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Created July 17, 2019 21:27
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How to build GPGMail without Trial/License Foo

Instructions for Mojave:

  1. Go to and download the source code or checkout the mojave branch from [email protected]:GPGTools/GPGMail.git
  2. Open GPGMail/GPGMail.xcodeproj with XCode and do not convert
  3. File -> Project Preferences -> Shared Project Settings -> Build System, set to Legacy Build System
  4. Navigate to GPGMail/Classes/Logic/GPGMailBundle.m, hasActiveContractOrActiveTrial and add make it to always return true
  5. Build
  6. Restart
  7. in Mail go to Mail -> Preferences -> General -> Manage Plug-Ins... and enable GPGMail.mailbundle
  8. Apply and restart...

If you can afford it, pay them. Please.

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