For your Career Day presentations, you are required to record a screencast to play in the background of your presentation.
Instructions on how to make and edit the recording can be found here (password Fall!2015)
Your screencast should be roughly coordinated in timing with your talk. Here's the approximate time break-down you should be shooting for:
- 0:00 - ~0:55 - During the time that you're introducing yourself and talking about your background, the screencast should show a splash screen with your name and contact info (i.e. github account, email).
- 0:55 - ~1:45 - Around the time when you start talking about your breakable toy, your screencast should shift to a demo/visual walkthrough of the features on your site. Click around your site to show how a user would interact with it.
- 1:45 - ~2:15 - For your closing statements, the screencast should return to your original splash screen. (This section should be longer than your desired presentation length to leave plenty of cushion room!)
You can see three examples of past screencasts here.
5:00pm, Thursday 1/21 - First Draft due
5:00pm, Tuesday 1/26 - Second Draft due
During the week - Update your screencast as frequently as you like
5:00pm, Friday 1/29 - FINAL Draft due
From there, if you want to make any further SMALL changes, you can send them in any time before 5:00pm, Sunday 1/31.
Instructions can be found here!