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Created May 2, 2019 11:46
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Save cmota/f7919cd962a061126effb2d7118bec72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"question": "A flashing red traffic light signifies that a driver should do what?",
"A": "stop",
"B": "speed up",
"C": "proceed with caution",
"D": "honk the horn",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "A knish is traditionally stuffed with what filling?",
"A": "potato",
"B": "creamed corn",
"C": "lemon custard",
"D": "raspberry jelly",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "A pita is a type of what?",
"A": "fresh fruit",
"B": "flat bread",
"C": "French tart",
"D": "friend bean dip",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "A portrait that comically exaggerates a person's physical traits is called a what?",
"A": "landscape",
"B": "caricature",
"C": "still life",
"D": "Impressionism",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "A second-year college student is usually called a what?",
"A": "sophomore",
"B": "senior",
"C": "freshman ",
"D": "junior ",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "A student who earns a J.D. can begin his or her career as a what?",
"A": "lawyer",
"B": "bricklayer",
"C": "doctor",
"D": "accountant",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "A triptych is a work of art that is painted on how many panels?",
"A": "two",
"B": "three",
"C": "five",
"D": "eight",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to a famous line from the existentialist play 'No Exit' what is hell?",
"A": "oneself",
"B": "other people",
"C": "little made large",
"D": "hued in green and blue",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to a popular slogan, what state should people not 'mess with'?",
"A": "New York",
"B": "Texas",
"C": "Montana",
"D": "Rhode Island",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to a Yale University study, what smell is the most recognizable to American adults?",
"A": "tuna",
"B": "laundry",
"C": "popcorn",
"D": "coffee",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "According to folklore, the 'jackalope' is an antlered version of what animal?",
"A": "chicken",
"B": "rabbit",
"C": "moose",
"D": "snake",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to Greek mythology, who was Apollo's twin sister?",
"A": "Aphrodite",
"B": "Artemis",
"C": "Venus",
"D": "Athena",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to legend, if you give someone the 'evil eye' what are you doing?",
"A": "cursing them",
"B": "blessing a child",
"C": "counting money",
"D": "passing time",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "According to legend, in what country are you most likely to meet a leprechaun?",
"A": "Ireland",
"B": "Poland",
"C": "Greenland",
"D": "Scotland",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "According to the American Kennel Club, what is the most popular breed of dog in the US as of 1999?",
"A": "Poodle",
"B": "Beagle",
"C": "German shepherd",
"D": "Labrador retriever",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "According to the Bible, Moses and Aaron had a sister named what?",
"A": "Jochebed",
"B": "Ruth",
"C": "Leah",
"D": "Miriam",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "According to the children's nursery rhyme, what type of ocean did Columbus sail in 1492?",
"A": "calm",
"B": "blue",
"C": "windy",
"D": "really big",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to the Mother Goose nursery rhyme, which child is full of woe?",
"A": "Monday's child",
"B": "Wednesday's child",
"C": "Thursday's child",
"D": "Saturday's child",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "According to the popular saying, what should you do 'when in Rome'?",
"A": "watch your wallet",
"B": "see the Coliseum",
"C": "as the Romans do",
"D": "don't drink the water",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "According to the proverb, necessity is the mother of what?",
"A": "Invention",
"B": "Luck",
"C": "Problems",
"D": "Procrastination",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "According to the title of a popular children's TV show, what color is Bear's big house?",
"A": "red",
"B": "green",
"C": "purple",
"D": "blue",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "According to the USDA, which food group should you eat the most servings of per day?",
"A": "vegetables",
"B": "dairy",
"C": "meats",
"D": "breads",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Ada Lovelace is credited with being the first person to have made what?",
"A": "a computer program",
"B": "a souffle",
"C": "a brassiere",
"D": "a mystery novel",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "After Prince Charles, who is next in line to be the king of England?",
"A": "Prince William",
"B": "Prince Andrew",
"C": "Prince Edward",
"D": "Fresh Prince",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "An airplane's black box is usually what color?",
"A": "black",
"B": "white",
"C": "orange",
"D": "purple",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "As of 1999, which state has the most Girl Scouts?",
"A": "California",
"B": "Illinois",
"C": "New York",
"D": "Pennsylvania",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Astronaut John Glenn served as a pilot in what branch of the military?",
"A": "Army",
"B": "Air Force",
"C": "Marines",
"D": "Navy",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "At the equator, how fast is the earth's surface turning?",
"A": "about 100 miles per hour",
"B": "about 500 miles per hour",
"C": "about 1000 miles per hour",
"D": "about 2000 miles per hour",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "At what age can someone first attend an R-rated movie without an accompanying adult?",
"A": "15",
"B": "17",
"C": "18",
"D": "21",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Backgammon is a how many player game?",
"A": "Two",
"B": "Three",
"C": "Four",
"D": "Six",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Before he went into coaching, Phil Jackson played for which of the following NBA teams?",
"A": "Boston Celtics",
"B": "Los Angeles Lakers",
"C": "New York Knicks",
"D": "Philadelphia 76ers",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "By what name is Bob Keeshan better known?",
"A": "Bozo the Clown",
"B": "Pee Wee Herman",
"C": "Captain Kangaroo",
"D": "Buffalo Bob",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "By what collective name do Christians refer to God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Ghost?",
"A": "the Trio",
"B": "the Troika",
"C": "the Triumvirate",
"D": "the Trinity",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "By what nickname is the Federal National Mortgage Association known?",
"A": "Morty",
"B": "FEMA",
"C": "Freddie Mac",
"D": "Fannie Mae",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Cheddar cheese got its name from a village in what country?",
"A": "England",
"B": "France",
"C": "Switzerland",
"D": "Denmark",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Cheese is a necessary ingredient in which of these dishes?",
"A": "sushi",
"B": "french fries",
"C": "veal parmigiano",
"D": "chicken pot pie",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "During what war did Francis Scott Key write the words to 'The Star-Spangled Banner'?",
"A": "American Revolution",
"B": "War of 1812",
"C": "Civil War",
"D": "World War I",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "During which war did US troops fight the Battle of New Orleans?",
"A": "American Revolution",
"B": "Civil War",
"C": "Mexican War",
"D": "War of 1812",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Each year in pro baseball, the player voted as the best fielder at his position wins what?",
"A": "a brand new car",
"B": "the Gold Glove",
"C": "the Silver Bat",
"D": "the Brass Baseball",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Elephant tusks are made of what material?",
"A": "coral",
"B": "ivory",
"C": "bone",
"D": "calcium",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Excluding wisdom teeth, how many adult teeth do humans have?",
"A": "28",
"B": "32",
"C": "35",
"D": "40",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "For a man and woman on a date, 'dutch treat' means what?",
"A": "the man pays",
"B": "the woman pays",
"C": "the Dutch pay",
"D": "each pays their own way",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "For what purpose would you use an awl?",
"A": "to shoot ducks",
"B": "to polish floors",
"C": "to make holes",
"D": "to weigh fruit",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "From 1971 to 1997, the Democratic Republic of Congo was known as what?",
"A": "Zaire",
"B": "Angola",
"C": "Rhodesia",
"D": "Belgian Congo",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "From what language does the term 'R.S.V.P.' originate?",
"A": "Russian",
"B": "Italian",
"C": "Portuguese",
"D": "French",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "From whom does the Lutheran Church get its name?",
"A": "Martin Luther King Jr",
"B": "Martin Luther",
"C": "Luther Vandross",
"D": "Lex Luthor",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Gerry Adams is the president of what organization?",
"A": "Greenpeace",
"B": "NASCAR",
"C": "Sinn Fein",
"D": "PLO",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Girls of what religious community traditionally wear bonnets?",
"A": "Amish",
"B": "Sikh",
"C": "Roman Catholic",
"D": "Christian",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "How are actors Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez related?",
"A": "they're cousins",
"B": "they're brothers",
"C": "they're father and son",
"D": "they're uncle and nephew",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How do you express 3/4 as a decimal?",
"A": ".25",
"B": ".50",
"C": ".75",
"D": ".90",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How is 4:00 pm expressed in military time?",
"A": "1600",
"B": "004",
"C": "0400 ",
"D": "4:00",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "How is the Arabic numeral for '2' written?",
"A": "2",
"B": "II",
"C": "I",
"D": "ii",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "How is the word 'ambulance' normally written on the front of American ambulances?",
"A": "in French",
"B": "in reverse",
"C": "in braille",
"D": "in gibberish",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How long is a single term in the US Senate?",
"A": "two years",
"B": "four years",
"C": "six years",
"D": "eight years",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How long is the time on an NBA shot clock?",
"A": "18 seconds",
"B": "24 seconds",
"C": "30 seconds",
"D": "35 seconds",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How many $100 bills does it take to equal one million dollars?",
"A": "one thousand",
"B": "five thousand",
"C": "ten thousand",
"D": "one hundred thousand",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many axles does a standard automobile have?",
"A": "one",
"B": "two",
"C": "four",
"D": "eight",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How many digits are in a standard Visa credit card number?",
"A": "12",
"B": "15",
"C": "16",
"D": "20",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many eyes does a Giraffe have?",
"A": "one",
"B": "two",
"C": "three",
"D": "four",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How many innings are there in a regular Major League Baseball game?",
"A": "seven",
"B": "eight",
"C": "nine",
"D": "ten",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many keys are on a standard piano?",
"A": "20",
"B": "54",
"C": "88",
"D": "100",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many men has actress Elizabeth Taylor been divorced from?",
"A": "five",
"B": "six",
"C": "seven",
"D": "eight",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many ounces are in a pound?",
"A": "4",
"B": "12",
"C": "16",
"D": "32",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many periods are there in an ice hockey game?",
"A": "One",
"B": "Two",
"C": "Three",
"D": "Four",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many quarts are there in a gallon?",
"A": "one",
"B": "two",
"C": "three",
"D": "four",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "How many ribs are there in the human body?",
"A": "18",
"B": "24",
"C": "30",
"D": "42",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How many ships did Columbus set sail with on his initial voyage to the New World?",
"A": "Two",
"B": "Three",
"C": "Five",
