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Created September 27, 2022 13:37
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Find All Anagrams in a String
"""Given two strings s and p, return an array of all the start indices of p's anagrams in s.
You may return the answer in any order.
An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase,
typically using all the original letters exactly once.
from collections import Counter
class Solution:
def findAnagrams(self, s: str, p: str) -> List[int]:
left = 0
p_len = len(p)
test_str_ctr = Counter()
p_counter = Counter(p)
start_idx_list = []
for right, char in enumerate(s):
distance = right - left + 1
test_str_ctr[char] = test_str_ctr.get(char, 0) + 1
# print(f"left={left} right={right} distance = {distance} test_str_ctr={test_str_ctr}")
if distance == p_len and test_str_ctr == p_counter:
start_idx_list += [left]
# print(f"start_idx_list={start_idx_list}")
if distance == p_len:
last_char = s[left]
test_str_ctr[last_char] -= 1
if test_str_ctr[last_char] == 0:
left += 1
return start_idx_list
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