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Cynthia Kiser cnk

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cnk /
Created November 26, 2024 17:27
Overriding RoutablePage to add caching headers
class BasePage(RobotsTxtMixin, Page):
BasePage exists to provide the default functionality that we want all (or nearly all) of our Page models to have.
Currently, that includes the following:
* RobotsTxtMixin adds the ability to place the Page into our robots.txt file, to hide it from search engines.
* The serve() method in this class adds Cache-Control headers to every Page when it gets served by Wagtail.
The values for the Cache-Control headers are a work in progress, and for now are basically either "don't cache
locally or on Cloudflare" OR "please cache on Cloudflare".
cnk /
Created September 22, 2024 19:02
StructBlock enforcing minimum size for images
class MixedMediaBlock(blocks.StructBlock):
A Block which can display an Image and/or a Video.
def __init__(self, local_blocks=None, **kwargs): # noqa
self.min_width = kwargs.get('min_width', None)
self.min_height = kwargs.get('min_height', None)
cnk /
Created July 10, 2024 20:58
Calendar views
class MasterCalendarPage(RoutablePageMixin, Page):
## Fields - including one that sets the default time period: day, week, month
## Helpers
def _build_date_filtered_queryset(self, site, start_date, end_date):
queryset = self.base_queryset(site)
if start_date:
# If the user selected a start date, exclude all events that ended before then.
queryset = queryset.exclude(end_date__lte=start_date)
class RedirectPage(Page):
destination = models.CharField(
'Destination URL',
help_text="If you want to redirect to an arbitrary URL, input it here. If redirecting off-site, the URL must "
"start with https://. If you want to redirect to a page on your site, use the Page field, instead.",
page = models.ForeignKey(
'wagtailcore.Page', # noqa
cnk /
Created March 27, 2024 16:05
Registering custom menu item groups where the "is shown" needs to be evaluated for each request
class CalendarViewSetGroup(SnippetViewSetGroup):
This class defines the Calendar menu, which is only displayed on www and on default sites from other servers.
items = [EventSeries2ViewSet, EventSponsor2ViewSet, EventTagViewSet, EventSeason2ViewSet, AcademicTermViewSet]
menu_icon = 'calendar-alt'
menu_label = 'Calendar'
menu_name = 'calendar'
# This puts the Calendar menu just below News.
menu_order = 110
cnk /
Created October 19, 2023 00:32
class NewsPage(Page):
# Other fields
writer = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True, default=get_current_user_full_name)
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
# ===================
# Utility Functions
cnk /
Created October 10, 2023 23:23
Overriding the ETAG decorator for wagtail document's serve method
# Replace the wagtaildocs serve() view to change the cache-control header that it returns.
# This prevents any cache besides the user's own browser from storing any potentially confidential document.
multitenant_document_serve = etag(document_etag)(cache_control(max_age=3600, private=True)(serve.__wrapped__))
patched_wagtail_urlpatterns = [
# This overrides the wagtaildocs_serve view.
re_path(r'^documents/(\d+)/(.*)$', multitenant_document_serve),
from wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models import RoutablePageMixin
from wagtail.models import Page, PageViewRestriction
from robots_txt.models import RobotsTxtMixin
from ..utils import URLMixin
# Typical cache durations, defined in seconds.
DEFAULT_PAGE_CACHE_TIME = 60 * 5 # 5 minutes
TWENTY_FOUR_HOURS = 60 * 60 * 24
cnk /
Last active October 30, 2023 09:18
Add custom attributes to a Wagtail page - but only when creating.
class CourseIndexPage(Page):
# ..... fields ......
class CourseIndexPageForm(WagtailAdminPageForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Sets up the Course selector to treat selecting null for the Edition as setting it to "current".
cnk /
Created August 14, 2023 16:33
Publication date field
class NewsPage(Page):
publication_date = models.DateTimeField(
help_text="This field will be automatically filled in once this news article is published. "
"After that, you may edit it. This date is used to sort articles and is displayed on the teaser."
exclude_fields_in_copy = [