"D": "Ten",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How many spikes are on the Statue of Liberty's crown?",
"A": "five",
"B": "seven",
"C": "nine",
"D": "thirteen",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "How many stars are on the American flag?",
"A": "13",
"B": "48",
"C": "50",
"D": "51",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "How many states were in the Confederate States of America?",
"A": "11",
"B": "13",
"C": "16",
"D": "22",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "How much does Peanuts character Lucy charge for her psychiatric advice?",
"A": "5 cents",
"B": "10 cents",
"C": "75 cents",
"D": "$125",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "How long is Hanukkah?",
"A": "one day",
"B": "five days",
"C": "eight days",
"D": "two weeks",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Huffy, Schwinn and Raleigh are all brands of what?",
"A": "sportswear",
"B": "dishwashers",
"C": "cigarettes",
"D": "bicycles",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "If a business files under Chapter 11 what is it doing?",
"A": "declaring bankruptcy",
"B": "selling stock",
"C": "buying a smaller",
"D": "company suing the government",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "If a piece of music is in 'common time' how many quarter notes are there per measure?",
"A": "one",
"B": "four",
"C": "five",
"D": "ten",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "If a ring has the number 925 stamped into it, it is most likely made of what material?",
"A": "platinum",
"B": "gold",
"C": "steel",
"D": "silver",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "If Christmas Day is on a Saturday, then the following New Year's Day falls on what day of the week?",
"A": "Sunday",
"B": "Monday",
"C": "Friday",
"D": "Saturday",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "If someone has cataracts, what part of their body might need an operation?",
"A": "ear",
"B": "hand",
"C": "eye",
"D": "knee",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "If you are 'riding fakie' inside a 'half pipe' what are you probably doing?",
"A": "skiing",
"B": "biking",
"C": "snowboarding",
"D": "surfing",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "If you are truly afraid of the dark, what do you suffer from?",
"A": "hypnophobia",
"B": "cryptophobia",
"C": "hadephobia",
"D": "nyctophobia",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "If you are watching a Shavian play, who is the author?",
"A": "Shakespeare",
"B": "Aeschylus",
"C": "George Bernard Shaw",
"D": "Anton Chekhov",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "If you ask for 'gai' at a Thai restaurant, what will you get?",
"A": "shrimp",
"B": "chicken",
"C": "beef",
"D": "pork",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "If you dial '411' on a telephone, who are you calling?",
"A": "the police",
"B": "the White House",
"C": "directory assistance",
"D": "Moviefone",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "If you have a 'sawbuck' how much money do you have?",
"A": "$1",
"B": "$5",
"C": "$10",
"D": "$20",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "If you work as a 'dolly grip' what business are you in?",
"A": "sheep farming",
"B": "film production",
"C": "construction",
"D": "moving",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In 1909, Frederick Cook claimed to be the first explorer to reach what location?",
"A": "Mount Everest",
"B": "Bermuda Triangle",
"C": "Atlantis",
"D": "North Pole",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In 1926, the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team was formed in what city?",
"A": "Boston",
"B": "Philadelphia",
"C": "Chicago",
"D": "New York City",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In 1960, Nazi official Adolph Eichmann was finally captured in what country?",
"A": "Brazil",
"B": "East Germany",
"C": "Argentina",
"D": "Paraguay",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In 1978, who became the youngest jockey ever to win horse racing's triple crown?",
"A": "Jerry Bailey",
"B": "Steve Cauthen",
"C": "Willie Shoemaker",
"D": "Pasquale Devito",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In 1986, Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi drew a so-called 'Line of Death' over what body of water?",
"A": "Gulf of Sidra",
"B": "Gulf of Oman",
"C": "Red Sea",
"D": "Persian Gulf",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In a game with no wild cards, what is the highest possible poker hand?",
"A": "straight flush",
"B": "royal flush",
"C": "full house",
"D": "four of a kind",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In America, what is the main ingredient in pepperoni?",
"A": "fish",
"B": "pepper",
"C": "wheat",
"D": "meat",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In American football, how many points is a touchdown worth?",
"A": "two",
"B": "three",
"C": "six",
"D": "seven",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In an adult human, how long is the large intestine?",
"A": "one foot",
"B": "five feet",
"C": "twelve feet",
"D": "twenty feet",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In baseball, how many balls make a walk?",
"A": "one",
"B": "two",
"C": "three",
"D": "four",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In bowling, how many pins must you knock down to get a strike?",
"A": "zero",
"B": "8",
"C": "10",
"D": "12",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In British currency, how many pence make a pound?",
"A": "10",
"B": "100",
"C": "500",
"D": "1000",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In computer terminology, what does the acronym 'FTP' stand for?",
"A": "file transfer protocol",
"B": "full time portal",
"C": "full text processor",
"D": "free to print",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In computer terminology, what does the acronym 'ISP' stand for?",
"A": "Individual Site Privacy",
"B": "Investment Stability Plan",
"C": "Internal Security Position",
"D": "Internet Service Provider",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In cooking, the term 'au gratin' is sometimes used to describe a dish with what topping?",
"A": "cheese",
"B": "fruit",
"C": "gravy",
"D": "whipped cream",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In golf, what is one stroke over par called?",
"A": "eagle",
"B": "bogey",
"C": "dormy",
"D": "birdie",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In Greek mythology, what is the name of Zeus' father?",
"A": "Apollo",
"B": "Cronus",
"C": "Prometheus",
"D": "Hercules",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In horse racing, what is the term for a wager on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers in a specific race?",
"A": "triple action",
"B": "trifecta",
"C": "exacta",
"D": "triple crown",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In ice hockey, which of the following is not a penalty?",
"A": "hooking",
"B": "charging",
"C": "carving",
"D": "butt-ending",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In Mister Rogers' theme song, what does he ask you to be?",
"A": "his cook",
"B": "his student",
"C": "his neighbor",
"D": "all you can be",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In mobster lingo, if you 'sing like a canary' what are you doing?",
"A": "impersonating Sinatra",
"B": "talking to the cops",
"C": "killing an enemy",
"D": "betting on horses",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In soccer, which player is allowed to use his or her hands in the field of play?",
"A": "midfielder",
"B": "center",
"C": "sweeper",
"D": "goalkeeper",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In the 1960s 'Batman' TV series, who was not a guest villain?",
"A": "The Minstrel",
"B": "The Archer",
"C": "The Bookworm",
"D": "The Squeegee Guy",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In the 1976 remake of the classic film 'King Kong' what New York landmark does the giant ape climb?",
"A": "Statue of Liberty",
"B": "Empire State Building",
"C": "World Trade Center",
"D": "Chrysler Building",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the 1992 animated film 'Aladdin' what device does the hero use to travel from place to place?",
"A": "talking car",
"B": "winged horse",
"C": "magic carpet",
"D": "hot air balloon",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the Arthurian legend, who is married to Guinevere?",
"A": "Merlin",
"B": "King Arthur",
"C": "Lancelot",
"D": "Camelot",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the card game blackjack, how much are a queen and a king worth-together?",
"A": "11",
"B": "15",
"C": "20",
"D": "21",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the children's game, what color is 'Rover'?",
"A": "green",
"B": "black",
"C": "red",
"D": "blue",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the classic song 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame' for whom do we 'root root root'?",
"A": "the umpire",
"B": "the home team",
"C": "the bat boy",
"D": "Mighty Casey",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the comic strip 'Peanuts' what is Schroeder known for doing?",
"A": "Dancing",
"B": "playing football",
"C": "playing the piano",
"D": "Flying an imaginary plane",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the famous ballet 'The Nutcracker' who does the hero defeat?",
"A": "Sugar Plum Fairy",
"B": "Rat King",
"C": "Snow Queen",
"D": "Marzipan",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the famous baseball poem 'Casey at the Bat' Casey plays for the team from what town?",
"A": "Stormfield",
"B": "Fog City",
"C": "Mudville",
"D": "Waterlog",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the film 'Easy Rider' what emblem is on the back of Peter Fonda's leather jacket?",
"A": "peace symbol",
"B": "American flag",
"C": "two white doves",
"D": "Harley-Davidson logo",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the film 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' who plays Mr. Ripley?",
"A": "Jude Law",
"B": "Matt Damon",
"C": "Dustin Hoffman",
"D": "Ben Affleck",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the Jimmy Buffet song 'Margaritaville' what is the singer searching for?",
"A": "a lime",
"B": "a shaker of salt",
"C": "his car keys",
"D": "the bartender",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the movie 'Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me' what is the name of Dr. Evil's diminitive clone?",
"A": "Little Buddy",
"B": "Mini-Me",
"C": "Small Fry",
"D": "Dr. Evil Jr",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the movie 'Star Wars' what kind of creature is Chewbacca?",
"A": "Woolie",
"B": "Boobie",
"C": "Wookie",
"D": "Klingon",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the novel 'Around the World in 80 Days' Phileas Fogg's faithful valet is named what?",
"A": "Sancho Panza",
"B": "Passepartout",
"C": "Renfield",
"D": "Savoir Faire",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the novel 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' what is the name of Tom's sweetheart?",
"A": "Polly Finn",
"B": "Becky Thatcher",
"C": "Nancy Drew",
"D": "Emma Bovary",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the original 'Get Smart' TV series, what is agent Maxwell Smart's code name?",
"A": "Agent 86",
"B": "Agent 99",
"C": "Larrabee",
"D": "The Chief",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In the sci-fi movie 'Fantastic Voyage' where do the voyagers travel?",
"A": "through outer space",
"B": "through a human body",
"C": "to the ocean floor",
"D": "to the center of the earth",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk' what does Jack trade to get the magic beans?",
"A": "a cow",
"B": "a hat",
"C": "a harp",
"D": "a goose",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In the television network abbreviation 'ABC' what does the 'A' stand for?",
"A": "Artistic",
"B": "Audio",
"C": "American",
"D": "Adult",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In the phrase 'Y2K' what does 'K' stand for?",
"A": "millennium",
"B": "computer code",
"C": "catastrophe",
"D": "thousand",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In the United States, what is the first day of spring?",
"A": "February 21",
"B": "March 21",
"C": "April 21",
"D": "May 21",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In traditional English puppet shows, who is married to the character Punch?",
"A": "Debbie",
"B": "Victoria",
"C": "Judy",
"D": "Barbara",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In what city is TV's 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' set?",
