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Created August 31, 2016 00:00
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command! -buffer -nargs=0 -bang GhcModImport call Autoimport(<bang>0)
function! Autoimport(force) "{{{
let l:identifier = ghcmod#getHaskellIdentifier()
let l:parts = split(l:identifier, '\.')
" `ghc-mod sig` is available since v5.0.0.
let l:cmd = ghcmod#build_command(['find', l:parts[-1]])
let l:lines = split(ghcmod#system(l:cmd), '\n')
if len(l:lines) >= 1
let l:module = l:lines[0]
let l:view = winsaveview()
normal! G
let l:loc = search('^import\s', 'bceW')
if l:loc == 0
" no existing imports, find a module declaration
if search('^module\s', 'bceW') == 0
" no module, put it in what's almost certainly the wrong place
call cursor(1)
normal! }
" find the matching "where", and add a blank line
normal! /where<CR>o<esc>
let l:modrex = '\V\^import\s\+'.escape(l:module, '\').'\s\*\(\n\|\s\+(\)'
if len(l:parts) > 1
let l:qual = join(l:parts[:-2], '.')
let l:modrex = '\V\^import\s\+qualified\s\+'.escape(l:module, '\').'\s\+as\s\+'.escape(l:qual, '\').'\s\*\(\n\|\s\+(\)'
if search(l:modrex, 'bcW') != 0
throw "trying to update existing import"
let l:import = "import " . l:module . l:qual . ' (' . l:parts[-1] . ')'
execute "normal! o" . l:import . "\<esc>"
call winrestview(l:view)
execute "normal! j"
echom 'Added statement ' . l:import
echo 'Symbol not found'
endfunction "}}}
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