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Created November 16, 2012 15:51
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(* Kevin Sullivan <[email protected]>, writing to the Coq-Club: *)
(* My students presented two solutions to the simple problem of applying a *)
(* function f n times to an argument x (iterated composition). The first says *)
(* apply f to the result of applying f n-1 times to x; the second, apply f n-1 *)
(* times to the result of applying f to x. I challenged one student to prove that *)
(* the programs are equivalent. This ought to be pretty easy based on the *)
(* associativity of composition. Your best solution? *)
Fixpoint ant {X: Type} (f: X->X) (x: X) (n: nat) : X :=
match n with
| O => x
| S n' => f (ant f x n')
Fixpoint ant' {X: Type} (f: X->X) (x: X) (n: nat) : X :=
match n with
| O => x
| S n' => ant' f (f x) n'
Theorem ant'_eq : forall (X:Type) f (x:X) n,
ant' f (f x) n = f (ant' f x n).
intros X f x n.
generalize dependent x.
induction n.
(* Case n = 0, trivial *) simpl. reflexivity.
(* Case n = S n *) simpl. intros x.
rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
Theorem equiv: forall (X: Type) (f: X->X) (x: X) (n: nat),
(ant f x n) = (ant' f x n).
intros X f x. induction n as [|n'].
(* n = 0 *)
simpl. reflexivity.
(* n = S n' *)
simpl. rewrite IHn'.
rewrite ant'_eq. reflexivity.
(* Jean-Francois Monin <[email protected]>: *)
(* Additional exercise: prove the following stronger version *)
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality. (* aw yeah *)
Theorem identical : forall (X: Type) (f: X->X) n,
(fun x => ant f x n) = (fun x => ant' f x n).
intros X f n.
apply functional_extensionality.
intros x. apply equiv.
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