"A": "Dallas",
"B": "Chicago",
"C": "New York",
"D": "Minneapolis",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In what city would you find people studying art and design at the Fashion Institute of Technology?",
"A": "Paris",
"B": "New York",
"C": "Los Angeles",
"D": "Melbourne",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In what country are police officers referred to as 'bobbies'?",
"A": "Israel",
"B": "Greece",
"C": "England",
"D": "France",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In what country did Magic Johnson play professional basketball during the 1999 season?",
"A": "United States",
"B": "Sweden",
"C": "Israel",
"D": "Turkey",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In what country did Pokemon originate?",
"A": "France",
"B": "Hungary",
"C": "Japan",
"D": "Canada",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In what decade did Israel become an independent state?",
"A": "1920s",
"B": "1940s",
"C": "1950s",
"D": "1960s",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In what decade was the Hula-Hoop invented?",
"A": "1890s",
"B": "1920s",
"C": "1950s",
"D": "1970s",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In what forest did Robin Hood live?",
"A": "Black Forest",
"B": "Petrified Forest",
"C": "Nottingham Forest",
"D": "Sherwood Forest",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In what restaurant can you order a Grand Slam breakfast?",
"A": "Denny's",
"B": "McDonald's",
"C": "Burger King",
"D": "Hardee's",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In what sport do athletes compete for the Walker Cup?",
"A": "cricket",
"B": "tennis",
"C": "squash",
"D": "golf",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In what sport do you find 'steel cage' matches?",
"A": "boxing",
"B": "fencing",
"C": "pro wrestling",
"D": "college basketball",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In what state is the 1999 movie 'Magnolia' set?",
"A": "California",
"B": "South Carolina",
"C": "Georgia",
"D": "Texas",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In what U.S. city can you find the Basketball Hall of Fame?",
"A": "Canton, Ohio",
"B": "Cooperstown, New York",
"C": "Springfield, Massachusetts",
"D": "Lawrence, Kansas",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "In what year did the Great Depression begin?",
"A": "1884",
"B": "1929",
"C": "1953",
"D": "1975",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In what year did the United States last win an Olympic gold medal in men's ice hockey?",
"A": "1976",
"B": "1980",
"C": "1984",
"D": "1988",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "In which of the following bands did Jimmy Page not play guitar?",
"A": "Bad Company",
"B": "The Firm",
"C": "Led Zeppelin",
"D": "The Yardbirds",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "In which of these sports do competitors use a 'funny car'?",
"A": "supercross",
"B": "dogsledding",
"C": "gymnastics",
"D": "drag racing",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In what war did Joan of Arc fight?",
"A": "Hundred Years' War",
"B": "Franco-Prussian War",
"C": "French Revolution",
"D": "French and Indian War",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Including the bottom, how many sides are on a square-based pyramid?",
"A": "three",
"B": "four",
"C": "five",
"D": "six",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Into what body of water does the Rhone River flow?",
"A": "Atlantic Ocean",
"B": "Caspian Sea",
"C": "North Sea",
"D": "Mediterranean Sea",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "John D. Rockefeller made his fortune in what industry?",
"A": "automobile ",
"B": "oil",
"C": "steel",
"D": "railroad",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Modern computer microchips are primarily composed of what element?",
"A": "Sodium",
"B": "Silicon",
"C": "Aluminum",
"D": "Silver",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Mohair is made from the fleece of what animal?",
"A": "camel",
"B": "llama",
"C": "goat",
"D": "mole",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "'Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above' is a line from what film?",
"A": "'Citizen Kane'",
"B": "'The African Queen'",
"C": "'The Deer Hunter'",
"D": "'Adam's Rib'",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "On a set of jumper cables, what color designates the negative connector?",
"A": "black",
"B": "red",
"C": "orange",
"D": "blue",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "On average, what length of time passes between high tides?",
"A": "3 hours, 25 minutes",
"B": "6 hours, 25 minutes",
"C": "12 hours, 25 minutes",
"D": "24 hours, 25 minutes",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "On the TV show 'CHiPs' what was Officer Frank Poncherello's nickname?",
"A": "Franky",
"B": "Ponch",
"C": "Chipper",
"D": "Hot Dog",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "On the TV show 'Hill Street Blues' what is Joyce Davenport's nickname for Captain Frank Furillo?",
"A": "Furry Monster",
"B": "Pizza Man",
"C": "Snookums",
"D": "Baby Cakes",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "On TV's 'Seinfeld' what type of doctor did Mr. Costanza go to when he sat on 'fusilli Jerry'?",
"A": "ophthalmologist",
"B": "cardiologist",
"C": "neurologist",
"D": "proctologist",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "On Valentine's Day 2000, NASA's NEAR spacecraft began a yearlong orbit of what asteroid?",
"A": "Eros",
"B": "Cupid",
"C": "Aphrodite",
"D": "Venus",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "On what continent can you find tigers in the wild?",
"A": "Africa",
"B": "Asia",
"C": "Europe",
"D": "South America",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "On what body part should you wear a babushka?",
"A": "head",
"B": "hands",
"C": "foot",
"D": "legs",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "On which part of a car would you find the 'caliper'?",
"A": "battery",
"B": "engine",
"C": "radiator",
"D": "brakes",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Paper will burn at approximately what temperature, in Fahrenheit?",
"A": "98.6 degrees",
"B": "212.5 degrees",
"C": "398.5 degrees",
"D": "451 degrees",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "People are supposed to drive on the left-hand side of the road in which country?",
"A": "France",
"B": "Italy",
"C": "England",
"D": "Germany",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Phoebe, Dione and Helene are moons of what planet?",
"A": "Jupiter",
"B": "Saturn",
"C": "Neptune",
"D": "Pluto",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Pop icon Tiny Tim was famous for playing what musical instrument?",
"A": "ukulele",
"B": "kazoo",
"C": "accordion",
"D": "fiddle",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Someone would most likely contract salmonella poisoning from eating which of the following?",
"A": "carrots",
"B": "chicken",
"C": "tofu",
"D": "rice",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson have both recorded duets with which former Beatle?",
"A": "Paul McCartney",
"B": "John Lennon",
"C": "George Harrison",
"D": "Ringo Starr",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "The American patriot Paul Revere was named for his father, whose original name was what?",
"A": "John Paul Revere",
"B": "Paul Silver",
"C": "Apollos Rivoire",
"D": "Paolo Reverini",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "The Original Apple iMac computer was available in all of the following colors except which?",
"A": "Tangerine",
"B": "Strawberry",
"C": "Kiwi",
"D": "Grape",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "The 'Arkansas toothpick' is better known by what name?",
"A": "Scottie Pippen",
"B": "spare rib",
"C": "pinkie finger",
"D": "Bowie knife",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "The British dish 'bangers and mash' is made up of sausage and what?",
"A": "eggs",
"B": "bacon",
"C": "liver",
"D": "potatoes",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "The common term for someone who has difficulty seeing objects in the distance is what?",
"A": "farsighted",
"B": "nearsighted",
"C": "hindsighted",
"D": "hypermetropic",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "The dance known as the 'fandango' is of what origin?",
"A": "Australian",
"B": "African",
"C": "Native American",
"D": "Spanish",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "The disco band ABBA comes from what country?",
"A": "Norway",
"B": "Sweden",
"C": "Switzerland",
"D": "The Netherlands",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "The film 'Stand By Me' is based on a novel by what author?",
"A": "Anne Proulx",
"B": "Stephen King",
"C": "Dean Koontz",
"D": "Frank McCourt",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "The first commercial radio station was located in what city?",
"A": "Chicago",
"B": "Austin",
"C": "Pittsburgh",
"D": "Cleveland",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "The first sound recording to be made and reproduced was a recitation of what nursery rhyme?",
"A": "'Humpty Dumpty'",
"B": "'Mary Had a Little Lamb'",
"C": "'Jack Be Nimble'",
"D": "'Home, Sweet Home'",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "The majority of calcium in the human body is found where?",
"A": "hair",
"B": "blood",
"C": "bones",
"D": "digestive tract",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "The phrase 'hospital corners' refers to what?",
"A": "bed sheets",
"B": "paint",
"C": "landscaping",
"D": "scissors",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "The process of drilling holes in the skull is called what?",
"A": "bifurcation",
"B": "trepanation",
"C": "aeronomy",
"D": "skullduggery",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "The sport of judo comes from what Asian country?",
"A": "Japan",
"B": "Vietnam",
"C": "Laos",
"D": "Philippines",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "The Strauss family of composers popularized what dance?",
"A": "waltz",
"B": "tango",
"C": "fox-trot",
"D": "square dance",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "The term 'chili con carne' refers to chili with what?",
"A": "beans ",
"B": "meat",
"C": "cheese",
"D": "chili peppers",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "The TV show 'House of Style' airs on what network?",
"A": "E",
"B": "WB",
"C": "MTV",
"D": "Home Shopping Network",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "To create a tapestry, one must traditionally engage in what activity?",
"A": "weaving",
"B": "sculpting",
"C": "baking",
"D": "singing",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "To make an international telephone call from within the US, what are the first numbers you should dial?",
"A": "011",
"B": "101",
"C": "888",
"D": "911",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "To ward off bad luck, what do many people do to wood?",
"A": "knock on it",
"B": "kiss it",
"C": "thank it",
"D": "scratch it",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What actress starred on 'Charlie's Angels' for the show's entire run?",
"A": "Cheryl Ladd",
"B": "Farrah Fawcett",
"C": "Jaclyn Smith",
"D": "Kate Jackson",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What animal is considered sacred in India?",
"A": "sheep",
"B": "cow",
"C": "chicken",
"D": "dog",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What animal is used to make lard?",
"A": "pig",
"B": "cow",
"C": "snake",
"D": "chicken",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What animal represents the year 2000 on the Chinese calendar?",
"A": "dragon",
"B": "rabbit",
"C": "tiger",
"D": "monkey",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What animated character has a crush on the Little Red Haired Girl?",
"A": "Richie Rich",
"B": "Charlie Brown",
"C": "Bugs Bunny",
"D": "Jonny Quest",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What are fans of the TV show 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' known as?",
"A": "Mysterians",
"B": "MiSTies",
"C": "'Bot Brigade",
"D": "Gizmonics",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What are the dimensions of a 'letter size' piece of paper?",
"A": "3 1/2 x 5 inches",
"B": "5 x 10 inches",
"C": "8 1/2 x 11 inches",
"D": "11 x 17 inches",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What are the names of Donald Duck's three nephews?",
"A": "Quick, Quack, Quock",
"B": "Alvin, Simon, Theodore",
"C": "Robbie, Chip, Ernie",
"D": "Huey, Dewey, Louie",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What are the names of the two primary M&M's spokes-candies?",
