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CMS Acronyms
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acronym | definition | |
4I | 4 Innovation (System) | |
ACA | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | |
ACE | Acute Care Episode | |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization | |
ACO-MS | Accountable Care Organization - Management System | |
ACO-OS | Accountable Care Organization - Operational System | |
ACO-UI | Accountable Care Organization - User Interface | |
AGI | Adjusted Gross Income | |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | |
AIM | Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Investment Model | |
AP | Acquisition Plan | |
APA | Administrative Program Accounting | |
APC | Ambulatory Payment Classification | |
APC | Advanced Primary Care | |
APM | Alternative Payment Model | |
APPS | Automated Plan Payment System | |
APRN | Advanced Practice Registered Nurse | |
APS | Advanced Provider Screening | |
ARS | Acceptable Risk Safeguards | |
AS | Acquisition Strategy | |
ASC | Ambulatory Surgical Center | |
ASCA | Administrative Simplification Compliance Act | |
ATO | Authority to Operate | |
ATRA | American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 | |
BAAADS | Budget Apportionment Allotment Allowance and Database System | |
BAE | Best Available Evidence | |
BBA | Balanced Budget Act | |
BBA | Bipartisan Budget Act | |
BBRA | Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 | |
BCA | Budget Control Act of 2011 | |
BCDA | Beneficiary Claims Data API | |
BCRC | Benefits Coordination and Recovery Center | |
BCRS | Benefits Coordination and Recovery System | |
BFD | Beneficiary FHIR Data Server | |
BIPA | Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 | |
BNI | Beneficiary Notices Initiative | |
BPCI | Bundled Payments for Care Improvement | |
CAH | Critical Access Hospital | |
CAHPS | Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (Surveys) | |
CARA | Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016 | |
CARES | Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act | |
CBC | Community-Based Care | |
CBIC | Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor | |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office | |
CCD | Continuity of Care Document | |
CCIIO | Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight | |
CCLF | Claim and Claim Line Feed | |
CCM | Chronic Care Management | |
CCSQ | Center for Clinical Standards and Quality | |
CCTP | Community-Based Care Transitions Program | |
CCW | Chronic Conditions Warehouse | |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | |
CEA | Center for Enterprise Agility | |
CEC | Comprehensive End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Care (Model) | |
CERRS | CCIIO Enrollment Resolution and Reconciliation System | |
CERT | Comprehensive Error Rate Testing | |
CFACTS | CMS FISMA Controls Tracking System | |
CHIP | State Children's Health Insurance Program | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CISO | Chief Information Security Officer | |
CJR | Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (Model) | |
CKCC | Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting | |
CLFS | Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule | |
CM | Center for Medicare | |
CMHCB | Care Management for High Cost Beneficiaries | |
CMMI | Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation | |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | |
CNC | Compromised Number Checklist | |
COB | Coordination of Benefits | |
COBA | Coordination of Benefits Agreement | |
COLA | Cost-of-Living Adjustment | |
CORF | Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility | |
COTS | Commercial Off-the-Shelf | |
CPC | Comprehensive Primary Care | |
CPI | Consumer Price Index | |
CPI | Center for Program Integrity | |
CPIC | Capital Planning and Investment Control | |
CR | Change Request | |
CRA | Cyber Risk Advisor | |
CRS | Congressional Research Service | |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer | |
CVD | Cardiovascular Disease | |
CWF | Common Working File (System) | |
DASG | Data Analytics and Systems Group | |
DBidS | DMEPOS Bidding System | |
DC | Direct Contracting (Model) | |
DCS | Debt Collection System | |
DDR | Drug Data Reporting for Medicaid | |
DESY | Data Extract System | |
DEX | Data Exchange System | |
DGME | Direct Graduate Medical Education | |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services | |
DME | Durable Medical Equipment | |
DMEPOS | Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Other Medical Supplies | |
DPC | Direct Provider Contracting | |
DPC | Data at the Point of Care | |
DPP | Diabetes Prevention Program | |
DPS | Demonstration Payment System | |
DRA | Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 | |
DRG | Diagnosis Related Group | |
DSH | Disproportionate Share Hospital | |
DSH | Disproportionate Share Hospital | |
DUA | Data Use Agreement | |
EA | Enterprise Architecture | |
EASi | Easy Access to System Information | |
ECR | Enterprise Cross Reference | |
ECRS | Electronic Correspondence Referral System | |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | |
EGWP | Employer Group Waiver Plan | |
EIDM | Enterprise Identity Management | |
ELMO | Eligibility Enrollment Medicare Online | |
EMDI | Electronic Medical Documentation Interoperability | |
EPPE | Enterprise Privacy Policy Engine | |
eRPT | Electronic Retroactive Processing Transmission | |
ESMD | Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation | |
ESPC | Environmental Scanning and Program Characteristics | |
