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Forked from mattifestation/CollectDotNetEvents.ps1
Last active January 24, 2019 01:35
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A PoC script to capture relevant .NET runtime artifacts for the purposes of potential detections
function Start-DotNetEventCollection
[Parameter(Position = 0)]
[String] $TracePath = './dotNetTrace.etl',
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[String] $TraceName = 'dotNetTrace'
$Command = "logman --% start $TraceName -p Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime (JitKeyword,NGenKeyword,InteropKeyword,LoaderKeyword) win:Informational -o $TracePath -ets"
Write-Verbose $Command
$Output = iex $Command
Write-Verbose $Output
Write-Error $_
[PSCustomObject] @{
TraceName = $TraceName
TracePath = $TracePath
function Stop-DotNetEventCollection
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[String] $TraceName = 'dotNetTrace'
logman stop $TraceName -ets
function Get-DotNetEvents
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Alias('PID', 'Id')]
[int] $ProcessID,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[String] $TracePath = './dotNetTrace.etl'
$TargetProcessId = $ProcessID
$WorkflowCompilerEvents = Get-WinEvent -Path $TracePath -Oldest -FilterXPath "*[System[Execution[@ProcessID=$TargetProcessId]]]"
# Group events by event ID
$EventIDGrouping = $WorkflowCompilerEvents | Sort Id | Group Id
# Event ID 143 corresponds to the following ETW provider keyword: JitKeyword, NGenKeyword
$MethodLoadVerboseEvents = $EventIDGrouping | ? { $_.Name -eq '143' }
$MethodsCalled = $MethodLoadVerboseEvents.Group | % {
$Namespace = $_.Properties[6].Value
$Method = $_.Properties[7].Value
$MethodComponent0 = $_.Properties[8].Value.Split('(')[0].TrimEnd()
$MethodComponent1 = $_.Properties[8].Value.Split('(')[1]
"$($MethodComponent0) $($Namespace)$($Method)($($MethodComponent1)"
# Event ID 88 corresponds to the following ETW provider keyword: InteropKeyword
$ILStubStubGeneratedEvents = $EventIDGrouping | ? { $_.Name -eq '88' }
$MarshaledNativeMethods = $ILStubStubGeneratedEvents.Group | % {
$Namespace = $_.Properties[5].Value
$Method = $_.Properties[6].Value
$ReturnVal = $_.Properties[7].Value.Split('(')[0].TrimEnd()
$Signature = $_.Properties[7].Value.Split('(')[1]
"$($ReturnVal) $($Namespace).$($Method)($($Signature)"
# Event ID 151 corresponds to the following ETW provider keyword: LoaderKeyword
$LoaderDomainModuleLoadEvents = $EventIDGrouping | ? { $_.Name -eq '151' }
$ModuleLoads = $LoaderDomainModuleLoadEvents.Group | % {
# Event ID 154 corresponds to the following ETW provider keyword: LoaderKeyword
$LoaderAssemblyLoadEvents = $EventIDGrouping | ? { $_.Name -eq '154' }
$AssemblyLoads = $LoaderAssemblyLoadEvents.Group | % {
# Event ID 157 corresponds to the following ETW provider keyword: LoaderKeyword
$LoaderAppDomainUnloadEvents = $EventIDGrouping | ? { $_.Name -eq '157' }
$AppDomainUnloadLoads = $LoaderAppDomainUnloadEvents.Group | % {
# Event ID 187 corresponds to the following ETW provider keyword: LoaderKeyword
$RuntimeStartEvents = $EventIDGrouping | ? { $_.Name -eq '187' }
$CommandLines = $RuntimeStartEvents.Group | % {
[PSCustomObject] @{
ProcessID = $TargetProcessId
CommandLine = $CommandLines
AppDomainsLoaded = $AppDomainUnloadLoads
AssembliesLoaded = $AssemblyLoads
ModulesLoaded = $ModuleLoads
ManagedMethodsCalled = $MethodsCalled
PInvokeMethodsCalled = $MarshaledNativeMethods
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