"A": "Peanut and Plain",
"B": "Red and Yellow",
"C": "Mort and Marty",
"D": "They don't have names",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What are the plastic boxes that hold compact discs called?",
"A": "frame cases",
"B": "jewel cases",
"C": "slip cases",
"D": "wafer boxes",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What are the Smothers Brothers' first names?",
"A": "Frank and Bill",
"B": "Tom and Dick",
"C": "Dave and George",
"D": "Ed and Pete",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What article of clothing best describes a 'pashmina'?",
"A": "shoes",
"B": "pants",
"C": "scarf",
"D": "underwear",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What automobile company makes the Sonata?",
"A": "Toyota",
"B": "Honda",
"C": "Subaru",
"D": "Hyundai",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What biological process replicates DNA?",
"A": "molting",
"B": "mitosis",
"C": "diffusion",
"D": "peristalsis",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What car company once manufactured and sold the 'Datsun' line of automobiles?",
"A": "Nissan",
"B": "Mazda",
"C": "Toyota",
"D": "Daihatsu",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What cartoon character traveled in a time machine with Mr. Peabody?",
"A": "Rocky",
"B": "Jonny Quest",
"C": "Underdog",
"D": "Sherman",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What character did Woody replace on the TV show 'Cheers'?",
"A": "Coach",
"B": "Diane",
"C": "Norm",
"D": "Frasier",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What chemical do people frequently use to bleach hair?",
"A": "folic acid",
"B": "hydrogen peroxide",
"C": "sodium chloride",
"D": "nitrous oxide",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What children's storybook character believes that the sky is falling?",
"A": "Chicken Little",
"B": "Curious George",
"C": "Jack Sprat",
"D": "Tom Thumb",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What children's TV character is known as 'Da Niao' in China?",
"A": "Barney",
"B": "Big Bird",
"C": "Mickey Mouse",
"D": "Tinky Winky",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What city did the Beatles originally call home?",
"A": "London",
"B": "Leeds",
"C": "Liverpool",
"D": "Manchester",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What city is known as 'the rubber capital of the world'?",
"A": "Omaha, Nebraska",
"B": "Rockford, Illinois",
"C": "Grand Rapids, Michigan",
"D": "Akron, Ohio",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What city's airport uses the code ORD?",
"A": "Chicago",
"B": "Orlando",
"C": "New York City",
"D": "Portland",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What city's residents are known as 'Knickerbockers'?",
"A": "Boston",
"B": "Philadelphia",
"C": "New York City",
"D": "London",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What color is a ruby?",
"A": "red",
"B": "black",
"C": "yellow",
"D": "blue",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What color is cartoon character Marge Simpson's hair?",
"A": "yellow",
"B": "purple",
"C": "blue",
"D": "brown",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What color is the masthead of USA Today's 'Life' section?",
"A": "green",
"B": "purple",
"C": "red",
"D": "blue",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What color is Uncle Sam's goatee?",
"A": "brown",
"B": "black ",
"C": "white",
"D": "dishwater blond",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What colors are the two circles in the MasterCard logo?",
"A": "pink and orange",
"B": "blue and green",
"C": "black and white",
"D": "red and yellow",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What color is Pepto-Bismol liquid?",
"A": "pink",
"B": "blue",
"C": "clear",
"D": "green",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What company makes Oreo cookies?",
"A": "General Mills",
"B": "Nabisco",
"C": "Keebler",
"D": "Kraft",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What company makes perfumes called 'Beautiful' and 'Pleasures'?",
"A": "Estee Lauder",
"B": "Ralph Lauren",
"C": "Elizabeth Arden",
"D": "Calvin Klein",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What condition is caused by malfunctioning sebaceous glands?",
"A": "bad breath",
"B": "shingles",
"C": "acne",
"D": "carpal tunnel syndrome",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What corporation was founded by a candlemaker and a soapmaker?",
"A": "Simon & Schuster",
"B": "Procter & Gamble",
"C": "Johnson & Johnson",
"D": "Smith & Wesson",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What country does Bordeaux wine come from?",
"A": "France",
"B": "Spain",
"C": "Australia",
"D": "United States",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What country gave us the fashionable headgear called the beret?",
"A": "Switzerland",
"B": "China",
"C": "Mexico",
"D": "France",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What country is famous for making wooden shoes?",
"A": "Russia",
"B": "Thailand",
"C": "The Netherlands",
"D": "Australia",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What country is the rock group U2 from?",
"A": "England",
"B": "Ireland",
"C": "Belgium",
"D": "Germany",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What country was once ruled by shoguns?",
"A": "China",
"B": "Japan",
"C": "North Korea",
"D": "Taiwan",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What day of the week is sometimes called 'hump day'?",
"A": "Wednesday",
"B": "Thursday",
"C": "Friday",
"D": "Saturday",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What disease does a carcinogen cause?",
"A": "cancer",
"B": "influenza",
"C": "emphysema",
"D": "heart disease",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What disease is characterized by a body's inability to properly metabolize glucose?",
"A": "Influenza",
"B": "Septicemia",
"C": "Diabetes",
"D": "Arthritis",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What disease is sometimes referred to as the 'royal disease'?",
"A": "rickets",
"B": "measles",
"C": "hemophilia",
"D": "tuberculosis",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What do the initials 'E. E.' in poet E. E. Cummings' name stand for?",
"A": "Edward Estlin",
"B": "Edmund Earl",
"C": "Ernest Eakins",
"D": "Eugene Evan",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What do you call a young cow?",
"A": "mare",
"B": "lamb",
"C": "kid",
"D": "calf",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What do you call three consecutive strikes in bowling?",
"A": "yahtzee",
"B": "mulligan",
"C": "turkey",
"D": "ace",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What does a pH level measure?",
"A": "acidity",
"B": "density",
"C": "wavelength",
"D": "humidity",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What does an animal produce when it lactates?",
"A": "sweat",
"B": "wool",
"C": "milk",
"D": "methane",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What does it mean to work 'pro bono'?",
"A": "work overtime",
"B": "work without pay",
"C": "work as your own boss",
"D": "not work at all",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What does the acronym 'REM' stand for?",
"A": "random energy module",
"B": "rapid eye movement",
"C": "red entertainment machine",
"D": "really energetic music",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What does the Latin phrase 'e pluribus unum' mean?",
"A": "What a crazy life.",
"B": "In God we trust.",
"C": "from many, one",
"D": "for the greater good",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What does the 'ROM' in CD-ROM stand for?",
"A": "Really Obscure Memory",
"B": "Run-Other Memory",
"C": "Random Object Memory",
"D": "Read-Only Memory",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What does the Yiddish word 'meshuga' mean?",
"A": "crazy",
"B": "sacred",
"C": "stingy",
"D": "sweet",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What exercise apparatus is used during a 'Spinning' class?",
"A": "stationary bicycle",
"B": "treadmill",
"C": "rowing machine",
"D": "barbells",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What famous folksinger founded the Institute for the Study of Non-Violence in 1965?",
"A": "Bob Dylan",
"B": "Woody Guthrie",
"C": "Joan Baez",
"D": "Peter Yarrow",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What famous radio personality was also the voice of Shaggy on the cartoon 'Scooby-Doo'?",
"A": "Rush Limbaugh",
"B": "Casey Kasem",
"C": "Larry King",
"D": "Howard Stern",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What fictional character claims to be 'smarter than the average bear'?",
"A": "Paddington Bear",
"B": "Fozzie Bear",
"C": "Smokey Bear",
"D": "Yogi Bear",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What French city is home to a famous international film festival each spring?",
"A": "Cannes",
"B": "Marseille",
"C": "Dijon",
"D": "Lyon",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What football player was known as 'The Galloping Ghost'?",
"A": "Jim Thorpe",
"B": "Dick Butkus",
"C": "Red Grange",
"D": "George Halas",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What force causes an ice cream cone to fly off of a spinning merry-go-round?",
"A": "centrifugal",
"B": "vehicular",
"C": "gravitational",
"D": "torsal",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What former 'Today' show personality played a neighbor on the TV sitcom 'The Hogan Family'?",
"A": "Jane Pauley",
"B": "Willard Scott",
"C": "Deborah Norville",
"D": "Joe Garagiola",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What Greek poet wrote 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey'?",
"A": "Sophocles",
"B": "Plato",
"C": "Homer",
"D": "Socrates",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What high school does the gang from the 'Archie' comic strip attend?",
"A": "Ridgemont High",
"B": "Riverdale High",
"C": "Rumson High",
"D": "Riker's Island High",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What important food crop is grown in fields called paddies?",
"A": "wheat",
"B": "rye",
"C": "corn",
"D": "rice",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What internet company goes by the acronym AOL?",
"A": "America Over Lines",
"B": "America Online",
"C": "Americans On Links",
"D": "Americans On LOR",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is a balalaika?",
"A": "musical instrument",
"B": "Russian peasant",
"C": "type of hat",
"D": "breed of shark",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is a Dutch oven?",
"A": "a toaster oven",
"B": "a microwave",
"C": "a kettle pot",
"D": "a sauna",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is actor Antonio Banderas native language?",
"A": "Spanish",
"B": "Russian",
"C": "German",
"D": "French",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is an alternate name for the food dish 'Beijing duck'?",
"A": "Shanghai duck",
"B": "Peking duck",
"C": "Hong Kong duck",
"D": "Brooklyn duck",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is another name for the camelopard?",
"A": "circus",
"B": "giraffe",
"C": "cantaloupe",
"D": "oasis",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is another way of writing 'six feet'?",
"A": "6'",
"B": "6",
"C": "6''",
"D": "6#",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is called a 'lorry' in Britain?",
"A": "a toaster",
"B": "a truck",
"C": "a babysitter",
"D": "an elevator",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is considered the proper way to address a duke?",
"A": "'Your Majesty'",
"B": "'Your Eminence'",
"C": "'Your Excellency'",
"D": "'Your Grace'",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is Delta Burke's character's job on the sitcom 'Designing Women'?",
"A": "fashion designer",
"B": "graphic designer",
"C": "interior designer",
"D": "website designer",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is New Mexico's nickname?",
"A": "'The Desert State'",
"B": "'Gateway to Paradise'",
"C": "'Land of Enchantment'",
"D": "'The Garden State'",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is produced during photosynthesis?",
"A": "hydrogen",
"B": "nylon",
"C": "oxygen",
"D": "light",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the 7-Eleven company's trademarked name for its super-large sodas?",
"A": "Big Slurp",
"B": "Big Gulp",
"C": "Big Drink",
"D": "Big Sip",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the approximate speed of light?",
"A": "165 miles per hour",
"B": "122,000 miles per hour",
"C": "186,000 miles per second",