ESRD | End-Stage Renal Disease | |
ET3 | Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport (Model) | |
ETC | End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Treatment Choices (Model) | |
FAI | Financial Alignment Initiative | |
FCHCO | Federal Coordinated Health Care Office | |
FCHIP | Frontier Community Health Integration Project | |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | |
FedRAMP | Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program | |
FESC | Frontier Extended Stay Clinic | |
FFM | Federal Facilitated Marketplace | |
FFS | Fee-for-Service | |
FFSDCS | Fee-for-Service Data Collection System | |
FHIR | Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources | |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standard | |
FISMA | Federal Information Security Management Act | |
FISS | Fiscal Intermediary Standard System | |
FITARA | Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act | |
FPL | Federal Poverty Level | |
FPLP | Federal Payment Levy Program | |
FQHC | Federally Qualified Health Center | |
GAO | Government Accountability Office | |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product | |
GIS | Gentran Integration Suite | |
GME | Graduate Medical Education | |
GNE | Graduate Nurse Education | |
GPR | Governance Profile Repository | |
GRB | Governance Review Board | |
GRT | Governance Review Team | |
HAC | Hospital-Acquired Condition | |
HATS | Host Access Transformation Services | |
HBCU | Historically Black Colleges and Universities | |
HBO | Prior Authorization Model for Non-Emergent Hyperbaric Oxygen (Model) | |
HCERA | Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 | |
HCIA | Health Care Innovation Awards | |
HDT | HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System Desktop | |
HETS | HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System | |
HHA | Home Health Agency | |
HHS | Department of Health and Human Services | |
HHVBP | Home Health Value-Based Purchasing | |
HI | Hospital Insurance (Medicare Part A) | |
HIE | Health Information Exchange | |
HIGLAS | Healthcare Integrated General Ledger Accounting System | |
HIO | Health Informatics Office | |
HIOS | Health Insurance Oversight System | |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act | |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization | |
HOPD | Hospital Outpatient Department | |
HOS | Health Outcomes Survey | |
HPMS | Health Plan Management System | |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | |
IAH | Independence at Home | |
IAP | Innovation Accelerator Program | |
IC | Innovation Center | |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases | |
IDE | Investigational Device Exemption | |
IDR | Integrated Data Repository | |
IDR | Informal Dispute Resolution | |
IIDR | Independent Informal Dispute Resolution | |
IME | Indirect Medical Education | |
IMPACT | Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 | |
InCK | Integrated Care for Kids (Model) | |
IPAB | Independent Payment Advisory Board | |
IPF | Inpatient Psychiatric Facility | |
IPI | International Pricing Index (IPI) | |
IPPS | Inpatient Prospective Payment System | |
IRF | Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility | |
ISPG | Information Security and Privacy Group | |
ISSO | Information System Security Officer | |
ISV | Internet Server | |
KCC | Kidney Care Choices | |
KCF | Kidney Care First | |
LDS | Limited Data Set | |
LIS | Low-Income Subsidy | |
LOB | Line of Business | |
LTC | Long-Term Care | |
LTCH | Long-Term Care Hospital | |
LTSS | Long-Term Services and Supports | |
LUPA | Low-Utilization Payment Adjustment | |
MA | Medicare Advantage | |
MAC | Medicare Administrative Contractor | |
MACPro | Medicaid and CHIP Program (System) | |
MACRA | Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 | |
MAISTRO | Medicare Administrative Issue Tracker and Reporting of Operations (System) | |
MAO | Medicare Advantage Organization | |
MAPCP | Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care Practice | |
MAPD | Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (Plan) | |
MARx | Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (System) | |
MBES | Medicaid Budget and Expenditure System | |
MCBS | Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey | |
MCCD | Medicare Coordinated Care Demonstration | |
MCCM | Medicare Care Choices Model | |
MCM | Managed Care Manual | |
MCS | Multi-Carrier System | |
MCTRJCA | Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 | |
MCU | Marketplace Change Utility | |
MDAPM | Maryland All-Payer Model | |
MDM | Master Data Management | |
MDP | Medicaid Drug Program (System) | |
MDPP | Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program | |
MDR | Medicaid Drug Rebate (Program) | |
MED | Medicare Exclusion Database | |
MEDIC | Medicare Drug Integrity Contractor | |
MedPAC | Medicare Payment Advisory Commission | |
MEI | Medical Economic Index | |
MEPD | Medicaid Emergency Psychiatric Services Demonstration | |
MFFS | Managed Fee-for-Service | |
MH | Million Hearts Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction Model | |
MHCQ | Medicare Health Care Quality | |
MIPCD | Medicaid Incentives for the Prevention of Chronic Disease | |
MIPPA | Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 | |
MIPS | Merit-Based Incentive Payment System | |
MITA | Medicaid Information Technology Architecture | |
MLMS | Marketplace Learning Management System | |
MM | Medication Management | |
MMA | Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 | |
