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C. Mike Bylund cmikeb1

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tcollins / -Spring-JPA-Dynamic-Query-With-Limit
Last active January 16, 2025 23:13
Spring Data JPA - Limit results when using Specifications without an unnecessary count query being executed
If you use the findAll(Specification, Pageable) method, a count query is first executed and then the
data query is executed if the count returns a value greater than the offset.
For what I was doing I did not need pageable, but simply wanted to limit my results. This is easy
to do with static named queries and methodNameMagicGoodness queries, but from my research (googling
for a few hours) I couldn't find a way to do it with dynamic criteria queries using Specifications.
During my search I found two things that helped me to figure out how to just do it myself.
1.) A stackoverflow question.