"D": "293,000 miles per second",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the art of elegant handwriting called?",
"A": "calligraphy",
"B": "engraving",
"C": "decoupage",
"D": "lithography",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the baseball term for a batter who substitutes for another batter?",
"A": "switchhitter",
"B": "shadow hitter",
"C": "clip hitter ",
"D": "pinch hitter",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the birthstone for the month of January?",
"A": "topaz",
"B": "garnet",
"C": "opal",
"D": "diamond",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the capital of New Zealand?",
"A": "Sydney",
"B": "Wellington",
"C": "Auckland",
"D": "Melbourne",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the capital of North Dakota?",
"A": "Bismarck",
"B": "Fargo",
"C": "Sioux Falls",
"D": "Pierre",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the chemical process wherein a solid is turned to a liquid via the application of heat?",
"A": "distillation",
"B": "photosynthesis",
"C": "freezing",
"D": "melting",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the colored part of the eye called?",
"A": "iris",
"B": "pupil",
"C": "retina",
"D": "cochlea",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the correct spelling of New Mexico's largest city?",
"A": "Albuqerque",
"B": "Albuquerque",
"C": "Albequerque",
"D": "Santa Fe",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the final word of the Pledge of Allegiance?",
"A": "America",
"B": "stands",
"C": "indivisible",
"D": "all",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the largest animal ever to live on Earth?",
"A": "blue whale",
"B": "giant squid",
"C": "woolly mammoth",
"D": "Tyrannosaurus",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the largest city in Pennsylvania?",
"A": "Philadelphia",
"B": "Stewartsville",
"C": "Harrisburg",
"D": "Pittsburgh",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the last book of the New Testament?",
"A": "Revelation",
"B": "Judges",
"C": "Ruth",
"D": "John",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the last letter of the Greek alphabet?",
"A": "omicron",
"B": "omega",
"C": "upsilon",
"D": "zeta",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the meaning of 'Betelgeuse', the name of the brightest star in the constellation Orion?",
"A": "blossom on a shield",
"B": "eye of the archer",
"C": "the lion's mane",
"D": "armpit of the giant",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the medical term for a doctor's identification of a disease?",
"A": "Hypnosis",
"B": "Prognosis",
"C": "Trichinosis",
"D": "Diagnosis",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the more common name for the disease 'pertussis'?",
"A": "whooping cough",
"B": "tennis elbow",
"C": "black lung",
"D": "German measles",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the most popular month for weddings in America?",
"A": "January",
"B": "May",
"C": "August",
"D": "November",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the name for the thin board used to mix colors while painting?",
"A": "pestle",
"B": "easel",
"C": "shoe",
"D": "palette",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of Howard Stern's female on-air sidekick?",
"A": "Allison Norris",
"B": "Jackie Reeses",
"C": "Jackie Martling",
"D": "Robin Quivers",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of Mario's brother in the 'Super Mario' video games?",
"A": "Louis",
"B": "Luigi",
"C": "Luciano",
"D": "Zelda",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of Raggedy Ann's doll brother?",
"A": "Red",
"B": "Freckles",
"C": "Randy",
"D": "Andy",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the baby who appears in cartoons and comic strips with Popeye the Sailor?",
"A": "Pun'kin",
"B": "Lamikins",
"C": "Suga'baby",
"D": "Swee'pea",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the character Played by Woody Allen in the 1967 James Bond film 'Casino Royale'?",
"A": "Dr. Evil",
"B": "Q",
"C": "Little Jimmy Bond",
"D": "M",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the female character played by comedian Flip Wilson on his 1970s TV show?",
"A": "Miss Jackie",
"B": "Elizabeth Sanford",
"C": "Geraldine Jones",
"D": "Gladys Knight",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the fruit that is half tangerine and half grapefruit?",
"A": "graperine",
"B": "tangefruit",
"C": "tangelo",
"D": "kumquat",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the mountain where the mythological Greek gods live?",
"A": "Jupiter",
"B": "Olympus",
"C": "Vesuvius",
"D": "Valhalla",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the Newtonian law that states 'An object in Motion tends to stay in motion'?",
"A": "Law of Inertia",
"B": "Law of Thermodynamics",
"C": "Law of Relativity",
"D": "Law of Gravitation",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the POW camp where 'Hogan's Heroes' are held?",
"A": "Stalag 13",
"B": "Alcatraz 17",
"C": "Devil's Island",
"D": "Leavenworth",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the South African political party that was headed by Nelson Mandela?",
"A": "African National Congress",
"B": "South African Democrats",
"C": "Inkatha Freedom Party",
"D": "Aryan National Assembly",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the StarKist tuna mascot?",
"A": "Charlie",
"B": "Sam",
"C": "Al",
"D": "Morris",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the name of the Swedish company that specializes in affordable furniture?",
"A": "Gambro",
"B": "Electrolux",
"C": "Saab",
"D": "IKEA",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the national animal of Australia?",
"A": "koala",
"B": "kangaroo",
"C": "platypus",
"D": "alligator",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the nickname of Florida's controversial death row electric chair?",
"A": "Old Yeller",
"B": "Old Geezer",
"C": "Old Smoky",
"D": "Old Sparky",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the normal playback speed of a 12\" long-playing record?",
"A": "12 1/2 rpm",
"B": "33 1/3 rpm",
"C": "45 rpm",
"D": "100 rpm",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the official language of The Netherlands?",
"A": "Danish",
"B": "Swedish",
"C": "German",
"D": "Dutch",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the oldest continuously run sporting event in the United States?",
"A": "Westminster Dog Show",
"B": "Boston Marathon",
"C": "Kentucky Derby",
"D": "Indianapolis 500",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States?",
"A": "St. Augustine, Florida",
"B": "Plymouth, Massachusetts",
"C": "Newport News, Virginia",
"D": "Charlotte, North Carolina",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is the principal ingredient in traditional cole slaw?",
"A": "lettuce",
"B": "spinach ",
"C": "cabbage",
"D": "chicory",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the proletariat?",
"A": "the homeless",
"B": "the royalty",
"C": "the upper class",
"D": "the working class",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What is the proper nautical use of an anchor?",
"A": "to catch large fish",
"B": "to calculate water depth",
"C": "to hold a ship in place",
"D": "to damage other boats",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the singular form of the word 'graffiti'?",
"A": "graffita",
"B": "graffitem",
"C": "graffito",
"D": "graffitus",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the square root of 81 squared?",
"A": "9",
"B": "27",
"C": "81",
"D": "729",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the technical term for someone who studies fish?",
"A": "entomologist",
"B": "ichthyologist",
"C": "marinologist",
"D": "herpetologist",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What is the technical term for the offspring of a female donkey and a male horse?",
"A": "burro",
"B": "dorse",
"C": "hinny",
"D": "honker",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is the traditional 20th wedding anniversary gift?",
"A": "paper",
"B": "leather",
"C": "china",
"D": "silver",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is varicella?",
"A": "a fancy pasta",
"B": "a type of opera",
"C": "the chicken pox virus",
"D": "ancient Roman poetry",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What is your astrological sign if you were born on Halloween?",
"A": "Scorpio",
"B": "Capricorn",
"C": "Libra",
"D": "Cancer",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What is your hallux?",
"A": "earlobe",
"B": "tongue",
"C": "eyelid",
"D": "big toe",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What kind of angle is formed where two perpendicular lines meet?",
"A": "obtuse",
"B": "acute",
"C": "right",
"D": "invisible",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What kind of animal is a peregrine?",
"A": "moose",
"B": "cat",
"C": "bird",
"D": "fish",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What kind of animal is cartoon character Tennessee Tuxedo?",
"A": "cat",
"B": "skunk",
"C": "walrus",
"D": "penguin",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What kind of car did Burt Reynolds drive in the movie 'Smokey and the Bandit'?",
"A": "Lamborghini",
"B": "Camaro",
"C": "Corvette",
"D": "Trans Am",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What kind of flying contraption is featured in the movie 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'?",
"A": "boat",
"B": "car",
"C": "truck",
"D": "bike",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What kind of item is a ginsu?",
"A": "radio",
"B": "knife",
"C": "toothbrush",
"D": "martial arts weapon",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What kind of worker uses a 'paddy wagon'?",
"A": "limo driver",
"B": "police officer",
"C": "rice farmer",
"D": "paramedic",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What letters are on the '3' button of a touch-tone telephone?",
"A": "ABC",
"B": "DEF",
"C": "GHI",
"D": "WXY",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What liqueur is used to make a Pink Lady cocktail pink?",
"A": "grenadine",
"B": "schnapps",
"C": "triple sec",
"D": "pernod",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What literary work is the source of the quote 'Abandon every hope, all you who enter here'?",
"A": "'Paradise Lost'",
"B": "'The Divine Comedy'",
"C": "'Beowulf'",
"D": "'Twilight'",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What mathematical term is used to describe the average of a series of numbers?",
"A": "median",
"B": "mode",
"C": "majority",
"D": "mean",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What metal device is used by police to immobilize the wheels of repeat parking offenders?",
"A": "Brooklyn clamp",
"B": "Denver boot",
"C": "LoJack",
"D": "The Club",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What Mexican holiday takes place on May 5th?",
"A": "Mexican Independence Day",
"B": "Santa Anna's Birthday",
"C": "Cinco de Mayo",
"D": "Christmas",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What nationality was Karl Marx?",
"A": "Russian",
"B": "German",
"C": "Danish",
"D": "English",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What Native American tribe did chief Crazy Horse lead?",
"A": "Apache",
"B": "Comanche",
"C": "Sioux",
"D": "Iroquois",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What native empire controlled Large areas of South African Territory during the 19th century?",
"A": "Hutu",
"B": "Zulu",
"C": "Aztec",
"D": "Masai",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What New Age musician released a 1998 album titled 'King of the Pan Flute'?",
"A": "Zamfir",
"B": "Yanni",
"C": "Vangelis",
"D": "Kenny G",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What new token was recently added to the Monopoly board game?",
"A": "piggybank",
"B": "sack of money",
"C": "globe",
"D": "telephone",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What newspaper do Lois Lane and Clark Kent work for?",
"A": "The Bugle",
"B": "The Daily Planet",
"C": "The Metropolis Tribune",
"D": "The New York Times",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What part of the human body does a gastroenterologist examine?",
"A": "brain",
"B": "skeleton",
"C": "stomach",
"D": "nose",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What part of the world was once known as Cathay?",
"A": "China",
"B": "India",
"C": "Iran",
"D": "Indonesia",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What people ruled the Andes Mountains until they were conquered by the Spanish in 1532?",
"A": "Pueblo",
"B": "Aztec",
"C": "Inca",
