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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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* If you want to extend your ES5 objects with less ceremony, here's a function you can use to make your
* life a little easier. I originally included this in the post, but added too much information and
* not enough clarity. This may not be the best way to solve our problem, but it illuminates the process
* of automating inheritance to abstract it from your logic.
* This accompanies the blog post:
function extends(child, parent){
var childPrototype = child.prototype, // Stores a pointer
childPrototypeKeys = Object.keys(childPrototype);
child.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
child.prototype.constructor = child;
child.prototype[key] = childPrototype[key];
* Once our logic is abstracted away, our inheritance looks like this. You'll note that all of a sudden
* our code goes back to the more familiar, unencumbered ES5 style we have all come to understand.
function Greeter(){}
Greeter.prototype = {
greet: function(name){
console.log('Hello, ' + name + '.');
fooGreet: function(){
extends(Greeter, Fooer);
* Just like in the blog post, we can see the use of our object produces
* the inheritance characteristics we have come to expect.
var myGreeter = new Greeter();
myGreeter.greet('Chris'); // log: Hello, Chris.; // bar
myGreeter.fooGreet(); // log: Hello, bar.
myGreeter instanceof Greeter; // true
myGreeter instanceof Fooer; // true
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