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Created November 30, 2011 22:09
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# Mac Bootstrap Script
# (C) 2011 - @codatory
# "It might work for you, too."
echo '--------------------------------'
echo " $*"
echo '--------------------------------'
echo ''
read -p 'Press any key to continue...'
pretty_echo Installing XCode
pretty_echo Installing Homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
pretty_echo Installing Git
brew install git git-utils git-extras
pretty_echo Installing ack
brew install ack
pretty_echo Installing aspell-en
brew install aspell --lang=en
pretty_echo Installing Node.js
brew install node
pretty_echo Installing databases
brew install mysql mysql-connector-c postgresql sqlite
pretty_echo Installing networking tools
brew install arping mtr unison youtube-dl pianobar iperf
pretty_echo Installing other stuff I might need
brew install csshx curl freetds sshfs gist growlnotify imagemagick graphviz markdown wget
pretty_echo RVM
bash < <(curl -s )
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