"D": "Apache",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What place is named in the title of the 1979 live album by rock legends Cheap Trick?",
"A": "Budapest",
"B": "Budokan",
"C": "Bhutan",
"D": "Britain",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What popular toy is featured in the film 'The Hudsucker Proxy'?",
"A": "Beanie Babies",
"B": "Hula Hoop",
"C": "Lincoln Logs",
"D": "Lite Brite",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What pro wrestler grapples with Sylvester Stallone in the movie 'Rocky III'?",
"A": "Dolph Lundgren",
"B": "Hulk Hogan",
"C": "Andre the Giant",
"D": "The Iron Sheik",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What professional sports team plays its home games in the Alamodome?",
"A": "New York Jets",
"B": "Detroit Tigers",
"C": "Boston Bruins",
"D": "San Antonio Spurs",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What rank entitles a general in the US Army to wear three stars?",
"A": "brigadier general",
"B": "corporal general",
"C": "lieutenant general",
"D": "major general",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What recording artist claims that sportscaster Marv Albert was a major influence on his sound?",
"A": "David Lee Roth",
"B": "Meat Loaf",
"C": "Axl Rose",
"D": "Chuck D",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What singer appeared in the 1992 baseball film 'A League of Their Own'?",
"A": "Brandy",
"B": "Madonna",
"C": "Garth Brooks",
"D": "Whitney Houston",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What sport is featured in the 1996 movie 'Kingpin'?",
"A": "wrestling",
"B": "golf",
"C": "chess",
"D": "bowling",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What sport is known as 'The Sport of Kings'?",
"A": "polo",
"B": "archery",
"C": "yachting",
"D": "horse racing",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What sporting event is held annually on Memorial Day weekend?",
"A": "Iditarod",
"B": "Kentucky Derby",
"C": "Indianapolis 500",
"D": "Super Bowl",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What substance was used for blood in the famous shower scene from the movie 'Psycho'?",
"A": "tomato juice",
"B": "red wine",
"C": "chocolate syrup",
"D": "ketchup",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What tea is known for its distinctive bergamot flavor?",
"A": "Earl Grey",
"B": "Darjeeling",
"C": "English Breakfast",
"D": "Prince of Wales",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What team has won the most World Series?",
"A": "Chicago Cubs",
"B": "Los Angeles Dodgers",
"C": "New York Yankees",
"D": "San Francisco Giants",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What term describes a tribe that has no set homeland and wanders from place to place?",
"A": "Nomadic",
"B": "Pedantic",
"C": "Schematic",
"D": "Cathartic",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What term describes a word created by rearranging the letters of another word?",
"A": "onomatopoeia",
"B": "malapropism",
"C": "anagram",
"D": "antonym",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What term describes someone who does not believe in the existence of God?",
"A": "hedonist",
"B": "deist",
"C": "agnostic",
"D": "atheist",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What term describes the passing of genetic traits from one generation to the next?",
"A": "heredity",
"B": "heresy",
"C": "homogeneity",
"D": "hemoglobin",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What term is used to describe a group of fish?",
"A": "knot",
"B": "drape",
"C": "school",
"D": "gaggle",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What term is used to describe a group of geese?",
"A": "gaggle",
"B": "gang",
"C": "gander",
"D": "grist",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What topic does Spin magazine primarily cover?",
"A": "politics",
"B": "washing machines",
"C": "books",
"D": "music",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What type of meat is on a traditional Reuben sandwich?",
"A": "turkey",
"B": "bologna",
"C": "corned beef",
"D": "pepperoni",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What type of substance is 'terra-cotta'?",
"A": "metal",
"B": "ceramic",
"C": "wood",
"D": "glass",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What U.S. president is mentioned by name in the opening theme song of TV's 'All in the Family'?",
"A": "Calvin Coolidge",
"B": "Harry Truman",
"C": "Herbert Hoover",
"D": "Richard Nixon",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "What was Ludwig Van Beethoven's final symphony?",
"A": "Ninth",
"B": "Tenth",
"C": "Eleventh",
"D": "Twelfth",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What was Richard Nixon's middle name?",
"A": "Michael",
"B": "Milhous",
"C": "Mortimer",
"D": "Matthew",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What was the birth name of civil rights leader Malcolm X?",
"A": "Michael Brown",
"B": "Malcolm Little",
"C": "Malcolm Lincoln",
"D": "Michael Lloyd",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What was the first American college to become coeducational?",
"A": "Oberlin College",
"B": "Dartmouth College",
"C": "Grinnell College",
"D": "Antioch College",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What was the name of Huey Lewis' band?",
"A": "The News",
"B": "The Attractions",
"C": "The Silver Bullet Band",
"D": "Louie and Dewey",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What was the name of the 1999 art exhibit that sparked a national debate about censorship?",
"A": "'Sticks & Stones'",
"B": "'Pulsation'",
"C": "'Black & White'",
"D": "'Sensation'",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What was the name of the first nuclear-powered submarine?",
"A": "Nautilus",
"B": "Neptune",
"C": "Nordenfelt III",
"D": "Nicholas",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What was the name of the first ship to sail around the world?",
"A": "Triton",
"B": "Victoria",
"C": "Magellan",
"D": "Elizabeth II",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What was the original name of the Apple Macintosh XL computer?",
"A": "Lisa 2",
"B": "Mac Daddy",
"C": "Granny Smith",
"D": "Orange XL",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "What was the title of Beethoven's only completed opera?",
"A": "'Faust'",
"B": "'The Silence'",
"C": "'Immortal Beloved'",
"D": "'Fidelio'",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "What were the first names of the early American explorers Lewis and Clark?",
"A": "Morgan and Mason",
"B": "Meriwether and William",
"C": "Cabot and Joseph",
"D": "Meredith and George",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What's the popular name of the breakfast meal consisting of sausages wrapped in pancakes?",
"A": "ducks in a pond",
"B": "pigs in a blanket",
"C": "cows in a pasture",
"D": "dogs in the oven",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What's the third letter of the Greek alphabet?",
"A": "delta",
"B": "gamma",
"C": "phi",
"D": "theta",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "What's unique about a skeleton key?",
"A": "It opens many locks.",
"B": "It's made of bone.",
"C": "It's extremely old.",
"D": "It hangs in a closet.",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "When daylight-saving time arrives in the spring, how do most Americans turn their clocks?",
"A": "one hour forward",
"B": "one hour backward",
"C": "two hours forward",
"D": "two hours backward",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "When driving, which of the following gestures means 'left turn'?",
"A": "arm bent upwards",
"B": "thumbs up",
"C": "closed fist",
"D": "arm straight out",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "In the presidential election of 1932, how many U.S. states did FDR not win the electoral votes for?",
"A": "six",
"B": "seven",
"C": "eight",
"D": "ten",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "When it comes to measuring horses, how long is a 'hand'?",
"A": "four inches",
"B": "seven inches",
"C": "ten inches",
"D": "two feet",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "When it first appeared on the Internet, sold only what?",
"A": "books",
"B": "compact discs",
"C": "cars",
"D": "clothes",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "When it's noon in New York during daylight-saving time, what time is it in Honolulu?",
"A": "6:00 a.m.",
"B": "6:30 a.m.",
"C": "7:00 a.m.",
"D": "8:00 a.m.",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Where are fireworks first known to have been developed?",
"A": "Italy",
"B": "China",
"C": "Great Britain",
"D": "Greece",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Where did jazz great Sun Ra claim he was born?",
"A": "Atlantis",
"B": "Mount Olympus",
"C": "Saturn",
"D": "in a saxophone",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Where did Lewis and Clark begin their famous expedition in 1804?",
"A": "Seattle",
"B": "St. Louis",
"C": "New Orleans",
"D": "Washington, DC",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Where did the Exxon Valdez run aground in March of 1989?",
"A": "Monterey Bay",
"B": "Prince William Sound",
"C": "Cape Cod",
"D": "Gulf of Mexico",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Where is Ghirardelli Square located?",
"A": "Milan",
"B": "Rome",
"C": "Washington DC",
"D": "San Francisco",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Where is the Louvre museum?",
"A": "Paris",
"B": "Lyon",
"C": "Geneva",
"D": "Vichy",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Where was the chicken first domesticated?",
"A": "France",
"B": "India",
"C": "Peru",
"D": "Zaire",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Where would you typically find a bailiff?",
"A": "grocery store",
"B": "courtroom",
"C": "football stadium",
"D": "doctor's office",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Where is the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed house known as Falling Water?",
"A": "Connecticut",
"B": "Pennsylvania",
"C": "Illinois",
"D": "New York",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which actress played a pointy-eared Vulcan in the movie 'Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan'?",
"A": "Whoopi Goldberg",
"B": "Jennifer Grey",
"C": "Kirstie Alley",
"D": "Helen Hunt",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which American colony, known for its religious tolerance, did Roger Williams found in 1636?",
"A": "Massachusetts",
"B": "Rhode Island",
"C": "Virginia",
"D": "Vermont",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which brand of cat food claims it's so tasty that 'cats ask for it by name'?",
"A": "Fancy Feast",
"B": "Cat Chow",
"C": "Meow Mix",
"D": "9-Lives",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which character on the TV show 'Friends' is a chef?",
"A": "Joey",
"B": "Monica",
"C": "Ross",
"D": "Rachel",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which company holds an annual self-named 'Bake-Off'?",
"A": "Betty Crocker",
"B": "Duncan Hines",
"C": "Pillsbury",
"D": "Keebler",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which famed modeling agency shares its name with a top U.S. automaker?",
"A": "Ford",
"B": "Chevrolet",
"C": "Chrysler",
"D": "Saturn",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which fast food chain used the advertising slogan, 'Where's the beef?'",
"A": "Wendy's",
"B": "Kentucky Fried Chicken",
"C": "Burger King",
"D": "McDonald's",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of the boys on the TV show 'My Three Sons' is adopted?",
"A": "Mike",
"B": "Ernie",
"C": "Chip",
"D": "Robbie",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following articles of clothing has a hood?",
"A": "parka",
"B": "kilt",
"C": "lederhosen",
"D": "sarong",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following beverages is brewed from the leaves of a plant?",
"A": "tea",
"B": "coffee",
"C": "ginger ale",
"D": "wine",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following breakfast cereals is shaped like the letter O?",
"A": "Life Corn",
"B": "Chex",
"C": "Cheerios",
"D": "Raisin Bran",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following candies is traditionally fruit flavored?",
"A": "M&M's",
"B": "Skittles",
"C": "Reese's Pieces",
"D": "Junior Mints",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is a natural sugar found in most fruits?",
"A": "necrose",
"B": "fructose",
"C": "bellicose",
"D": "pantiose",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is a sports award?",
"A": "Oscar",
"B": "Emmy",
"C": "Nobel",
