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Last active August 20, 2018 01:04
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  • Save codatory/f0c7156d7ad71e10c58f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save codatory/f0c7156d7ad71e10c58f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#! /usr/local/env ruby
require "uri"
## ____ _ _
## / ___|___ _ __ ___| |_ __ _ _ __ | |_ ___
## | | / _ \| '_ \/ __| __/ _` | '_ \| __/ __|
## | |__| (_) | | | \__ \ || (_| | | | | |_\__ \
## \____\___/|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_| |_|\__|___/
LOGFILE ="#{Dir.pwd}/netcheck.txt", 'a')
LOGFILE.sync = true
:name => "Cachefly",
:url => ""
:name => "Linode, Atlanta, GA, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "Linode, Dallas, TX, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "Vultr, Chicago, IL",
:url => ""
:name => "Vultr, NY/NJ",
:url => ""
:name => "OVH, BHS",
:url => ""
:name => "FDC Chicago",
:url => ""
:name => "FDC Chicago (Cogent)",
:url => ""
:name => "Leaseweb, Manassas, VA, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "DigitalOcean (NYC3)",
:url => ""
:name => "DigitalOcean (NYC2)",
:url => ""
:name => "Softlayer, Seattle, WA, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "Softlayer, San Jose, CA, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "Softlayer, Washington, DC, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "Softlayer, Dallas, TX, USA",
:url => ""
:name => "Facebook Mirror",
:url => ""
:name => "USSG @ IU Mirror",
:url => ""
SERVERS.each do |server|
uri = URI.parse(server[:url])
puts "Performing traceroute to #{server[:name]}"
puts trace = `mtr -rw #{uri.hostname}`
puts "Performing HTTP speed test"
puts speed =`wget -O /dev/null #{server[:url]} 2>&1 | awk '/\\/dev\\/null/ {speed=\$3 \$4} END {gsub(/\\(|\\)/,"",speed); print speed}'`
puts "Appending logfile..."
LOGFILE << "#{} - #{server[:name]} \n"
LOGFILE << trace
LOGFILE << "\n"
LOGFILE << speed
LOGFILE << "\n\n"
LOGFILE << "=====================================================\n\n"
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