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Last active September 19, 2019 21:11
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WebVTT Generation from Google Video Intelligence API


Install google client libraries:

pip3 install google-cloud-videointelligence

Enable Video Intelligence API

Create a service account and download it's JSON private key in a file called service_account.json.


Upload a video to GCS, and run the CLI command. Subtitles are saved to local filestystem & printed to STDOUT. Realize the Transcribing process can takes longer than the video's duration.

Example CLI:

./ \
    --video=gs://us-central1-cdn-test-files/static-mp4/stay_tuned.mp4 \
    --service_account=service_account.json \

fine tuning subtitling

In method is_break_point there's 3 variables, max_time, min_num_of_words, max_num_of_words. Feel free to modify to fine tune subtitle performance.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2017 The Abseil Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Author: jimmymkude@ / bookman@
This script takes in Cloud VideoIntelligence API Speech Transcription response and converts to WebVTT.
Modify is_break_point for max words / min words / max time per subtitle logic.
Before running install google-cloud-videointelligence API:
`pip3 install google-cloud-videointelligence`
Auth is done through a service account. Which needs Video Intelligence & GCS permissions.
python3 --video=<gcs url> --service_account=service_account.json --out=subtitle.vtt
./ \
--video=gs://us-central1-cdn-test-files/static-mp4/stay_tuned.mp4 \
--service_account=service_account.json \
import argparse
import json
import math
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
from import videointelligence
def main():
args = arg_parse()
# Client is not thread safe.
# However, one should re-use client within the
# same thread, and avoid creating a new client
# per user request.
video_client = (videointelligence
alternatives = transcribe(video_client,
captions = break_down_transcriptions(alternatives)
vtt = gen_vtt(captions)
f = open(args.out, 'w')
def arg_parse():
"""Parses args from cli."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='WebVTT Caption Video in GCS.')
'--video', type=str, required=True,
help='gcs path to video, e.g: gs://mybucket/myvideo.mp4')
'--service_account', type=str, required=True,
help='path to service account, e.g: service_account.json')
'--out', type=str, required=True,
help='where to write vtt subtitles, e.g: subtitles.vtt')
return parser.parse_args()
def transcribe(video_client, gcs_video_path, language='en-US'):
"""Transcribes video file in gcs."""
features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.SPEECH_TRANSCRIPTION]
config = videointelligence.types.SpeechTranscriptionConfig(
video_context = videointelligence.types.VideoContext(
operation = video_client.annotate_video(
gcs_video_path, features=features,
result = operation.result(timeout=600)
# There is only one annotation_result since only
# one video is processed.
return (result
def duration_to_seconds(duration):
"""Converts Protobuf Duration into second float."""
return duration.seconds + (duration.nanos * 1e-9)
def is_punctuation(char):
if len(char) != 1:
return False
punctuations = {'.', ',', '!', '?', ':', ';'}
return char in punctuations
def is_break_point(word, diff, numberOfWordsInSentence):
max_time = 3 # seconds
min_num_of_words = 2
max_num_of_words = 14
last_char = word[(len(word) - 1)]
# Max time elapsed
if diff >= max_time:
return True
# End of sentance, and line length longer than min allowed
if is_punctuation(last_char) and numberOfWordsInSentence >= min_num_of_words:
return True
# More than max words per line
if numberOfWordsInSentence >= max_num_of_words:
return True
return False
def seconds_to_timestring(elapsed):
seconds = elapsed % 60
elapsed -= seconds
hours = math.floor(elapsed / 60 / 60)
elapsed -= hours * 60 * 60
minutes = math.floor(elapsed / 60)
return '{}:{}:{:.3f}'.format(hours, minutes, seconds)
def gen_vtt(captions):
out = 'WEBVTT\n\n'
for caption in captions:
start = seconds_to_timestring(caption['videoSegment']['startTimeOffset'])
end = seconds_to_timestring(caption['videoSegment']['endTimeOffset'])
out += '{} --> {}\n'.format(start, end)
out += caption['transcript'] + '\n'
out += '\n'
return out
def break_down_transcriptions(alternatives):
captions = []
for alternative in alternatives:
start_time = duration_to_seconds(alternative.words[0].start_time)
transcript = ''
num_words_in_segment = 0
for word in alternative.words:
if not transcript:
start_time = duration_to_seconds(word.start_time)
end_time = duration_to_seconds(word.end_time)
diff = end_time - start_time
transcript += word.word + ' '
num_words_in_segment += 1
if is_break_point(word.word, diff, num_words_in_segment):
# found break point.
video_segment = {
'startTimeOffset': start_time,
'endTimeOffset': end_time
# Gets rid of unnecessary white space
# at the end of a caption.
if transcript[-1] == ' ':
transcript = transcript[:-1]
caption = {
'transcript': transcript,
'confidence': alternative.confidence,
'videoSegment': video_segment,
transcript = ''
num_words_in_segment = 0
return captions
if __name__ == '__main__':
./ \
--video=gs://us-central1-cdn-test-files/static-mp4/stay_tuned.mp4 \
--service_account=service_account.json \
0:0:1.500 --> 0:0:4.500
Is this a scene from an action movie where this wild
0:0:4.500 --> 0:0:6.200
Chase actually happened?
0:0:6.300 --> 0:0:6.700
Hey guys,
0:0:6.700 --> 0:0:7.200
it's David.
0:0:7.200 --> 0:0:7.900
Dobrik. What's up?
0:0:7.900 --> 0:0:8.600
Dave? Good to see you,
0:0:8.600 --> 0:0:9.100
dude. Hey,
0:0:10.400 --> 0:0:12.200
yeah. Well you've been doing this for a year now,
0:0:12.200 --> 0:0:13.900
so might as well take a little bit of a break.
0:0:14.000 --> 0:0:17.300
I got it from here right on I'll see you later plus
0:0:17.300 --> 0:0:19.600
how one sign and Harry Styles totally changed.
0:0:19.600 --> 0:0:20.600
This girl's life.
0:0:21.400 --> 0:0:24.500
This is seriously nuts Las Vegas Police
0:0:24.500 --> 0:0:28.000
rolled up on these two suspected Killers driving in that black SUV,
0:0:28.000 --> 0:0:31.000
but when they try to stop it all hell broke loose
0:0:32.200 --> 0:0:35.300
those guys raced off shooting back at the officer and at times
0:0:35.300 --> 0:0:38.700
the cop shot back at them blasting bullets right through the windshield
0:0:38.700 --> 0:0:41.000
dozens of shots while flying back and forth.
0:0:41.000 --> 0:0:44.100
It all ended with those guys finally crashing into a school their
0:0:44.100 --> 0:0:47.900
car was all shot up and one of those suspects died those
0:0:47.900 --> 0:0:49.700
soccer players who were stuck in a tie case.
0:0:49.700 --> 0:0:52.700
They thought they were hallucinating during the rescue and now they
0:0:52.700 --> 0:0:54.600
want to get ordained as monks together.
0:0:54.800 --> 0:0:57.800
This deadly wild fire is still burning near Yosemite.
0:0:57.800 --> 0:0:58.800
It's already torn through.
0:0:58.800 --> 0:0:59.800
12,000 Acres.
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