"D": "Espy",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is about the Watergate scandal?",
"A": "'All the King's Men'",
"B": "'All the Pretty Horses'",
"C": "'All the President's Men'",
"D": "'All the Right Moves'",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is most commonly kept in a terrarium?",
"A": "money",
"B": "books",
"C": "ice",
"D": "plants",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is not a flavor of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream?",
"A": "Wavy Gravy",
"B": "Bovinity Divinity",
"C": "Cutie Patootie",
"D": "Chubby Hubby",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is not a TV cartoon duo?",
"A": "Chip and Dale",
"B": "Beavis and Butt-head",
"C": "Simon and Garfunkel",
"D": "Tom and Jerry",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following is not in Nevada?",
"A": "Liberace Museum",
"B": "Pikes Peak",
"C": "Lake Mead",
"D": "Hoover Dam",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following must be obtained by foreigners wishing to permanently reside in the US?",
"A": "visa",
"B": "bill of landing",
"C": "driver's license",
"D": "carte blanche",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following requires the use of at least two needles?",
"A": "macrame",
"B": "braiding",
"C": "crocheting",
"D": "hand knitting",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of the following words does not appear in the Lewis Carroll poem 'Jabberwocky'?",
"A": "brillig",
"B": "bandersnatch",
"C": "wabe",
"D": "grelp",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of the Three Stooges was not related to the others?",
"A": "Moe",
"B": "Larry",
"C": "Curly",
"D": "Shemp",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these actors did one-handed push-ups on stage at the 1992 Academy Awards?",
"A": "Sylvester Stallone",
"B": "Jack Nicholson",
"C": "Jack Palance",
"D": "Marisa Tomei",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these animals lays eggs?",
"A": "cow",
"B": "gerbil",
"C": "frog",
"D": "elephant",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these animals shares its name with a luxury car?",
"A": "yak",
"B": "gazelle",
"C": "sloth",
"D": "jaguar",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these are not legumes?",
"A": "beans",
"B": "peas",
"C": "radishes",
"D": "peanuts",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these Australian birds is most closely related to the ostrich?",
"A": "puffin",
"B": "kookaburra",
"C": "cockatoo",
"D": "emu",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these candy bars was named for a baseball player?",
"A": "Baby Ruth",
"B": "Clark Bar",
"C": "Reggie Bar",
"D": "Butterfinger",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these college football programs has produced the most Heisman Trophy winners?",
"A": "Notre Dame",
"B": "USC",
"C": "Oklahoma",
"D": "Michigan",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these colors is a shade of blue?",
"A": "ochre",
"B": "periwinkle",
"C": "mauve",
"D": "ecru",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these countries does not participate in NAFTA?",
"A": "United States",
"B": "Canada",
"C": "Mexico",
"D": "Guatemala",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these companies is not an online stock brokerage?",
"A": "E*Trade",
"B": "EDigital",
"C": "Datek Online",
"D": "DLJ Direct",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these countries is not in Europe?",
"A": "Italy",
"B": "Spain",
"C": "Greece",
"D": "Israel",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these countries was not a member of the Axis nations during World War II?",
"A": "Germany",
"B": "Italy",
"C": "Spain",
"D": "Japan",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these Democrats lost to Ronald Reagan in the 1984 presidential elections?",
"A": "Michael Dukakis",
"B": "Walter Mondale",
"C": "Gary Hart",
"D": "Jimmy Carter",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these dishes is made from pig intestines?",
"A": "haggis",
"B": "chitlins",
"C": "grits",
"D": "chop suey",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these evangelists is a cousin of rocker Jerry Lee Lewis?",
"A": "Billy Graham",
"B": "Oral Roberts",
"C": "Jerry Falwell",
"D": "Jimmy Swaggart",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these famous baseball figures was once acquitted at court-martial for insubordination?",
"A": "Abner Doubleday",
"B": "Ty Cobb",
"C": "Jackie Robinson",
"D": "Billy Martin",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these fashion designers was born in the United States?",
"A": "Laura Ashley",
"B": "Helmut Lang",
"C": "Donna Karan",
"D": "Christian Dior",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these foods could contain small amounts of naturally occurring opium?",
"A": "chocolate truffles",
"B": "poppy seed bagels",
"C": "carbonated soda",
"D": "sesame chicken",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these foods could you catch at sea?",
"A": "shallot",
"B": "stollen",
"C": "scallop",
"D": "scone",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these foods is poisonous to dogs?",
"A": "peanut butter",
"B": "bananas",
"C": "chocolate",
"D": "olives",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these games is not played with cards?",
"A": "baccarat",
"B": "rummy",
"C": "craps",
"D": "solitaire",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these foods is not traditionally considered kosher?",
"A": "citrus fruits",
"B": "barley",
"C": "chicken",
"D": "shellfish",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these Hemingway characters is a newspaperman?",
"A": "Jake Barnes",
"B": "Rogelio Gomez",
"C": "Frederic Henry",
"D": "John MacWalsey",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these holidays is not attached to a specific date?",
"A": "Independence Day",
"B": "New Year's Day",
"C": "Thanksgiving",
"D": "Christmas",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these horror films spawned the most sequels?",
"A": "'Scream'",
"B": "'Jaws'",
"C": "'Halloween'",
"D": "'Friday the 13th'",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these household pets should be vaccinated for parvovirus?",
"A": "hamster",
"B": "cat",
"C": "dog",
"D": "bird",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is a commonly-known investment account?",
"A": "CNN",
"B": "EMC",
"C": "IRA",
"D": "IRS",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is a fish?",
"A": "sea horse",
"B": "sea cow",
"C": "sea snake",
"D": "sea lion",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is a government agency established to protect investors?",
"A": "AAA",
"B": "NBA",
"C": "SEC",
"D": "MADD",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is a member of the cucumber family?",
"A": "green pepper",
"B": "watermelon",
"C": "potato",
"D": "green bean",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is a slang term for 'police'?",
"A": "fuzz",
"B": "shrinks",
"C": "bean counters",
"D": "aardvarks",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is a type of artwork consisting of pieces of wood inlaid in geometric patterns?",
"A": "marquetry",
"B": "parquetry",
"C": "harquetry",
"D": "sharquetry",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is an Italian Design firm?",
"A": "Escada",
"B": "Fendi",
"C": "Ghost",
"D": "Mainbocher",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is another name for a golf course?",
"A": "Pitch",
"B": "Links",
"C": "Steps",
"D": "Suite",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is commonly used to treat allergies?",
"A": "antimatter",
"B": "anticoagulants",
"C": "antiseptics",
"D": "antihistamines",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is made from cacao seeds?",
"A": "marzipan",
"B": "soy sauce",
"C": "chocolate",
"D": "anchovies",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a breed of cat?",
"A": "Persian",
"B": "Turkish Angora",
"C": "Bichon Frise",
"D": "Maine Coon",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a city in the state of New York?",
"A": "Perskippity",
"B": "Kerhonkson",
"C": "Schenectady",
"D": "Lackawanna",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a fabric?",
"A": "Velveteen",
"B": "Celotex",
"C": "Seersucker",
"D": "Tencel",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a Hindu deity?",
"A": "Shiva",
"B": "Vishnu",
"C": "Sanskrit",
"D": "Brahma",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a 'lock' function on a standard desktop computer keyboard?",
"A": "print lock",
"B": "number lock",
"C": "scroll lock",
"D": "caps lock",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a position on an American football team?",
"A": "quarterback",
"B": "tight end",
"C": "striker",
"D": "free safety",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a spice?",
"A": "dill",
"B": "aniseed",
"C": "cucumber",
"D": "cayenne",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a style of shoe?",
"A": "gingham",
"B": "brogan",
"C": "espadrille",
"D": "docksider",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a traditional Greek dish?",
"A": "sukiyaki",
"B": "souvlaki",
"C": "moussaka",
"D": "finikia",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a type of chili pepper?",
"A": "habanero",
"B": "cheyenne",
"C": "jalapeno",
"D": "guajillo",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a type of primate?",
"A": "baboon",
"B": "marmot",
"C": "orangutan",
"D": "chimpanzee",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not a type of rock?",
"A": "metamorphic",
"B": "sedimentary",
"C": "igneous",
"D": "deciduous",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not an ingredient in Yorkshire pudding?",
"A": "eggs",
"B": "milk",
"C": "chocolate",
"D": "meat drippings",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not found in a Snickers candy bar?",
"A": "almonds",
"B": "chocolate",
"C": "nougat",
"D": "caramel",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not one of Aesop's fables?",
"A": "'The Dog and the Squirrel'",
"B": "'The Hare and the Tortoise'",
"C": "'The Eagle and the Beetle'",
"D": "'The Ox and the Frogs'",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not one of superhero Captain Marvel's abilities?",
"A": "the power of Apollo",
"B": "the strength of Hercules",
"C": "the courage of Achilles",
"D": "the wisdom of Solomon",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not one of the four basic forces in nature?",
"A": "electromagnetic",
"B": "gravitational",
"C": "nuclear",
"D": "centrifugal",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not one of the official languages of the United Nations?",
"A": "Japanese",
"B": "English",
"C": "Russian",
"D": "Spanish",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not one of the three branches of the US government?",
"A": "Judicial",
"B": "Executive",
"C": "Parliamentary",
"D": "Legislative",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is not the name of one of rock musician Frank Zappa's children?",
"A": "Dweezil",
"B": "Ahmet",
"C": "Moon Unit",
"D": "Lumpy Gravy",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is referred to as a 'pigskin'?",
"A": "Football",
"B": "Basketball",
"C": "hockey puck",
"D": "catcher's Mitt",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these is typically not used as a spice?",
"A": "dill",
"B": "thyme",
"C": "hemlock",
"D": "marjoram",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these items is useful for removing ink stains?",
"A": "baking soda",
"B": "nail polish",
"C": "hair spray",
"D": "butter",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these measurements is equal to one square foot?",
"A": "50 square inches",
"B": "77 square inches",
"C": "100 square inches",
"D": "144 square inches",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these magazines does not focus on natural science?",
"A": "Tiger Beat",
"B": "Outside",
"C": "National Geographic",
"D": "Smithsonian",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these men has never been a head coach in the NFL?",
"A": "Dick Vermeil",
"B": "Bill Parcells",
"C": "Chuck Noll",
"D": "Pat Riley",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these months has 31 days?",
"A": "March",
"B": "April",
"C": "June",
"D": "September",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these movies does not star Jim Carrey?",
"A": "'Patch Adams'",
"B": "'The Truman Show'",
"C": "'Dumb and Dumber'",
"D": "'The Mask'",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these names has never belonged to a Pope?",
"A": "Leo",
"B": "Lando",
"C": "Linus",
"D": "Lawrence",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these organizations is not part of the U.S. government?",
