function confirmChEmail($args)
$confirmcode = $this->request->query->get('confirmcode', isset($args['confirmcode']) ? $args['confirmcode'] : null);
if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Please log into your account in order to confirm your change of e-mail address.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'login', array('returnpage' => urlencode(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'confirmChEmail', array('confirmcode' => $confirmcode))))));
// get user new email that is waiting for confirmation
$preemail = ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'getUserPreEmail');
$validCode = UserUtil::passwordsMatch($confirmcode, $preemail['verifycode']);
if (!$preemail || !$validCode) {
$this->registerError($this->__('Error! Your e-mail has not been found. After your request you have five days to confirm the new e-mail address.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
// user and confirmation code are correct. set the new email
UserUtil::setVar('email', $preemail['newemail']);
// the preemail record is deleted
ModUtil::apiFunc($this->name, 'user', 'resetVerifyChgFor', array(
'uid' => $preemail['uid'],
'changetype'=> Users_Constant::VERIFYCHGTYPE_EMAIL,
$this->registerStatus($this->__('Done! Changed your e-mail address.'))
->redirect(ModUtil::url($this->name, 'user', 'main'));
* @see Users_Controller_User::login
* @deprecated
public function loginScreen($args)
LogUtil::log(__f('Warning! %1$s is deprecated.', array(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__)), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
return $this->redirect(ModUtil::url('Users', 'user', 'login'), 301);
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