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Last active May 12, 2024 12:14
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Angheloiu Constantin - Fullstack developer

Constantin Angheloiu

Fullstack developer

|> "Build reliable, high-quality software"
|> "make time for the great outdoors."
|> "😼 🌲 🐕"


  • Backend development: Phoenix/LiveView, Astro/tRPC
  • Frontend development: Tailwind, React
  • Prototyping: Figma, NodeRed
  • Cloud: Cloudflare, Supabase, AWS
  • Persistence: PostgresSQL, Cloudflare R2, S3

Areas of expertise

  • progressive web apps
  • browser sync and replication
  • real-time communication apps
  • visual consistency
  • SEO, structured data,
  • web audit
  • mobile apps
  • serverless

Technical proeficiencies

  • Languages: JavaScript (ES2015+), CSS (PostCSS, SASS), XML/XPath, Elm Lang, Elixir
  • Frameworks: Mithril JS, React JS/React Native, tachyons, tailwind, porsager/bss, PouchDB, GraphQL, Next.JS, Phoenix
  • State management: Meiosis JS, MobX, Redux/Redux Saga
  • Tooling: Parcel, Rollup, Webpack, Node Red
  • Testing: ospec, Enzyme, Jest, ExUnit
  • Audit: DevTools, Light House
  • Infrastructure:: AWS Amplify,
  • Databases: ArangoDB, MongoDB
  • UI/UX: Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Professional experience

Cognizant Softvision

Software Engineer 2021 - present

Working on several web and mobile projects.

key technologies: React/React Native, MaterialUI, React Native Paper, Meiosis, GraphQL, Next.JS Auth0, Plaid, AWS Amplify, Figma.


Full stack / ongoing

These are few of the projects i contributed to or i've been contracted for:

  • Sante - Loyalty Card application PWA - VIDEO
  • Interactive Want to be a millionaire game PWA - VIDEO
  • a IoT dashboard interface using MQTT Protocol, CockroachDB & Go Echo Framework i have developed for a client in IoT industry - VIDEO;
  • Elixir LiveView web app with LiveView Native MacOS, WatchOS and iOS apps. Rendered via a single Phoenix app - VIDEO
  • the CouchDB winning logo I have proposed - ;
  • the CouchDB Logo brandbook
  • A saving UI component using Mithril and Tailwind - VIDEO
  • A searching UI component using Mithril and Tailwind - VIDEO
  • PWA twillio - Whatsapp bot integration - VIDEO
  • Electricity distribution poles inventory PWA

key technologies: Mithril JS, Elm Lang, tachyons, Phoenix/Elixir, CockroachDB, MQTT, VerneMQ

DME Cloud

Frontend / Mobile app developer / 2019 - 2021

DME Cloud operates in the healthcare sector, providing equipments to their patients.

A frontend interface to manage patients, equipments, tickets, vans or drivers and a wharehouse mobile barcode scanning app for managers and drivers was needed.

key technologies: React/React Native, MaterialUI, React Native Paper, Meiosis, GraphQL, Zebra Device.

E.ON Romania

Frontend Engineer / December 2015 - March 2019

Recruited to create and consistency implement the new company brand book, with reusable components needed (atomic design) across the portal, e-mail templates and other internal tools.

key technologies: Mithril JS, Tachyons, SVG, PWA, MJML

The Wizards

Full stack / March 2014 - 2019

Contracted for a long period of time to create layouts and implement different items (payment modal, banners, landing pages) and their implementation using JavaScript, SymphonyCMS and GSAP.

Also, i have used Event tracking techniques with Google Analytics to create A/B split tests, for landing pages and e-mail templates.

I am grateful that, during this period, I have learned RESTful communication via Facebook API, OAuth and the browsers quirks of that time (round corners, transparency, etc.); RIP IE6.

key technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, CSS/Animations, Facebook API, SymphonyCMS, GSAP, Nginx, Let's Encrypt

GOX Games

Graphic designer / Frontend developer / May 2010 - May 2019

My role was to create layouts for games like Rummy Board, Meld or Texas Hold'em Poker and provide the assets to the java programmer.

I have also developed custom landing pages, e-mail templates,and banners for these games.

key technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CSS/Animations, JavaScript, Facebook API

ARBOmedia / adKing

Web developer / May 2008 - Mar 2012

These tasks have been part of daily routine:

  • design layouts for micro websites, banners and Facebook apps
  • create custom HI5 profiles for various clients
  • implement UGC campaigns using Expression Engine / Code Igniter
  • animate banners using ActionScript/Adobe Flash

key technologies: Expression Engine, Code Igniter, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Zepto, MySQL

Leader Financial Solutions

Web developer / September 2016 - May 2012

I had to create and maintain the company's portal (a financial blog like, with news and some custom API integrations), build on top of a Drupal backend.

key technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CSS, JavaScript, Drupal


The Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics

Bucharest, Romania / 2009 - 2012 (incomplete)

Licenses & Certifications

ArangoDB Certified Proffesional / March 2023



M101P MongoDB for Developers

Course completion confirmation

Elixir -

Volunteer Experience

The Apache Software Foundation / Open source committer


CouchDB - New logo contest winner

blog anouncement post

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the Full Stack Engineer position at your company. With over 10 years of experience in software development and expertise in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, and modern web technologies, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your mission.

Throughout my career, I have delivered end-to-end solutions for various web applications and platforms. I have a deep understanding of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Elm for creating dynamic user interfaces. In backend development, I excel in Elixir and have hands-on experience with the Phoenix Framework, designing robust systems capable of handling high traffic and transactions.

I am dedicated to writing clean and maintainable code, adhering to industry best practices. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, I effectively translate business requirements into technical solutions. My track record showcases a strong focus on code quality, continuous learning, and delivering innovative solutions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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