"A": "NAACP",
"B": "NASA",
"C": "CIA",
"D": "FBI",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these organs comes in a pair?",
"A": "liver",
"B": "kidney",
"C": "stomach",
"D": "gallbladder",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these painting tools has bristles on it?",
"A": "easel",
"B": "knife",
"C": "brush",
"D": "palette",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these pastas is spiral shaped?",
"A": "fettuccine",
"B": "rigatoni",
"C": "tortellini",
"D": "rotini",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these people was buried in the Valley of the Kings?",
"A": "Louis XIV",
"B": "Elvis Presley",
"C": "Julius Caesar",
"D": "King Tut",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these people was not alive in the 20th century?",
"A": "Mark Twain",
"B": "Thomas Edison",
"C": "Sigmund Freud",
"D": "Ulysses S. Grant",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these performers made her film debut in Spike Lee's 'Do the Right Thing'?",
"A": "Jennifer Lopez",
"B": "Rosie Perez",
"C": "Paula Abdul",
"D": "Tisha Campbell",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these places is known for art auctions?",
"A": "Shelby's",
"B": "Nickleby's",
"C": "Gatsby's",
"D": "Sotheby's",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these plants is the national emblem of Scotland?",
"A": "ivy",
"B": "thistle",
"C": "rose",
"D": "linden",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these popular games relies on bluffing?",
"A": "Outburst",
"B": "Balderdash",
"C": "Pictionary",
"D": "Scattergories",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these refers to an alcoholic drink laced with a knockout drug?",
"A": "Zombie",
"B": "Kamikaze",
"C": "Mickey Finn",
"D": "Molotov cocktail",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these rivers flows through France?",
"A": "Volga",
"B": "Seine",
"C": "Mekong",
"D": "Allegheny",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these rock guitarists designed a colorful line of men's neckties?",
"A": "Eric Clapton",
"B": "Jerry Garcia",
"C": "Jeff Beck",
"D": "Keith Richards",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these rocks will float in water?",
"A": "granite",
"B": "limestone",
"C": "shale",
"D": "pumice",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these sentences is written in the subjunctive?",
"A": "I am not your man",
"B": "I wish I were your man",
"C": "Wherefore art your man?",
"D": "Your man is where?",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these snakes is poisonous?",
"A": "anaconda",
"B": "boa constrictor",
"C": "copperhead",
"D": "python",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these songs was a Top 10 hit for the rock band The Police?",
"A": "'Radio Ga-Ga'",
"B": "'Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da'",
"C": "'De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da'",
"D": "'In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida'",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these sounds is commonly associated with owls?",
"A": "chirp",
"B": "bark",
"C": "growl",
"D": "hoot",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these states is not the birthplace of a US president?",
"A": "New Jersey",
"B": "Nebraska",
"C": "Kansas",
"D": "California",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these stores is not owned by Gap Inc?",
"A": "Gap",
"B": "Banana Republic",
"C": "Old Navy",
"D": "J Crew",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these television programs did not feature characters introduced on 'Happy Days'?",
"A": "'Mork & Mindy'",
"B": "'Perfect Strangers'",
"C": "'Joanie Loves Chachi'",
"D": "'Laverne & Shirley'",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these television series was not set in the United States?",
"A": "'Picket Fences'",
"B": "'M*A*S*H'",
"C": "'Northern Exposure'",
"D": "'The Paper Chase'",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these toys answers questions?",
"A": "Magic 8 Ball",
"B": "Barbie",
"C": "Frisbee",
"D": "Slinky",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these vitamins was the first to be named?",
"A": "Vitamin A",
"B": "Vitamin-12",
"C": "Vitamin E",
"D": "Vitameatavegimen",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which of these words is a synonym for 'perambulate'?",
"A": "kiss",
"B": "shout",
"C": "stroll",
"D": "heal",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which of these words is an adverb?",
"A": "hurried",
"B": "fast",
"C": "speedy",
"D": "quickly",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Which of these words means 'yes' in French?",
"A": "qui",
"B": "oui",
"C": "ja",
"D": "okey-dokey",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these words is spelled correctly?",
"A": "decieve",
"B": "foriegn",
"C": "hygiene",
"D": "wierd",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which one of these world leaders was assassinated?",
"A": "Indira Gandhi",
"B": "Ferdinand Marcos",
"C": "Golda Meir",
"D": "Neville Chamberlain",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which one of these World War II leaders was not at the Yalta Conference?",
"A": "Stalin",
"B": "Mussolini",
"C": "Churchill",
"D": "Roosevelt",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Which of these would you most commonly find in a sconce?",
"A": "candle",
"B": "food",
"C": "birds",
"D": "books",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Which Pope immediately preceded John Paul II?",
"A": "John XXIII ",
"B": "Paul VI",
"C": "John Paul I",
"D": "Hank II",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Which 'Rocky' film features Mr. T?",
"A": "'Rocky II'",
"B": "'Rocky III'",
"C": "'Rocky IV'",
"D": "'Rocky '",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates?",
"A": "Steve Jobs",
"B": "Steve Wozniak",
"C": "Paul Williams",
"D": "Paul Allen",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who composed the 'Moonlight Sonata'?",
"A": "Mozart",
"B": "Handel",
"C": "Bach",
"D": "Beethoven",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who is an archenemy of the cartoon superhero Underdog?",
"A": "OverCat",
"B": "Muttley",
"C": "Mr. Whoopie",
"D": "Dick Dastardly",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who is considered the owner of a 'publicly held' company?",
"A": "the CEO",
"B": "the stockholders",
"C": "the president",
"D": "the government",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who is the career hit leader among players never elected to Baseball's Hall of Fame?",
"A": "Steve Garvey",
"B": "Jim Rice",
"C": "Pete Rose",
"D": "Ken Griffey Jr",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who is the creator of the comic strip 'The Far Side'?",
"A": "Jim Davis",
"B": "Gary Larson",
"C": "Garry Trudeau",
"D": "Charles Schulz",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who is the mythological Roman goddess of flowers?",
"A": "Diana",
"B": "Echo",
"C": "Flora",
"D": "Niobe",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who is the patron saint of animals?",
"A": "St. Isidore of Seville",
"B": "St. Anthony of Padua",
"C": "St. Francis of Assisi",
"D": "St. Joan of Arc",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who is the shortest man to ever win an NBA slam dunk competition?",
"A": "Anthony 'Spud' Webb",
"B": "Michael 'Air' Jordan",
"C": "Tyrone 'Muggsy' Bogues",
"D": "Julius 'Dr. J' Erving",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who is the star of the movie 'Casablanca'?",
"A": "Errol Flynn",
"B": "Clark Gable",
"C": "Cary Grant",
"D": "Humphrey Bogart",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who is the star of the TV show 'Everybody Loves Raymond'?",
"A": "Ray Liotta",
"B": "Ray Romano",
"C": "Ray Parker Jr.",
"D": "Sugar Ray Leonard",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who is the twin sister of 'Dear Abby' columnist Abigail VanBuren?",
"A": "Martha Stewart",
"B": "Dr Ruth Westheimer",
"C": "Ann Landers",
"D": "Miss Manners",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who kills Tony at the end of the film 'West Side Story'?",
"A": "Riff",
"B": "Chino",
"C": "Bernardo",
"D": "He kills himself.",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who led the 1831 slave insurrection in Southampton, Virginia?",
"A": "John Brown",
"B": "Dred Scott",
"C": "Nat Turner",
"D": "Harriet Tubman",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who or what was Big Bertha?",
"A": "a comet",
"B": "a World War I gun",
"C": "a pro wrestling champion",
"D": "a giant Muppet",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who originally proposed the idea of daylight-saving time?",
"A": "Benjamin Franklin",
"B": "Henry David Thoreau",
"C": "Galileo",
"D": "Albert Einstein",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who sang lead vocals for the band Big Brother and the Holding Company?",
"A": "Grace Slick",
"B": "Janis Joplin",
"C": "Mama Cass",
"D": "Karen Carpenter",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who was Charlie McCarthy?",
"A": "a U.S. senator",
"B": "a Chicago gangster",
"C": "a famous baseball pitcher",
"D": "a wooden dummy",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who was not one of the Cartwright sons on the TV series 'Bonanza'?",
"A": "Adam",
"B": "Little Joe",
"C": "Hoss",
"D": "Ben",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who was on the $500 bill?",
"A": "Calvin Coolidge",
"B": "Andrew Jackson",
"C": "Aaron Burr",
"D": "William McKinley",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who was president of the United States when Bill Clinton was born?",
"A": "Herbert Hoover",
"B": "Harry S. Truman",
"C": "Franklin Roosevelt",
"D": "Dwight Eisenhower",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who was the English king at the time of the American Revolution?",
"A": "Charles I",
"B": "James I",
"C": "Edward III",
"D": "George III",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who was the first American in space?",
"A": "John Glenn",
"B": "Buzz Aldrin",
"C": "Alan Shepard",
"D": "Neil Armstrong",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who was the first First Lady to run for political office?",
"A": "Hillary Clinton",
"B": "Rosalynn Carter",
"C": "Bess Truman",
"D": "Eleanor Roosevelt",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who was the first US president to resign from that office?",
"A": "Martin Van Buren",
"B": "Andrew Jackson",
"C": "Andrew Johnson",
"D": "Richard Nixon",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who was the longest reigning monarch in French history?",
"A": "Louis XIII ",
"B": "Louis XIV",
"C": "Louis XV",
"D": "Louis XVI",
"answer": "B"
}, {
"question": "Who was the mother of the Greek god Zeus?",
"A": "Gaia",
"B": "Phoebe",
"C": "Rhea",
"D": "Hera",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who was the WNBA's Most Valuable Player of 1999?",
"A": "Rebecca Lobo",
"B": "Sheryl Swoopes",
"C": "Lisa Leslie",
"D": "Yolanda Griffith",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Who were the Chicago Seven?",
"A": "war protesters",
"B": "bluegrass musicians",
"C": "bank robbers",
"D": "mobsters",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who were the Know-Nothings?",
"A": "a '60's comedy troupe",
"B": "computer designers",
"C": "a political party",
"D": "a spy ring",
"answer": "C"
}, {
"question": "Who wrote 'A Tale of Two Cities'?",
"A": "Charles Dickens",
"B": "Nathaniel Hawthorne",
"C": "Washington Irving",
"D": "Mark Twain",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who wrote musicals with Oscar Hammerstein II?",
"A": "Richard Rodgers",
"B": "Rogers Hornsby",
"C": "Gilbert O' Sullivan",
"D": "George Rogers Clark",
"answer": "A"
}, {
"question": "Who wrote the lyrics of the Frank Sinatra anthem 'My Way'?",
"A": "Frank Sinatra",
"B": "Kris Krist offerson",
"C": "Carole King",
"D": "Paul Anka",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Whom did Billie Jean King defeat in the famous 'Battle of the Sexes' tennis match?",
"A": "Jimmy Connors",
"B": "Pete Sampras",
"C": "John McEnroe",
"D": "Bobby Riggs",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "Whose profile can you see on the front of dimes that are currently in circulation?",
"A": "George Washington",
"B": "Thomas Jefferson",
"C": "Benjamin Franklin",
"D": "Franklin Roosevelt",
"answer": "D"
}, {
"question": "With what would you use a wah-wah pedal?",
"A": "bicycle",
"B": "stock car",
"C": "electric guitar",
"D": "baby",
"answer": "C"
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