MMAI | Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative | |
MMCO | Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office | |
MMIS | Medicaid Management Information Systems | |
MMSEA | Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 | |
MPFS | Medicare Physician Fee Schedule | |
MQA | Medicare Quality Assurance | |
MQR | Medicare Quality Release | |
MS-DRG | Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups | |
MSI | Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) Satisfaction Indicator | |
MSIS | Medicaid Statistical Information System | |
MSP | Medicare Secondary Payer | |
MSSP | Medicare Shared Savings Program | |
MTM | Medication Therapy Management (Model) | |
NCH | National Claims History (System) | |
NCPDP | National Council for Prescription Drug Programs | |
NGACO | Next Generation Accountable Care Organization (Model) | |
NHVBP | Nursing Home Value-Based Purchasing | |
NIH | National Institutes of Health | |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | |
NMUD | National Medicare Utilization Database | |
NPI | National Provider Identifier | |
NPICS | National Provider Identifier Crosswalk System | |
NPPES | National Plan and Provider Enumeration System | |
OA | Office of the Administrator | |
OACT | Office of the Actuary | |
OCE | Outpatient Code Editor | |
OCM | Oncology Care Model | |
OEDA | Office of Enterprise Data and Analytics | |
OIG | Office of Inspector General | |
OIT | Office of Information Technology | |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | |
OnePI | One Program Integrity (System) | |
OPPS | Outpatient Prospective Payment System | |
OT | Occupational Therapy | |
OTP | Opioid Treatment Program | |
PA | Privacy Advisor | |
PACE | Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly | |
PAMA | Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 | |
PAMPA | Patient Access and Medicare Protection Act | |
PBD | Provider-Based Department | |
PCR | Primary Care Redesign | |
PDGM | Patient Driven Groupings Model | |
PDP | Prescription Drug Plan | |
PDPM | Patient Driven Payment Model | |
PECOS | Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System | |
PFFS | Private Fee-for-Service | |
PFPM | Physician-Focused Payment Model | |
PHI | Personal Health Information | |
PIA | Privacy Impact Assessment | |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information | |
PMDA | Performance Metrics Database and Analytics | |
PO | Prosthetics and Orthotics | |
POS | Provider of Services (File) | |
POS | Place of Service | |
PPS | Prospective Payment System | |
PQRS | Physician Quality Reporting System | |
PRIS | Payment Recovery Information System | |
PRP | Payment Record Process | |
PSF | Provider Specific File | |
PSR | Provider Statistical and Reimbursement | |
PT | Physical Therapy | |
PTAC | Physician-Focused Payment Model (PFPM) Technical Advisory Committee | |
PUF | Public Use File | |
QARM | Quality Net Authorization and Role Management | |
QHP | Qualified Health Plan | |
QI | Qualified Individual | |
QIC | Qualified Independent Contractor | |
QIO | Quality Improvement Organization | |
QMB | Qualified Medicare Beneficiary | |
QPP | Quality Payment Program | |
RAC | Recovery Audit Contractor | |
RBRVS | Resource-Based Relative Value Scale | |
RCHD | Rural Community Hospital Demonstration | |
RFI | Request for Information | |
RHC | Rural Health Clinic | |
RNSGUI | Research and Support Graphical User Interface | |
RTI | Research Triangle Institute | |
SA&A | Security Assessment and Authorization | |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System | |
SBM | State-Based Marketplace | |
SCA | Security Control Assessment | |
SCH | Sole Community Hospital | |
SCHIP | State Children's Health Insurance Program | |
SDLC | Systems Development Lifecycle | |
SDM | Shared Decision Making | |
SERTS | State Exchange Resource Tracking System | |
SERVIS | State Exchange Resource Virtual Information System | |
SGR | Sustainable Growth Rate | |
SHIM | Enrollment and Payment Portal | |
SHIP | State Health Insurance Assistance Program | |
SHSIP | State Health System Innovation Plan | |
SIA | Security Impact Analysis | |
SIM | State Innovation Models | |
SLMB | Specified Low-Income Beneficiaries | |
SME | Subject Matter Expert | |
SMI | Supplementary Medical Insurance (Medicare Parts B and D) | |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility | |
SNP | Special Needs Plan | |
SORN | System of Records Notice | |
SPARC | Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract | |
SPMI | Severe and Persistent Mental Illness | |
SRRD | Senior Risk Reduction Demonstration | |
SSA | Social Security Administration | |
SSA | Social Security Act | |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income | |
SSP | Shared Savings Program | |
STAR | System for Tracking Audit and Reimbursement | |
STS | Statistical Tabulation System | |
SUM | Part B Summary (System) | |
T-MSIS | Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System | |
TLC | Target Life Cycle | |
TRA | Technical Reference Architecture | |
TRB | Technical Review Board | |
TRHCA | Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006 | |
UCM | Unified Case Management | |
UFMS | Unified Financial Management System | |
UPIC | Unified Program Integrity Contractor | |
USPSTF | United States Preventive Services Task Force | |
VDP | Variable Per Diem | |
VIPS | Viable Information Processing System | |
VMS | VIPS Medicare Shared (System) | |
XLC | eXpedited Life Cycle | |
zONE | Opportunity to Network and Engage (System) | |
ZPIC | Zone Program Integrity Contractor |
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