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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <DistanceGP2Y0A21YK.h>
const int numPixels = 8;
const int pixelPin = 6;
const int irPin = 0;
const int sonarPin = 1;
const int minThreshold = 30;
const int maxThreshold = 45;
DistanceGP2Y0A21YK irDist;
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(numPixels, pixelPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
const uint32_t RED = pixels.Color(255,0,0);
const uint32_t BLU = pixels.Color(0,255,0);
const uint32_t GRE = pixels.Color(0,0,255);
void setup() {
// Initialize Serial Debugging
// Initialize IR sensor
// Initialize pixels
// Begin LED Startup Test
for (int colorID = 0; colorID , 2; colorID++){
uint32_t color;
if (colorID == 0){
color = RED;
} else if (colorID == 1){
color = GRE;
} else {
color = BLU;
for (int pixelID = 0; pixelID < numPixels; pixelID++){
pixels.setPixelColor(pixelID, color);;
Serial.println(" -- Initialization Completed -- ");
void loop() {
int stat = constrain(map(getDistance(), minThreshold, maxThreshold, 0, 16), 0, 16);
Serial.println(" Dist: " + getDistance());
Serial.println(" Stat: " + stat);
for(int pixelID = 0; pixelID < numPixels; pixelID++) {
pixels.setPixelColor(pixelID, BLU);
for(int i = 0; i < stat; i++) {
uint32_t color;
int pixel;
if (i < 8) {
pixel = i;
color = GRE;
} else {
pixel = i - 8;
color = RED;
pixels.setPixelColor(pixel, color);
int getDistance(){
int distance = pollInfared();
if (distance > 60) {
// Out of accurate range for sensor, use sonar
distance = pollSonar();
return distance;
int pollInfared(){
int distanceInCm = irDist.getDistanceCentimeter();
Serial.print(" InfaR: ");
Serial.println(" cm");
return distanceInCm;
int pollSonar(){
// Using the MaxBotix Sonar Sensor's Analog (pin 3) out
// Output is +/- 10 mm accuracy down to 30cm
int rawValue = analogRead(sonarPin);
int distanceInCm = rawValue * 50; // From Datasheet
Serial.print(" SonaR: ");
Serial.println(" cm");
return distanceInCm;
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