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Created September 26, 2022 13:57
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Longest Repeating Character with Replacement
// This isn't the most optimal kotlin code. but it is one that solves all cases.
class Solution {
fun characterReplacement(s: String, k: Int): Int {
val n = s.length
val maxCharMap = mutableMapOf<Char, Int>();
var left = 0
var maxCount = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.toInt()
var newMax = maxCount
var maxLen = maxCount
var char: Char? = null;
var strLen: Int = 0
var minCharFlip: Int = 0
for (right in 0..n-1) {
char = s[right]
strLen = right.minus(left) + 1
maxCharMap.put(char, maxCharMap.getOrDefault(char, 0) + 1)
newMax = (
maxCharMap.getOrElse(char) { 0 }
minCharFlip = strLen.minus(newMax)
when (minCharFlip > k) {
true -> {
s[left], maxCharMap.getOrDefault(s[left], 0) - 1)
strLen = right.minus(left).plus(1)
maxCharMap.forEach { (key, value) ->
maxCount = maxOf(maxCount, value)
else -> maxCount = newMax
maxLen = maxOf(maxLen, strLen)
return maxLen
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