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Cyril Nicodème cnicodeme

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cnicodeme /
Created July 3, 2023 14:45
I script that would run hourly to change the background wallpaper on Linux for images coming from Unsplash. They disabled so it doesn't work anymore.
# They stopped "" service
# So that script doesn't work anymore unfortunately ...
# If started as root, then re-start as user "gavenkoa":
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
exec sudo -H -u YOUR_USERNAME $0 "$@"
cnicodeme / clearhunt.js
Created April 5, 2023 06:53
Remove all the "AI" and "GPT" from Clears the UI too.
(function () {
const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebarWithSeparator')
if (sidebar) sidebar.remove()
const question = document.querySelector('[data-test="homepage-questions-card"]')
if (question) question.remove()
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.layoutContainer')
if (containers.length == 2) { containers[0].remove() }
cnicodeme /
Created March 6, 2023 11:22
Gets basics server health informations
# Inspired by, but updated for Python3
# Thanks!
import json, psutil
def update_top_info():
top_data = {}
cnicodeme /
Created February 6, 2023 15:18
Generate a list of incomes and Stripe fees, per months
import requests, datetime
STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY='' # Indicate your Stripe private key here
params = {
'limit': 100,
'created[gte]': int(datetime.datetime(year=2022, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0).timestamp()) # if you want to filter starting in the year 2022
operations = {}
cnicodeme /
Created December 30, 2022 09:06
Tags MP3 files to their appropriate ID3 tag based on their path and filename.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse, glob, os
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
except ImportError:
print('"mutagen" package is required for this to work.')
print('Please install it using pip or any other package manager')
cnicodeme /
Last active September 21, 2022 13:27
Will parse the local requirements.txt and prompt for updates when there is.
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# Parse the given requirements.txt file (defaults to the local one) and find updates from Pypi.
# Optional parameter "dry" will only show the changes without applying them.
from importlib.metadata import version
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from pkg_resources import Requirement
import requests, datetime, sys, subprocess, argparse
cnicodeme /
Created May 31, 2022 13:24
Autodeploy script for Github webhook, using Sanic server.
This scripts creates a new server listing at APP_PORT (default at 9001).
Can be put behind a Caddy server or directly facing the Internet by changing the APP_HOST value too
It receives a WEBHOOK request from Github, and based on the data, updates the local code if the push was made on the "prod" branch.
Then update the requirements.txt and update the database.
cnicodeme /
Last active November 1, 2023 17:24
Generate statistics for Cloudwatch based on the number of SpamAssassin Childs activity
# -*- config:utf-8 -*-
import boto3, asyncio, sys, os, datetime
def get_sa_max_children(default=12):
options = None
with open('/etc/default/spamassassin', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.find('OPTIONS=') == 0:
cnicodeme /
Last active March 4, 2021 10:12
Dictionnary of languages code (ISO-639-1) to their corresponding lang (Source: Wikpedia)
# Warning: This file looses the direction of the value (LTR/RTL)
"aa": "Afaraf",
"ab": "\u0410\u04a7\u0441\u0443\u0430",
"ae": "Avesta",
"af": "Afrikaans",
"ak": "Akan",
"am": "\u12a0\u121b\u122d\u129b",
cnicodeme / pdfshift.js
Created December 23, 2020 14:54
Convert a PDF using NodeJS and Axios
const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
function pdfshift(api_key, data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let asJson = false
if ('filename' in data || 'webhook' in data) {
asJson = true